Artigo: Extreme Rainfall Events in the Macrometropolis of São Paulo: Trends and Connection with Climate Oscillations

  Abstract: In this work, the trend of extreme rainfall indices in the macrometropolis of São Paulo (MMSP) was analyzed and correlated with large-scale climatic oscillations. A cluster analysis divided a set of rain gauge stations ...

Artigo: Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling of the Upper Paraná River Basin.

The Upper Paraná River Basin (UPRB) has undergone many rapid land use changes in recent decades, due to accelerating population growth. Thus, the prediction of water resources has crucial importance in improving planning and ...

Artigo: Stationary and non-stationary detection of extreme precipitation events and trends of average precipitation from 1980 to 2010 in the Paraná River basin, Brazil.

The main objective of this study was to investigate the trends on average and extreme events in time series of daily precipitation from 1980 to 2010 in the Paraná River basin, Brazil. The nonparametric Mann–Kendall test was applied to ...

Artigo: Land cover data of Upper Parana River Basin, South America, at high spatial resolution.

This study presents a new land cover map for the Upper Paraná River Basin (UPRB-2015), with high spatial resolution (30 m), and a high number of calibration and validation sites. To the new map, 50 Landsat-8 scenes were classified with ...

Artigo: Spatial trends of extreme precipitation events in the Paraná River Basin.

This work presents an analysis of the observed trends in extreme precipitation events in the Paraná River basin (PRB) from 1977 to 2016 (40 yr) based on daily records from 853 stations. The Mann–Kendall test and ...

Dimensões sociais das mudanças climáticas

  O enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas não está restrito apenas ao campo das ciências naturais e físicas. A contribuição das ciências sociais, especificamente a sociologia, tem ganhado força nos últimos anos, por se tratar de ...

Artigo: Trends in extreme rainfall and hydrogeometeorological disasters in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo: a review

This work presents an analysis of the observed trends in extreme precipitation events in the Paraná River basin (PRB) from 1977 to 2016 (40 yr) based on daily records from 853 stations. The Mann–Kendall test and ...

Artigo: The impact of future urban scenarios on a severe weather case in the metropolitan area of São Paulo.

In this work, convective parameters are applied, based on numerical simulations made with Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS) model, to a severe weather case which occurred in the metropolitan area of São Paulo ...

Debate na USP reúne mulheres para discutir efeitos da COP-25

A Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (COP-25), realizada em Madri, na Espanha, em dezembro de 2019, frustrou a audiência ao adiar um conjunto de decisões significativas para 2020, como a decisão sobre a regulamentação ...

Pedro Jacobi: “desastres anunciados não são fatalidades”

  Os “desastres anunciados”, como as últimas enchentes que ocorreram em grandes cidades como São Paulo e Belo Horizonte, não podem ser vistos como meras fatalidades. Isso porque, na maioria dos casos, podem ser previstos e ...