
Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt

Possui graduação em Engenharia de Computação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (2001), mestrado em Informática pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (2004) e doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2008). Atualmente é professor associado da Universidade Federal do ABC, onde atua desde 2010 nos cursos de graduação de Ciência e Tecnologia, Engenharia de Informação e Ciência da Computação. É pesquisador do Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia de Informação. As áreas de interesse são Internet das Coisas, redes sem fio, segurança de redes e blockchain. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • http://lattes.cnpq.br/8288566727400452 (08/12/2023)
  • Rótulo/Grupo: CECS
  • Bolsa CNPq:
  • Período de análise: 2010-HOJE
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal do ABC, Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. R. Santa Adélia, 166 Bangu 09210-170 - Santo Andre, SP - Brasil URL da Homepage: http://professor.ufabc.edu.br/~joao.kleinschmidt
  • Grande área: Engenharias
  • Área: Engenharia Elétrica
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (8)
    1. 2021-Atual. COSMIC-SWAMP: IoT Enabled Cosmic Ray Sensors for Irrigation Monitoring
      Descrição: Approximately 70% of fresh water usage worldwide is for irrigation purposes, therefore the adoption of novel irrigation approaches such as IoT enabled precision irrigation has the potential to improve resource efficiency within the agricultural sector, and build resilience to climate change related water shocks at a global level. One difficulty in adopting smart irrigation farming practices comes from a lack of efficient methods to continuously monitor soil moisture within the root zone with high precision. Up until the last decade, measurements have typically relied on traditional invasive point scale sensors, or satellite data for continuous monitoring. The challenge with both of these monitoring methods is that they do not provide an optimal solution for the measurement scales required for irrigation farming, with many point probes required to accurately account for soil heterogeneity over even a modest size site, and satellite data being too coarse a resolution for data-driven precision irrigation to be a viable option. Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) has been adopted in the environmental and hydrological sensing community in the past ten years as an alternative way to non-invasively measure soil moisture. Since a single neutron detector can have a sensitive footprint up to 200 m away, the technique can provide a volumetric water content estimate at a length scale that is better suited for monitoring of typical agricultural fields, and fills the gap between point probes and satellite data. One major challenge faced by the CRNS technique is that the Helium-3 detector systems used to date can be costly, limiting its usefulness in cost limited applications. To avoid this, several groups have begun developing low cost alternatives to Helium-3 based systems, and the field is reaching a critical point in which the technique could become a viable solution for precision irrigation agriculture. This proposal aims to bring together leaders in the development and utilisation of soil moisture sensors for agriculture to understand how a powerful hydrological monitoring technique, cosmic ray neutron sensing, could be adapted to best suit irrigation monitoring. By modifying two newly developed low cost cosmic ray neutron sensors so that they can interface directly with an Internet-of-Things Smart Water Management Platform (SWAMP) network, it will be possible to correlate cosmic ray neutron data with a variety of other data streams in almost real time to support data driven precision irrigation modelling within agriculture in a standardised way. Testing these systems at a pivot irrigation site in Brazil made available to the researchers through the international network, will provide the first demonstration of this interface on a full scale SWAMP network, and will place the research network in a strong position to apply the sensors to range of other precision irrigation applications in the future.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
      Descrição: Approximately 70% of fresh water usage worldwide is for irrigation purposes, therefore the adoption of novel irrigation approaches such as IoT enabled precision irrigation has the potential to improve resource efficiency within the agricultural sector, and build resilience to climate change related water shocks at a global level. One difficulty in adopting smart irrigation farming practices comes from a lack of efficient methods to continuously monitor soil moisture within the root zone with high precision. Up until the last decade, measurements have typically relied on traditional invasive point scale sensors, or satellite data for continuous monitoring. The challenge with both of these monitoring methods is that they do not provide an optimal solution for the measurement scales required for irrigation farming, with many point probes required to accurately account for soil heterogeneity over even a modest size site, and satellite data being too coarse a resolution for data-driven precision irrigation to be a viable option. Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) has been adopted in the environmental and hydrological sensing community in the past ten years as an alternative way to non-invasively measure soil moisture. Since a single neutron detector can have a sensitive footprint up to 200 m away, the technique can provide a volumetric water content estimate at a length scale that is better suited for monitoring of typical agricultural fields, and fills the gap between point probes and satellite data. One major challenge faced by the CRNS technique is that the Helium-3 detector systems used to date can be costly, limiting its usefulness in cost limited applications. To avoid this, several groups have begun developing low cost alternatives to Helium-3 based systems, and the field is reaching a critical point in which the technique could become a viable solution for precision irrigation agriculture. This proposal aims to bring together leaders in the development and utilisation of soil moisture sensors for agriculture to understand how a powerful hydrological monitoring technique, cosmic ray neutron sensing, could be adapted to best suit irrigation monitoring. By modifying two newly developed low cost cosmic ray neutron sensors so that they can interface directly with an Internet-of-Things Smart Water Management Platform (SWAMP) network, it will be possible to correlate cosmic ray neutron data with a variety of other data streams in almost real time to support data driven precision irrigation modelling within agriculture in a standardised way. Testing these systems at a pivot irrigation site in Brazil made available to the researchers through the international network, will provide the first demonstration of this interface on a full scale SWAMP network, and will place the research network in a strong position to apply the sensors to range of other precision irrigation applications in the future.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO H. - Integrante / PRATI, RONALDO C. - Integrante. Financiador(es): (FAPESP) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Cooperação.
      Membro: Carlos Alberto Kamienski.
    2. 2021-Atual. PROFISSA - Programmable Future Internet for Secure Software Architectures
      Descrição: PROFISSA project is proposed to investigate, map and advance the use of software engineering techniques when applied to pro- grammable networks in order to improve the structural and functional quality and the process of developing network programs. The project will provide a modular and reusable code framework for network programs developed with good development practices. In addition, the network pro- grams developed in the project will be executed in real environments of programmable networks implemented on a testbed for the development and analysis of network software. To this end, the integration between RNP and the FABRIC project is sought, to create real programmable network environments of the latest generation, taking into account, for example, the use of programmability in the data plan with the use of devices that support P4.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Integrante / Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville - Coordenador.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
      Descrição: PROFISSA project is proposed to investigate, map and advance the use of software engineering techniques when applied to pro- grammable networks in order to improve the structural and functional quality and the process of developing network programs. The project will provide a modular and reusable code framework for network programs developed with good development practices. In addition, the network pro- grams developed in the project will be executed in real environments of programmable networks implemented on a testbed for the development and analysis of network software. To this end, the integration between RNP and the FABRIC project is sought, to create real programmable network environments of the latest generation, taking into account, for example, the use of programmability in the data plan with the use of devices that support P4.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (4) . Integrantes: Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Integrante / Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville - Coordenador.
      Membro: Carlos Alberto Kamienski.
    3. 2019-Atual. IoT-based Applications for Smart Cities and Smart Farming
      Descrição: The Internet of Things (IoT) allows people and objects to be connected at any time, from anywhere, using standard networks and protocols to access innovative smart services. Cities are becoming smarter for citizens and the municipal government, as new and existing technologies are increasingly used to the development of a substantial variety of services and applicationsOn the other hand, in farms, the use of technology to add intelligence to the agriculture and livestock activities still has a huge potential to generate significant advances. The main objective of the SmartIoT project is to investigate the use of IoT and related technologies in the development of innovative applications for smart cities and smart farming. SmartIoT is a subproject of the Institutional Project of The Federal University of ABC (UFABC) funded by the CAPES PRINT Program.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / Claudio Penteado - Integrante / Itana Stiubiener - Integrante / Fabricio Olivetti de França - Integrante / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante / Flávio Eduardo Aoki Horita - Integrante. Financiador(es): Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
      Descrição: The Internet of Things (IoT) allows people and objects to be connected at any time, from anywhere, using standard networks and protocols to access innovative smart services. Cities are becoming smarter for citizens and the municipal government, as new and existing technologies are increasingly used to the development of a substantial variety of services and applicationsOn the other hand, in farms, the use of technology to add intelligence to the agriculture and livestock activities still has a huge potential to generate significant advances. The main objective of the SmartIoT project is to investigate the use of IoT and related technologies in the development of innovative applications for smart cities and smart farming. SmartIoT is a subproject of the Institutional Project of The Federal University of ABC (UFABC) funded by the CAPES PRINT Program.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / Claudio Penteado - Integrante / Stiubiener, Itana - Integrante / Fabricio Olivetti de França - Integrante / João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante / HORITA, FLÁVIO - Integrante. Financiador(es): Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Cooperação.
      Membro: Carlos Alberto Kamienski.
    4. 2017-2021. Smart Water Management Platform (SWAMP)
      Descrição: The SWAMP project develops IoT based methods and approaches for smart water management in precision irrigation domain, and pilots them in Italy, Spain, and Brazil (2). Water is vital for ensuring food security to the world´s population, and agriculture is the biggest consumer amounting for 70% of freshwater. The water wastages are caused mainly by leakages in distribution and irrigation systems, and in the field application methods. The most common technique, surface irrigation wastes a high percentage of the water by wetting areas where no plants benefit from it. Localized irrigation can use water more efficiently and effectively, avoiding both under-irrigation and over-irrigation. However, in an attempt to avoid under-irrigation, farmers feed more water than is needed resulting not only to productivity losses, but also water is wasted. Therefore, technology should be developed and deployed for sensing the level of water needed by the plantation and for flowing the water to places where and when needed. The SWAMP project addresses these issues by use of the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, autonomous devices and other related technologies. The challenges addressed by SWAMP project are following: 1) Reducing effort in software development for IoT-based smart applications. 2) Automating advanced platforms and integrating different technologies and components. 3) The integration of heterogeneous and advanced sensors, particularly flying sensors (drones) providing precision in the water supply for irrigation. 4) The use of a Software Platform together with technologies such as IoT, Big Data, Cloud/Fog and drones for the deployment of pilot applications for smart water management. 5) Proposing, testing and validating new business models for using IoT in smart water management settings. 6) Technological components must be flexible and adaptable enough in order to adapt to different contexts and to be replicable to different locations and contexts.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: / Mestrado profissional: (2) / Doutorado: (5) . Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante. Financiador(es): European Comission - Auxílio financeiro / Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
      Descrição: The SWAMP project develops IoT based methods and approaches for smart water management in precision irrigation domain, and pilots them in Italy, Spain, and Brazil (2). Water is vital for ensuring food security to the world?s population, and agriculture is the biggest consumer amounting for 70% of freshwater. The water wastages are caused mainly by leakages in distribution and irrigation systems, and in the field application methods. The most common technique, surface irrigation wastes a high percentage of the water by wetting areas where no plants benefit from it. Localized irrigation can use water more efficiently and effectively, avoiding both under-irrigation and over-irrigation. However, in an attempt to avoid under-irrigation, farmers feed more water than is needed resulting not only to productivity losses, but also water is wasted. Therefore, technology should be developed and deployed for sensing the level of water needed by the plantation and for flowing the water to places where and when needed. The SWAMP project addresses these issues by use of the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, autonomous devices and other related technologies. The challenges addressed by SWAMP project are following: 1) Reducing effort in software development for IoT-based smart applications. 2) Automating advanced platforms and integrating different technologies and components. 3) The integration of heterogeneous and advanced sensors, particularly flying sensors (drones) providing precision in the water supply for irrigation. 4) The use of a Software Platform together with technologies such as IoT, Big Data, Cloud/Fog and drones for the deployment of pilot applications for smart water management. 5) Proposing, testing and validating new business models for using IoT in smart water management settings. 6) Technological components must be flexible and adaptable enough in order to adapt to different contexts and to be replicable to different locations and contexts. http://swamp-project.org/. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Mestrado acadêmico: (2) Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / Stenio Fernandes - Integrante / João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante / Alexandre Heideker - Integrante / Ivan Zyrianoff - Integrante / Rodrigo Filev Maia - Integrante / Andre Torre Neto - Integrante / Luis Henrique Bassoi - Integrante / Marcos Cezar Visoli - Integrante. Financiador(es): European Comission - Auxílio financeiro / Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Carlos Alberto Kamienski.
    5. 2015-2018. Estudo de protocolos para Internet das Coisas
      Descrição: Neste projeto são estudados protocolos padronizados para IoT. Os principais protocolos analisados são o RPL, CoAP, 6LoWPAN e DTLS. Os cenários estudados focam aspectos de mobilidade e segurança.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (1) / Mestrado acadêmico: (2) . Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Coordenador.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
    6. 2013-2021. NUVEM - Nucleo Estrategico de Universos Virtuais, Entretenimento e Mobilidade
      Descrição: O Núcleo Estratégico de Universos Virtuais, Entretenimento e Mobilidade (NUVEM) tem o objetivo de produzir novos conhecimentos, formar recursos humanos de alto nível e gerar soluções inovadoras e interdisciplinares em áreas relacionadas com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) e suas interações com demandas da sociedade, como melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos e sustentabilidade.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / Claudio Penteado - Integrante / Itana Stiubiener - Integrante / Helio Waldman - Integrante / Celso Setsuo Kurashima - Integrante / Denise Hideko Goya - Integrante / Fabricio Olivetti de França - Integrante / Gustavo Souza Pavani - Integrante / Harlen Costa Batagelo - Integrante / Jesus Mena-Chalco - Integrante / João Paulo Gois - Integrante / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante / Sérgio Amadeu de Oliveira - Integrante.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
      Descrição: O Núcleo Estratégico de Universos Virtuais, Entretenimento e Mobilidade (NUVEM) tem o objetivo de produzir novos conhecimentos, formar recursos humanos de alto nível e gerar soluções inovadoras e interdisciplinares em áreas relacionadas com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) e suas interações com demandas da sociedade, como melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos e sustentabilidade.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Jesús Pascual Mena Chalco - Integrante / João Paulo Gois - Integrante / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Coordenador / André Guilherme Balan - Integrante / Celso Setsuo Kurashima - Integrante / Claudio de Camargo Penteado - Integrante / Denise Hideko Goya - Integrante / Fabiana Soares Santana - Integrante / Fabricio Olivetti de França - Integrante / Gustavo Sousa Pavani - Integrante / Harlen Costa Batagelo - Integrante / Helio Waldman - Integrante / Itana Stiubiener - Integrante / João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Juliana Cristina Braga - Integrante / Luiz Henrique Bonani - Integrante / Sergio Amadeu de Oliveira - Integrante.
      Membro: Jesus Pascual Mena Chalco.
      Descrição: O Núcleo Estratégico de Universos Virtuais, Entretenimento e Mobilidade (NUVEM) tem o objetivo de produzir novos conhecimentos, formar recursos humanos de alto nível e gerar soluções inovadoras e interdisciplinares em áreas relacionadas com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) e suas interações com demandas da sociedade, como melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos e sustentabilidade.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Fabricio Olivetti de França - Coordenador / Gustavo Sousa Pavani - Integrante / Ronaldo Cristiano Prati - Integrante / João Paulo Góis - Integrante / Carlos Alberto Kamienski - Integrante / Claudio Penteado - Integrante / Itana Stiubiener - Integrante / Helio Waldman - Integrante / André Guilherme Balan - Integrante / Celso Setsuo Kurashima - Integrante / Denise Hideko Goya - Integrante / Fabiana Soares Santana - Integrante / Harlen Costa Batagelo - Integrante / Jesus Mena-Chalco - Integrante / João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Integrante / Juliana Cristina Braga - Integrante / Luiz Henrique Bonani - Integrante / Sergio Amadeu de Oliveira - Integrante.
      Membro: Fabricio Olivetti de Franca.
    7. 2012-2015. Arquitetura e Estrategias de Seguranca para Internet das Coisas e Redes de Sensores
      Descrição: Este projeto propõe uma arquitetura de segurança para redes de sensores e atuadores sem fio e sua integração com a Internet das Coisas. Nesta arquitetura serão implementados diferentes mecanismos de segurança, com ênfase na distribuição de chaves, algoritmos de criptografia e autenticação. Edital Universal MCT/CNPq - N º 14/2012 Nº do Processo: 473671/2012-3. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (2) / Mestrado acadêmico: (2) . Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.
    8. 2010-2012. Gerenciamento e Seguranca Para Redes de Sensores e Atuadores Sem Fio
      Descrição: O objetivo do projeto é propor e implementar uma arquitetura de gerenciamento e segurança para redes de sensores e atuadores sem fio (RSASFs). O gerenciamento é feito utilizando uma arquitetura orientada a serviços (SOA) com mecanismos de segurança. Um protótipo será desenvolvido para testes de desempenho e funcionalidade.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: João Henrique Kleinschmidt - Coordenador.
      Membro: Joao Henrique Kleinschmidt.

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

  • Total de participação em eventos (10)
    1. 14th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC 2019).Performance Analysis of a System for Vehicle Identification using LoRa and RFID. 2019. (Simpósio).
    2. EUBrasilCloudFORUM Concertation Meeting.SWAMP - Smart Water Management Platform. 2018. (Seminário).
    3. 20th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics.Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network Using Standardized IoT Protocols. 2016. (Simpósio).
    4. Seminário de Acompanhamento dos Programas de Pós-graduação - Engenharias IV. 2015. (Seminário).
    5. Cisco Networking Academy - Internet of Everything. 2014. (Seminário).
    6. Cyber Security Workshop. 2014. (Seminário).
    7. IoT aplicada na melhoria de vida nas cidades. 2014. (Seminário).
    8. 4a Reunião Semestral da ANSP - SDN-Nuvem. 2013. (Seminário).
    9. Seminário de Acompanhamento dos Programas de Pós-graduação - Engenharias IV. 2012. (Seminário).
    10. Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de SP - ERAD. 2010. (Simpósio).

Organização de eventos

  • Total de organização de eventos (5)
    1. KAMIENSKI, C. A. ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H. ; PRATI, RONALDO C. ; VISOLI, M.. Sessão especial do IEEE Metroagrifor "Advances in software tools for smart agriculture measurement". 2021. Congresso
    2. BONANI, L. H. ; OTTOLINI, D. E. ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H.. I Workshop @NUVEM. 2017. Outro
    3. KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H.. 2nd IEEE Latin America Conference on Cloud Computing and Communications (LatinCloud 2013) - Financial Chair. 2013. (Congresso).. . 0.
    4. SCOTT, L. P. B.; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H. ; MInami, M ; Born ; FRAGA, F.. I Workshop da Pós-Graduação em Engenharia da Informação - UFABC. 2011. Outro
    5. KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H.; MINAMI, M. ; SUYAMA, R.. I Semana Acadêmica da Engenharia de Informação da UFABC. 2011. Outro

Lista de colaborações

  • Colaborações endôgenas (10)
    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Carlos Alberto Kamienski (14.0)
      1. SILVA, DENER ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; ZYRIANOFF, IVAN D. ; Kleinschmidt, João H. ; ROFFIA, LUCA ; SOININEN, JUHA-PEKKA ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS A.. A Management Architecture for IoT Smart Solutions: Design and Implementation. Journal of Network and Systems Management. v. 30, p. 35, issn: 1064-7570, 2022.
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      2. ZYRIANOFF, IVAN ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; SILVA, DENER ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOÃO ; SOININEN, JUHA-PEKKA ; SALMON CINOTTI, TULLIO ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS. Architecting and Deploying IoT Smart Applications: A Performance-Oriented Approach. SENSORS. v. 20, p. 1-25, issn: 1424-8220, 2020.
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      3. HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; SILVA, DENER ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOÃO HENRIQUE ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS. Otimização de Tráfego IoT-LoRaWAN Usando Programação de Plano de Dados em P4. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 239, 2023.
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      4. QUETE, BRUNO ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; ZYRIANOFF, IVAN ; OTTOLINI, DENER ; Kleinschmidt, Joao Henrique ; SOININEN, JUHA-PEKKA ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS. Understanding the tradeoffs of LoRaWAN for IoT-based Smart Irrigation. Em: 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), v. 1, p. 73, 2020.
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      5. TORRE-NETO, ANDRE ; RODRIGUES COTRIM, JEFERSON ; HENRIQUE KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ; CEZAR VISOLI, MARCOS. Enhancing Soil Measurements with a Multi-Depth Sensor for IoT-based Smart Irrigation. Em: 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), p. 78-1, 2020.
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      6. SILVA, DENER OTTOLINI ; ZYRIANOFF, IVAN DIMITRY ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE HEIDEKER ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOÃO HENRIQUE ; Kamienski, Carlos Alberto. Desempenho e Escalabilidade de Plataformas Livres de IoT. Em: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 71, 2020.
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      7. ZYRIANOFF, IVAN ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ALBERTO ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOÃO HENRIQUE ; SILVA, DENER OTTOLINI. IMAIoT Infrastructure Monitoring Agent for IoT: Um Agente Monitor de Infraestruturas para Ambientes de IoT. Em: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, v. 1, p. 9, 2019.
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      8. ZYRIANOFF, IVAN ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; SILVA, DENER OTTOLINI ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOÃO HENRIQUE ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ALBERTO. Impacto de LoRaWAN no Desempenho de Plataformas de IoT baseadas em Nuvem e Névoa Computacional. Em: XVII Workshop em Clouds e Aplicações, v. 1, p. 43, 2019.
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      9. KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ; Cristiano Prati, Ronaldo ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H. ; SOININEN, JUHA-PEKKA. Designing an Open IoT Ecosystem. Em: Workshop on Cloud Networks (WCN 2019), v. 1, 2019.
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      10. KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO H. ; Kamienski, Carlos ; PRATI, RONALDO C. ; KOLEHMAINEN, KARI ; AGUZZI, CRISTIANO. End-to-End Security in the IoT Computing Continuum: Perspectives in the SWAMP Project. Em: 2019 9th LatinAmerican Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), 2019, Natal. 2019 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), v. 1, p. 1, 2019.
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      11. KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO ; SOININEN, JUHA-PEKKA ; KOLEHMAINEN, KARI ; ROFFIA, LUCA ; VISOLI, MARCOS ; FILEV MAIA, RODRIGO ; FERNANDES, STENIO. SWAMP: Smart Water Management Platform Overview and Security Challenges. Em: 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSNW), 2018, Luxembourg. 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), v. 1, p. 49, 2018.
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      12. TORRE NETO, ANDRÉ ; FERREIRA, E. J. ; BASSOI, L. H. ; VISOLI, M. C. ; KAMIENSKI, C. A. ; Kleinschmidt, J. H. ; COTRIM, J. R. ; SALMON CINOTTI, T. ; LIAKOS, V. ; VELLIDIS, G.. SWAMP-UGA Multi-Parameter and Multi-Depth Soil Probe. Em: 23rd Conference of the FRUCT Association, 2018, Bolonha. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the FRUCT Association, v. 1, 2018.
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      13. et al. ; STOWELL, P. ; COOPER, J. ; EVANS, J. ; HEIDEKER, A. ; HEINEMAN, A. ; KAMIENSKI, C. A. ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H. ; KOHLI, M. ; LANGFORD, H. ; MADARI, B. ; NICHOLS, A. ; POWER, D. ; REDSON, D. ; PRATI, R. C. ; ROCHA, H. ; ROSOLEM, R. ; SILVA, D. E. O. G. ; STANDEN, J. ; STEER, C. ; THOMPSON, L.. Smart Scintillating Neutron Detectors for Soil Moisture Monitoring. Em: EGU General Assembly 2022, 2022, Viena. EGU General Assembly 2022, 2022.
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      14. STOWELL, P. ; COOPER, J. ; EVANS, J. ; HEIDEKER, ALEXANDRE ; HEINEMANN, A. ; KAMIENSKI, C. A. ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO ; KOHLI, M. ; MADARI, B. ; NICHOLS, A. ; POWER, D. ; REDSON, D. ; PRATI, RONALDO ; ROCHA, H. ; ROSOLEM, R. ; SILVA, DENER ; TORRE NETO, ANDRÉ ; SOLER, M. ; VISOLI, MARCOS. Boron Based Cosmic Ray Sensing and COSMIC-SWAMP. Em: International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture, 2022, Viena. Anais do ? International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture, 2022.
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    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Ronaldo Cristiano Prati (2.0)
      1. KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ; Cristiano Prati, Ronaldo ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H. ; SOININEN, JUHA-PEKKA. Designing an Open IoT Ecosystem. Em: Workshop on Cloud Networks (WCN 2019), v. 1, 2019.
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      2. SOUTO, S. P. ; Prati, Ronaldo Cristiano ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H.. Otimização multiobjetivo de trajetórias de VANTs utilizando curvas de Bézier e Algoritmos Genéticos. Em: XIV Brazilian Congress of Computational Intelligence, v. 1, 2019.
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    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Aline de Oliveira Neves Panazio (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]

    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ André Kazuo Takahata (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
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    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Celso Setsuo Kurashima (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]

    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Edson Pinheiro Pimentel (1.0)
      1. GOMES, E. H. ; PIMENTEL, E. P. ; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H.. Segurança em sistemas de e-learning: uma análise do ambiente Tidia-Ae/Sakai. Em: III Congresso Internacional de Computación y Telecomunicaciones, 2011.
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    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Fernando Silva de Moura (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]

    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Luneque Del Rio de Souza e Silva Junior (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
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    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Marco Aurelio Cazarotto Gomes (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
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    • João Henrique Kleinschmidt ⇔ Ricardo Suyama (1.0)
      1. MINAMI, MARIO ; GOMES, MARCO AURELIO CAZAROTTO ; SUYAMA, RICARDO ; PANAZIO, ALINE DE OLIVEIRA NEVES ; TAKAHATA, ANDRE KAZUO ; KURASHIMA, CELSO SETSUO ; MOURA, FERNANDO SILVA DE ; KLEINSCHMIDT, JOAO HENRIQUE ; SILVA JUNIOR, LUNEQUE DEL RIO DE SOUZA E. A Scaffolding Empathic Methodology in the Robotics Teacher Formation using Log Book and the BNCC references. Em: 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), v. 1, p. 435-440, 2019.
        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]

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