Energy Conversion
Morelli Frin, K. P.; Da Rocha, D. C.; Mamud, J. F.; Polo, A. S., Photoisomerization of di-nuclear rhenium(I) bpe-based compounds. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2018, 17, 1443-1449.
Müller, Andressa V.; Polo, A. S., Mechanistic insights into the stepwise assembly of ruthenium(II) tris-heteroleptic compounds. Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57, 13829 - 13839.
De Souza, Aline A. N. ; Silva, Nathalia S ; Müller, Andressa Vidal ; Polo, Andre S ; Brocksom, Timothy J ; de Oliveira, Kleber Thiago. Porphyrins as Photoredox Catalysts in Csp2-H Arylations: Batch and Continuous Flow Approaches. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 83, 15077-15086.
Bonadio, A.; Oliveira, L.; Polo A.S.; Souza, J.A., Liquid Water-Induced Growth of 1D morphology of CH3NH3PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite. CrystEngComm,  2019, 21, 7365-7372.
Müller, Andressa V. ; Oliveira, K.T.; Meyer, Gerald J.; Polo, André S., Inhibiting Charge Recombination in cis-Ru(NCS)2 Diimine Sensitizers with Aromatic Substituents. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 43223-43234.
Mamud, Julia F. ; Biazolla, Giovanna.; Marques, Caroline S.; Cerchiaro, Giselle; de Queiroz, Thiago B.; Keppler, Artur F.; Polo, André S., Z  to E  Light-Activated Isomerization of a-pyridyl-N-arylnitrone Ligands Sensitized by Rhenium(I) Polypyridyl Complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2021, 514, 120009.
L. L. Nascimento, J. G. Brussasco, I. A. Garcia, L. F. Paula, A. S. Polo and A. O. T. Patrocinio, Aluminum oxides as alternative building blocks for efficient layer-by-layer blocking layers in Dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2020, 33, 055002.
Veiga, Elaine T. ; Fernandes, Silvia L.; Graeff, Carlos F.O.; Polo, André S., Compact TiO2 blocking-layer prepared by LbL for Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar Energy, 2021, 214, 510.
Da Rosa, Lucas ; Aversa, Isabella ; Raphael, Ellen ; Polo, André ; Duarte, Alfredo ; Schiavon, Marco ; Virtuoso, Luciano . Improving Photoluminescence Quantum Yield of CdTe Quantum Dots Using a Binary Solvent (Water + Glycerin) in the One-Pot Approach Synthesis. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society,  2021, 32, 860-868.
Polo, Giovanne S.; Souto, Lucas P.; Polo, André S., Sistema Robótico de Baixo Custo dara Preparação de Filmes Por Layer-By-Layer. Química Nova, 2021, 44, 1192.
Ganharul, Grace Kelly Q. ; Tofanello, Aryane ; Bonadio, Ariany ; Freitas, André L. M. ; Escote, Márcia T. ; Polo, André S. ; Nantes-Cardoso, Iseli L. ; Souza, José Antonio . Outstanding cooperation of all-inorganic CsPbI3 perovskite with TiO2 forming composites and heterostructures for photodegradation. Journal of Materials Science, v. 57, p. 17363-17379, 2022.
Müller, Andressa V.; Faustino, Leandro A.; de Oliveira, Kleber T.; Patrocinio, Antonio O. T.; Polo, André S.; Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Re(I) Photocatalysts with N-Heterocyclic Substituents. ACS Catalysis, 13, 633-646, 2023.
Andressa V. Müller ; Wendel M. Wierzba; Mariana N. Pastorelli; André S. Polo, Interfacial Electron Transfer in Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Devices for Solar Energy Conversion. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 2021, v. 32, 1711-1738.
Carvalho, F. ; Liandra-Salvador, E. ; Bettanin, F. ; Souza, J.S. ; Homem-De-Mello, P. ; Polo, A.S. . Synthesis, characterization and photoelectrochemical performance of a tris-heteroleptic ruthenium(II) complex having 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline. Inorganica Chimica Acta (Testo stampato), v. 414, p. 145-152, 2014.
Polo, A.S. ; Santos, M.C. ; Souza, R.F.B. ; Alves, W. A. Pt Ru TiO2 photoelectrocatalysts for methanol oxidation. Journal of Power Sources (Print), v. 196, p. 872-876, 2011.
Müller, A.V.;  Gonçalvez, M.R.; Ramos, L.D.; Polo, A.S.; Frin, K.P.  A importância do estado excitado 3MLCT de compostos de Ru(II), Re(I) e Ir(III) no desenvolvimento de fotossensores, OLEDs e fotorredução de CO2. Química Nova v. 40, n.2, p. 200-213, 2017.
Müller, A.V.;  Ramos, L.D.; Frin, K.P.; Oliveira, K.T; Polo, A.S. A high efficiency ruthenium(II) tris-heteroleptic dye containing 4,7-dicarbazole-1,10-phenanthroline for nanocrystalline solar cells. RSC Advances, v.6, n.52, p.46487-46494, 2016.
Fiorito, P.A.; Polo, A.S. A New Approach toward Cyanotype Photography Using Tris-(oxalato)ferrate(III): An Integrated Experiment. Journal of Chemical Education, v.92, n.10, p.1721-1724, 2015.
Müller, A.V.; Mendonça, P.S; Parant, S.; Duchanois, T.; Gros, P.C.; Beley, M.; Polo, A.S. Effects of Methyl-Substituted Phenanthrolines on the Performance of Ruthenium(II) Dye-Sensitizers. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v.26, n.11, p.2224-2232, 2015.
Sampaio, Renato N. ; Müller, Andressa V. ; Polo, André S. ; Meyer, Gerald J. . Correlation Between Charge Recombination and Lateral Hole-Hopping Kinetics in a Series of cis-Ru(phen)(dcb)(NCS)2 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (39), pp 33446-33454.
Teixeira Veiga, E.; Vidal Müller, A.; Duarte Ramos, L.; Passalacqua Morelli Frin, K.; Sarto Polo, A., Interrelationship between the Ancillary Ligand Structure, Acid-Base Properties, and TiO2 Surface Coverage of RuII Dyes. European  Journal of  Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 2680-2688.
Loague, Quentin ; Keller, Niklas D. ; Müller, Andressa V. ; Aramburu-Tro?Elj, Bruno Martín ; Bangle, Rachel E. ; Schneider, Jenny ; Sampaio, Renato N. ; Polo, Andre S. ; Meyer, Gerald J.; Impact of Molecular Orientation on Lateral and Interfacial Electron Transfer at Oxide Interfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 34249-34262, 2023.
Updated: 03/10/18
Laboratory of Photochemistry, Photophysics and Energy Conversion - Pho2Con - Av. dos Estados, 5001 - Bloco B - Andar 2 - L202
Universidade Federal do ABC - Santo André - SP - Brasil
Updated: aug / 29 /24