identification and evaluation of the scientific and technological connection between specialists in injectable oncology on the lattes platform

Maria Rosa Chitolina

Possui graduação em Biologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1988), mestrado em Ciências Biológicas (Bioquímica) pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1991), doutorado em Ciências (Bioquímica) pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (1996) e pós-doutorado no Albert Einstein College of Medicine/USA (2015). É professora titular da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e possui bolsa em produtividade em pesquisa nível 1B do CNPq. Foi vice-presidente do Clube Brasileiro de Purinas (2018-2021). Tem experiência na área de Bioquímica, com ênfase em Enzimologia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: NTPDase, 5'-nucleotidase, acetilcolinesterase, ALA-D, catalase e superóxido dismutase em diferentes doenças em humanos e em modelos experimentais. Também, está trabalhando em Educação em Ciências, em ensino, aprendizagem e cienciometria. Foi apontada em 2020, pela plataforma Open Box da Ciência, como sendo uma das 50 pesquisadoras protagonistas da Ciência no país. Também, é coordenadora de um projeto de internacionalização - Capes PrInt/UFSM: "Estratégias farmacológicas e nutricionais para a promoção da saúde". É mãe de quatro filhos. Nome em citações: Maria Rosa Chitolina Schetinger/Maria Rosa Chitolina - ORCID:0000-0002-5240-8935 (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (01/07/2022)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq: Nível 1B
  • Período de análise:
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CCNE/Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Camobi 97105900 - Santa Maria, RS - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 97105210 Telefone: (55) 32209557 Ramal: 9557
  • Grande área: Ciências Biológicas
  • Área: Bioquímica
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

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  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (13)
      Descrição: A toxoplasmose é uma doença zoonótica causada pelo protozoário Toxoplasma gondii, capaz de ocasionar alterações bioquímicas, danos oxidativos e até mesmo induzir a apoptose nas células de hospedeiros infectados. A infecção, é acompanhada por uma marcante resposta inflamatória. Infecções primárias com T. gondii, estimulam a produção de citocinas, tais como IL-12, IFN-y, TNF-a pelas células do sistema imune, consistindo em um ponto principal no controle do parasito e resistência à infecção. Em se tratando de resposta imunológica, o sistema purinérgico desempenha papel direto no controle da resposta inflamatória ao regular os níveis dos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos extracelulares como o ATP e a adenosina. Essas moléculas são reguladas pelas enzimas ectonucleotidases ancoradas à membrana celular e pelos receptores de ligação, em especial o P2X7, P2Y1, A1 e A2A. Atualmente, o tratamento da toxoplasmose constitui uma associação de quimioterápicos que provocam inúmeros efeitos colaterais e não são capazes de combater o parasito, apenas modulam a resposta inflamatória. Assim, se faz necessária a busca por novos compostos capazes de intensificar a resposta terapêutica e prevenir os efeitos indesejáveis. Neste estudo, analisaremos os componentes do sistema purinérgico, o perfil oxidante/antioxidante e a resposta inflamatória em linfócitos isolados de pacientes naturalmente infectados por T. gondii após um surto epidemiológico de toxoplasmose ocorrido na cidade de Santa Maria-Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Além disso, objetivamos avaliar os efeitos do resveratrol um antioxidante e anti-inflamatório naturalmente encontrado em uvas, como alvo farmacológico para o tratamento da toxoplasmose associado aos quimioterápicos de escolha atualmente disponíveis. Os resultados deste projeto irão contribuir para melhor entender o processo de patogenia da doença e prever aplicações terapêuticas em pacientes acometidos pela toxoplasmose.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (1) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (0) / Mestrado profissional: (0) / Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador / Nathieli Bottari - Integrante / FACCIN, THALISSON - Integrante / ASSMANN, CHARLES E. - Integrante / MELCHIORS MORSCH, VERA MARIA - Integrante / Milagros Vera Castro - Integrante. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Bolsa / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    2. 2018-Atual. Estrategias farmacologicas e nutricionais para a promocao da saude
      Descrição: O projeto: Estratégias farmacológicas e nutricionais para a promoção da saúde é um subprojeto da proposta institucional do Programa Capes PrInt para o o Edital Capes PrInt 41/2017. O mesmo envolve programas de pós-graduação e grupos de pesquisa do Brasil e de países estrangeiros como processo catalisador para a internacionalização da pesquisa científica brasileira.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
      Descrição: O diabetes mellitus (DM) é caracterizado como uma síndrome metabólica de etiologia múltipla, resultante da falta de produção de insulina ou incapacidade deste hormônio de exercer seus efeitos. Esses defeitos causam um estado de hiperglicemia crônica que leva a distúrbios no metabolismo os quais associam o diabetes mellitus ao desenvolvimento de complicações vasculares, cerebrais e do sistema imune. O DM é mais frequentemente classificado em diabetes mellitus tipo I, caracterizado pela destruição autoimune das células ? no pâncreas e deficiência total da produção desse hormônio e tipo II, com comprometimento da função secretora das células ? e resistência à ação da insulina nos tecidos. Sabe-se que sinalização purinérgica está envolvida no controle das respostas imune e inflamatória, condições que se relacionam ao DM. Os nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos derivados de purinas exercem seu papel de moléculas sinalizadoras em vários tecidos, através dos receptores purinérgicos na superfície celular. Além de neurotransmissor excitatório nas sinapses, o ATP atua como um agente pró-inflamatório gerando uma resposta do sistema imune e a adenosina como mediadora de resposta imunossupressora e anti-inflamatória. Os nucleotídeos liberados no meio extracelular tem sua concentração regulada pelas ectonucleotidases NTPDases e 5?-NT, além da adenosina desaminase, as quais desempenham papel importante como marcadores biológicos. Além disso, outra importante molécula de sinalização extracelular é a acetilcolina (ACh), a qual faz parte do sistema colinérgico e atua no sistema nervoso e outros tecidos, relacionada ao comportamento, aprendizado e controle do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral e à modulação da resposta imune, já que seus receptores também estão presentes em linfócitos. Os níveis de ACh sao controlados pela ação das colinesterases, Acetilcolinesterase (AChE) e butirilcolinesterase (BuChE). A Metformina é o tratamento medicamentoso mais recomendado para o DM tipo II, e atua aumentando a sensibilidade à insulina nos tecidos periféricos e melhorando os níveis glicêmicos sem causar hipoglicemia. Essa ação é mediada pela ativação da proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK), mas o mecanismo molecular dessa ativação permanece incerto. Além do seu potencial efeito hipoglicemiante, a metformina vem expandindo seus efeitos para incluir o tratamento de doenças relacionadas com o sistema nervoso central, o pré-diabetes mellitus e doença ovariana policística, além de sua provável ligação com a longevidade. Da mesma forma, a vitamina D também vem chamado a atenção para a extensa gama de ações à que já foi relacionada. Destacam-se o envolvimento no processo inflamatório e na prevenção e controle do DM e seu papel na manutenção da tolerância à glicose através de efeitos na secreção de insulina e na sensibilidade à insulina. Devido à elevada prevalência da deficiência de vitamina D na população mundial e à crescente recomendação de sua suplementação, torna-se de fundamental importância uma análise de seus possíveis efeitos em combinação com a metformina no tratamento do diabetes. Assim, neste trabalho pretende-se induzir DM tipo I e II em ratos Wistar e dividir esses animais em grupos que receberão Metformina, e Vitamina D ou associação de ambas (n=8 por grupo). Serão utilizados testes comportamentais, ensaios enzimáticos para verificar atividade de enzimas purinérgicas e colinérgicas, imunohistoquímica para verificar a densidade de seus receptores e expressão gênica dessas enzimas. Espera-se com este trabalho elucidar os possíveis mecanismos moleculares e celulares envolvidos na ação farmacológica da Metformina e vitamina D no SNC e sistema imune no DM e assim, contribuir para um melhor entendimento do atual tratamento dessa síndrome. Além disso, incitar a busca por novos tratamentos que possam melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (1) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (1) / Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador / Baldissarelli, Jucimara - Integrante. Financiador(es): (FAPERGS) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    4. 2015-2018. Museu Interativo Arte - Ciencia - Tecnologia
      Descrição: Descrição: Este projeto busca dar continuidade a uma série de atividades que ocorrem desde 2011 e conta com o trabalho colaborativo de dois programas de pós-graduação da UFSM, cujos grupos de pesquisas são certificados pela UFSM e estão cadastrados no CNPq: PPGART/Mestrado em Artes Visuais Grupo de Pesquisa Arte e Tecnologia; e PPGECQV/Mestrado e Doutorado em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde Grupo de Pesquisa Enzimologia Toxicológica e Neuroquímica. A primeira ação envolvendo esses grupos foi o Museu Interativo: Arte, Ciência, Tecnologia e Patrimônio Cultural , que propôs um espaço transdisciplinar para o ensino, pesquisa e extensão a fim de divulgar a produção acadêmica da universidade. Composta por uma exposição que abrange especificidades das diferentes áreas participantes, a exposição ocorreu no Museu de Arte de Santa Maria que contou ainda, no momento da abertura, com uma conversa com Anna Barros/UNESP, artista brasileira reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente pela sua pesquisa em arte, tecnologia e ciência. Outra ação ocorre no mesmo ano, junto a JAI na UFSM, com a mesma exposição. Em 2013 ocorre a segunda etapa desta parceria com a Instalação Arte-Ciência-Tecnologia na programação da Mostra Integrada de Profissões, Tecnologia, Cultura e Serviços da UFSM PROFITECS 2013. Além dos grupos de pesquisas da UFSM, a instalação contou com a contribuição do Laboratório NANO e Grupo de pesquisa REDES do CNPq/UFRJ. Sob a temática da sustentabilidade, o evento propôs o encontro de pesquisadores e estudantes das áreas de artes visuais, ciências e tecnologia, para reconhecer, discutir e debater questões atuais decorrentes da investigação em arte contemporânea a fim de perceber o necessário e produtivo entrecruzamento nas atividades acadêmicas e profissionais para a produção de conhecimento. Para 2015 e 2016, o projeto do Museu Interativo ACT, propõem a ação NeuroArte considerando as interrelações entre o campo artístico e o campo científico. A Neurociência é um termo guarda-chuva que engloba todas as áreas da ciência-biologia, fisiologia, medicina, física, psicologia - que se interessam pelo sistema nervoso: sua estrutura, função, desenvolvimento, evolução e disfunções. Arte e ciência se unem nesse projeto para discutir questões que tratam da visualidade, sonoridade e sensorialidade, expandidas pelas tecnologias digitais. Neste sentido a arte, com suas linguagens transdisciplinares, em pesquisas que integram arte-ciência-tecnologia, exige outros espaços expositivos, outro modo de aproximação de críticos e historiadores, ampliando a discussão da arte como sistema e do sistema da arte. Essa proposta do Museu Interativo: arte ciência tecnologia torna se relevante quando prevê produção e divulgação de conhecimento através de estratégias científicas e culturais, com amplo e irrestrito acesso ao conhecimento em arte, ciência e tecnologia na exposição. .. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (3) / Mestrado profissional: (1) / Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Integrante / Nara Cristina Santos - Coordenador / Débora Aita Gasparetto - Integrante / Carlos Donaduzzi - Integrante.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    5. 2015-Atual. O papel da neuroinflamacao na genese e progressao da neurodegeneracao - PRONEX
      Descrição: A doença de Alzheimer e a doença de Parkinson estão entre as patologias neurodegenerativas mais frequentes com prevalência entre 10% e 1% respectivamente, na população acima de 60 anos. Com o recente aumento da expectativa de vida no Brasil, a ocorrência dessas doenças neurodegenerativas no Brasil vem crescendo. Não há recentemente dados epidemiológicos específicos, mas o Ministério da Saúde projeta que a população acima de 60 anos atingira a marca de 34 milhões de pessoas até 2025, consistindo a 6ª maior população de idosos no mundo. No presente projeto é visado estabelecer a importância das vias pró-inflamatórias de sinalização clular na patogênese e na evolução de doenças neurodegeneartivas do SNC. Pretende-se esclarescer o envolvimento dos receptores pró-inflamatório, receptores colinérgicos , parâmetros redox, e elementos transponíveis na progressão da degeneração olinérgica e dopaminérgica, e estabelecer o papel da ativação microglial frente a diferentes estímulos na indução da morte celular seletiva observada nessas patologias. Este projeto envolverá uma rede interdisciplinar de cooperação entre diferentes instituições de ensino e pesquisa do estado do Rio Grande do Sul e também do exterior. Além disso esse estudo tem objetivo relacionados a pesquisa básica, translacional, educacional e de extenção.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (2) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (0) / Mestrado profissional: (0) / Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Integrante / Elgion Loretto - Integrante / João Batista Teixiera da Rocha - Integrante / Luiz Valmor Portela - Integrante / José Claudio Fonseca Moreira - Coordenador / Diogo Losch de Oliveira - Integrante / Alfeu Zanotto Filho - Integrante / Jeferson Franco - Integrante / Lenira Sepel - Integrante / Lisiane Porcíuncula - Integrante / MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS - Integrante / Fábio Klampt - Integrante / Thais Posser - Integrante / Carina Boeck - Integrante / Regina Pureur - Integrante / Daniel Gelain - Integrante.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    6. 2014-2018. NeuroArTE: Museu Itinerante de Neurociencia, Arte e Tecnologia
      Descrição: O presente projeto foi elaborado com o objetivo de apresentar uma candidatura para a CHAMADA MCTI/CNPq/SECIS n.085/2013 sobre as diretrizes de apoio financeiro a espaços científico-culturais, como centros e museus de Ciência e Tecnologia voltadas à promoção de atividades de popularização da Ciência, mais especificamente a Neurociência, valorizando a interatividade, criação de obras artísticas e culturais na temática da proposta. Objetivo geral Promover a criação de um Museu Itinerante, de inovação em ArteCiênciaTecnologia com o tema neurociências, envolvendo os espaços culturais do município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande e Pelotas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizando exposições interativas e projetos de mediação, aproximando as pesquisas do campo acadêmico com o público em geral e escolas, como um espaço interdisciplinar para o ensino, pesquisa e extensão, a fim de contribuir com a difusão do conhecimento na região centro?sul do estado; Objetivos específicos ? Propiciar o desenvolvimento de atividade de extensão transdisciplinar entre os grupos de pesquisa envolvidos, a partir de temática comum da neurociência, resultando em exposições interativas. ? Produzir a exposição itinerante NeuroArTE ? Museu Itinerante de Neurociência, Arte e Tecnologia, com a infraestrutura e equipamentos necessários para experiências interativas. ? Desenvolver material para exposição no campo das artes, ciência e tecnologia, através de mídia fotográfica, videográfica e arte digital. ? Projetar material para divulgação através de mídia impressa e digital, considerando o impacto imediato junto à comunidade acadêmica, educacional e geral; ? Propiciar interlocução regional centro e sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, visando projeção estadual e nacional das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Museu Interativo; ? Gerar resultados e conhecimento nas diferentes áreas, através de publicações qualificadas; ? Realização de seminários propondo um encontro de pesquisadores, cientistas, artistas e estudantes das áreas de artes visuais, ciência e tecnologia, para reconhecer, discutir e debater questões atuais decorrentes da investigação contemporânea, sob a temática da neurociência, a fim de perceber o necessário e produtivo entrecruzamento nas atividades acadêmicas e profissionais para a produção de conhecimento transdisciplinar. Espera-se que com este projeto de Museu itinerante seja possível estimular e instigar estudantes de escolas públicas, acadêmicos e população em geral a conhecer melhor a Neurociência, bem como o que é desenvolvido em um laboratório de pesquisa científica. Isto torna-se relevante, uma vez que as regiões centro-sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul ainda necessitam de eventos de divulgação científica, mais restringidos a capital do estado, e avançar neste quesito é importante. As aplicações esperadas para o NeuroArTE será estimular o publico alvo, principalmente alunos oriundos de escolas públicas a se interessar pela carreira de cientista e pela neurociência.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (3) / Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador / Nara Cristina Santos - Integrante / Gutierres, Jessié Martins - Integrante / Débora Aita Gasparetto - Integrante / Carlos Donaduzzi - Integrante / Manuela Vares - Integrante.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
      Descrição: O câncer de pulmão tornou-se a neoplasia mais letal em todo o mundo e configura-se, atualmente, como um problema de saúde pública. Os pacientes acometidos por doenças neoplásicas apresentam uma série de alterações fisiológicas, entre elas, a ocorrência de processos tromboembólicos e inflamatórios. Sabendo-se que o sistema purinérgico está intimamente relacionado com o desenvolvimento dessas complicações observadas em doenças malignas, considera-se relevante a avaliação dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos nos processos próagregatórios e pró-inflamatórios em pacientes com câncer de pulmão. Nesse sentido, investigar tanto a atividade de enzimas sobre moléculas como o ATP, ADP, AMP e adenosina, assim como verificar a modulação que esses nucleotídeos e nucleosídeo exercem sobre os receptores do sistema purinérgico é de grande valia. Além disso, considera-se de extrema relevância o desenvolvimento desse estudo com pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, que é um centro clínico de referência para a região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Frisa-se, nesse ponto, que os custos ao Sistema Único de Saúde para o tratamento de pacientes com câncer de pulmão atingem, em média, R$ 29.000,00 por indivíduo. Com tudo isso, torna-se necessário desenvolver pesquisas científicas, voltadas para a elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos no desenvolvimento das complicações observadas nos pacientes, durante o tratamento do câncer de pulmão.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (2) / Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador / Vera Maria Morsch - Integrante / Schmatz, Roberta - Integrante / Zanini, Daniela - Integrante / Gutierres, Jessié Martins - Integrante. Financiador(es): (FAPERGS) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
      Descrição: Os pacientes acometidos por doenças neoplásicas apresentam uma série de alterações fisiológicas, entre elas, a ocorrência de processos tromboembólicos e inflamatórios, bem como um aumento na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio. Pelo fato de as enzimas que hidrolisam nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos de adenina estarem envolvidas nos processos agregatórios e inflamatórios, e em razão do estresse oxidativo estar associado ao desenvolvimento de processos malignos, considera-se relevante a avaliação desses dois aspectos das funções celulares em um grupo de pacientes com câncer de pulmão.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (1) / Mestrado acadêmico: (1) / Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Auxílio financeiro. Número de produções C, T & A: 2
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
      Descrição: Justificativa O estresse oxidativo parace estar envolvido na instalação e progressão de diversas doenças crônicodegenerativas . Além disto, situações patológicas não crônicas, tais como isquemia, trauma, etc também estão relacionadas ao um aumento do estresse oxidativo. Portanto, o estudo dos mecanismos de ação de agentes endógenos (purinas) e exógenos (organocalcogênios) que possam modular o estresse oxidativo e diminuir a velocidade de progressão ou até mesmo a instalação dos quadros patológicos associados a doenças crônico-degenerativas são de extrema relevância para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico (melhoria da saúde da população) do Estado RS. Além disto, pretendemos acelerar o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos com poder antioxidante, neuroprotetores e anti-inflamatórios, o que pode ter, a longo prazo, um impacto importante no desenvolvimento da indústria farmacêutica gaúcha (além de proporcionar a população novos agentes terapêuticos para o tratamento de doenças de alta incidência no Brasil).. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (3) / Mestrado acadêmico: (3) / Doutorado: (3) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Integrante / João Batista Teixeira da Rocha - Coordenador / José Claudio Fonseca Moreira - Integrante. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Auxílio financeiro. Número de produções C, T & A: 3
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
      Descrição: The main goal of the present project is to increase the interaction opportunities of the two groups with different but complementary expertise in order to accelerate the isolation and identification of new compounds that can be considered of potential therapeutic application (either isolated or in combination) as hepato- and/or neuroprotective properties. Final goal is to develop new phytotherapics and, consequently, contribute to stimulate the growth of the Brazilian and Italian pharmaceutical industry. Regarding the results, we expect that at the end of a period three years to improve the postgraduate students qualification and with the implementation of this project we intend to publish about 3 papers in international journals. Since this project involves the participation of 5 universities in 2 countries, we expect that a network of research could be formed which will increase the north-south exchange of expertise, with a decrease in the discrepancy between the developing and developed countries.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Mestrado acadêmico: (1) Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Integrante / João Batista Teixeira da Rocha - Coordenador / Sabina Passamonti - Integrante / Nádia Mulinacci - Integrante. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro. Número de produções C, T & A: 2
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    11. 2008-2010. Possiveis alteracoes na atividade de hidrolise de ATP, ADP e AMP em cancer de mama Processo 0412487/FAPERGS Valor concedido de R$ 31.730,00
      Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    12. 2004-2008. Atividade das enzimas apirase e 5'-nucleotidase e perfil oxidativo em pacientes com cancer de utero Processo 471284/2006-8 Edital MCT/CNPq 02/2006 - Universal Valor concedido de R$ 35.000,00
      Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    13. 2000-2004. Hidrolise dos Nucleotideos da Adenina e Estresse Oxidativo em Diferentes Patologias de Humanos Processo 471684/2004-6 Universal/2004 Valor concedido de R$ 35.000,00
      Descrição: O tromboembolismo é uma das complicações mais comuns em pacientes com diabetes, hipertensão e câncer. As plaquetas apresentam propriedades específicas que compreendem a ativação, adesividade e agregação plaquetária, envolvidas na formação de trombos. Quando ativadas as plaquetas liberam diferentes substâncias. Entre estas se encontram o ATP e o ADP, sendo este último um potente pró-agregante. Após serem liberados, estes compostos podem ser hidrolisados por ectonucleotidases. A NTPDase1 (Apirase EC é uma ecto-nucleotidase capaz de hidrolisar ATP e ADP tendo como produto o AMP que por sua vez é hidrolisado a adenosina pela enzima 5' - nucleotidase (EC, limitando assim a agregação plaquetária e controlando o tônus vascular, uma vez que a adenosina é um potente vasodilatador. Desta forma, este estudo busca ampliar e compreender melhor a interação entre o sistema hemostático e o diabetes, hipertensão e câncer, a partir de uma possível relação destas doenças com enzimas que degradam nucleotídeos. Embora a literatura apresente estudos sobre o estado pró-trombótico associado ao diabetes, hipertensão e câncer, a grande maioria destes se detêm na hemostasia secundária (pós-formação de trombina). Portanto, a avaliação da atividade das enzimas que hidrolisam os nucleotídeos ATP, ADP e AMP (hemostase primária) nestes pacientes, pode vir a colaborar para um melhor entendimento da etiologia destas doenças. Enfatizamos então, a importância do tema em questão. Além disso, estudaremos o estresse oxidativo nesses pacientes. Para tanto, utilizaremos sangue total, plasma e plaquetas de pacientes humanos sadios e com as citadas patologias. As plaquetas serão obtidas de pacientes oriundos ou do Programa de Assistência aos Pacientes Diabéticos e Hipertensos, da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde da cidade de Cruz Alta/RS ou de pacientes com câncer do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria. Os protocolos já foram aprovados (pacientes diabéticos, hipertensos e com câncer de. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Maria Rosa Chitolina - Coordenador.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.

Prêmios e títulos

  • Total de prêmios e títulos (10)
    1. Menção Honrosa do Trabalho da orientanda de doutorado Milagros Vera Castro no X Encontro do Clube Brasileiro de Purinas de 2021, Clube Brasileiro de Purinas - evento on line.. 2021.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    2. Pesquisadora Destaque da UFSM 2021, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.. 2021.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    3. Menção Honrosa da tese do estudante do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências Jessie Gutierres intitulada: Popuralização da neurociência e educação: a produção de um documentário, UFRGS.. 2019.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    4. Membro homenageado do Comitê de Ciências Biológicas da FAPERGS pelos serviços prestados, FAPERGS.. 2016.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    5. Trabalho de iniciação científica premiado na 28 JAI - UFSM, UFSM.. 2013.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    7. Bolsista PQ 1B do CNPq, CNPq.. 2010.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    8. Professor Homenageado do Curso de Biologia da turma de formandos de 2005, UFSM.. 2005.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    9. Professor Homenageado do Curso de Farmácia da turma de formandos de 2004, UFSM.. 2004.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.
    10. Professor Homenageado do Curso de Biologia da turma de formandos de 2001, UFSM.. 2001.
      Membro: Maria Rosa Chitolina.

Participação em eventos

  • Total de participação em eventos (35)
    1. 73 Reunião Anual da SBPC. A importância da popularização científica nos dias atuais. 2021. (Congresso).
    2. Purines 2021: X meeting of the Brazilian Purines Club.A importância da divulgação e popularização da ciência nos dias atuais. 2021. (Encontro).
    3. Simpósio de Transdisciplinaridade nas Ciências e nas Artes.Ações de internacionalização do PPG em Ciências Biológicas: Bioquímica Toxicológica. 2020. (Simpósio).
    4. 13th Keele Meeting on Aluminium.Aluminium chloride triggers neuroinflammation in vitro on microglial cells and neurospheres: possible involvement of the purinergic and cholinergic systems. 2019. (Encontro).
    5. IX Meeting of the Brazilian Purine Club 2019 in Florianópolis.Aluminum intoxication: The effects on the Purinergic System. 2019. (Encontro).
    6. Semana Acadêmica de Biotecnologia.Mesa redonda: Mulheres na Ciência. 2019. (Outra).
    7. Purines 2018. Purinergic Signaling in the cardiovascular system. 2018. (Congresso).
    8. Purines 2018. Purinergic Signaling in metabolic and degenerative diseases. 2018. (Congresso).
    9. Purines 2018. Evaluation of nucleotide hydrolysis of obese patients given clinical treatment and bariatric surgery. 2018. (Congresso).
    10. Second Workshop on Biochemistry and Bioprospecting.Biocompounds and diabetes: focus on the purinergic system and oxidative stress. 2018. (Oficina).
    11. Terceira Experiência Beta.avaliador de projetos do ensino médio. 2018. (Encontro).
    12. Toxi Latin. 2018. (Congresso).
    13. VII ENEBIO e I EREBIO NORTE.avaliador de trabalhos. 2018. (Encontro).
    14. 12 Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea.Estratégias Museais. 2017. (Simpósio).
    15. 12º Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea.MUSEU ARTE CIÊNCIA TECNOLOGIA. 2017. (Simpósio).
    16. Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Translating the knowledge of food bioactive compounds to effective health care delivery in developing world.Functional Foods. 2017. (Simpósio).
    17. I Simpósio Integrado dos PPGs Unipampa.Diabetes e sistema purinérgico: possíveis implicações clínicas. 2017. (Simpósio).
    18. Lecture in Ibadan University.Purinergic system and degenerative diseases. 2017. (Encontro).
    20. Toxi-Latin 2014. Physiological and oxidative stress responses to aluminum of three oat genotypes grown hydroponically. 2014. (Congresso).
    21. The Tenth Keele Meeting on Aluminium.Physiological and oxidative stress responses of two Avena sativa genotypes and Cucumis sativus seedlings to aluminum in nutrient solution. 2013. (Encontro).
    22. Clube Brasileiro de Purinas.Rangelia vitalii, Trypanosoma evansi and Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae infection and the purinergic system: the host reaction. 2012. (Encontro).
    23. Espeq Brasil 2012.Intoxicação a longo prazo com sal de cádmio ou batatas contaminadas aumenta a concentração de Cd em regiões cerebrais de ratos. 2012. (Encontro).
    24. ICP2012.Effect of coffee on purinergic enzymes in platelets ans parameters of oxidative stress in blood from diabetic rats. 2012. (Encontro).
    25. Sintec.Concepções sobre bem-estar físico de escolares da educação de jovens e adultos. 2012. (Seminário).
    26. IBRO 2011. Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: Modifications in enzymatic activities associated with alterations in histological analysis in the hippocampus of neonatal rats. 2011. (Congresso).
    27. I Simpósio de Ciências Biológicas e sua multidisciplinaridade.Estresse oxidativo em patologias humanas: novas perspectivas. 2011. (Simpósio).
    28. FESBE. 2010. (Congresso).
    29. Primeiro Encontro do Clube Brasileiro de Purinas "Sinalização Purinérgica e Implicações Terapêuticas"..Ectonucleotidases and purinergic signalling. 2010. (Encontro).
    30. Purines 2010.Ectonucleotidases and Disease. 2010. (Encontro).
    31. FESBE. Esclerose múltipla e ectonucletidases em plaquetas. 2009. (Congresso).
    32. VI Congresso Brasileiro de Bioética; I Congresso de Bioética del Mercosur; Forum de La Redebiótica de Unesco/2005. VI Congresso Brasileiro de Bioética; I Congresso de Bioética del Mercosur; Forum de La Redebiótica de Unesco/2005. 2005. (Congresso).
    33. VI Keele Meeting on Aluminum.VI Keeke Meeting on Aiuminum - Litosphere to Biosphere (and back). 2005. (Encontro).
    34. FESBE. FESBE. 2004. (Congresso).
    35. FESBE.FESBE. 2001. (Encontro).

Organização de eventos

  • Total de organização de eventos (16)
    1. BATTASTINI, A. ; Rodrigues A.S. ; Ventura A.L. ; Tasca C.I. ; Lameu C. ; ULRICH, A. H. ; Coutinho R ; Caetano R.A. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Purines 2021: X Meeting of the Brazilian Club. 2021. Congresso
    2. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.; Santos NC ; Oliveira HC. Simpósio Transdisciplinaridade nas Ciências e nas Artes. 2020. Outro
    3. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. IX Meeting of the Brazilian Purine Club. 2019. (Congresso).. . 0.
    4. Codinotti FP ; Birck M ; Donaduzzi C ; Quaiatto R ; Vizzotto J ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. NeuroBioArte. 2017. Exposição
    5. Santos NC ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. 11º Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea: Neurociências e Arte. 2016. Outro
    6. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.; Santos NC. NeuroArte. 2016. Exposição
    7. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.; Donaduzzi C ; Gutierres J. NeuroArte. 2016. Exposição
    8. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.; Donaduzzi C ; Gutierres J. NeuroArte. 2016. Exposição
    9. Santos NC ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Neuroarte - evento integrado ao 11 simpósio de arte contemporânea. 2016. Exposição
    10. Santos NC ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; Carvalho Natascha ; VARES, M. ; Donaduzzi C. Neuroarte - 11 Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea. 2016. Exposição
    11. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Neuroarte - Museu Itinerante de Arte Ciência e Tecnologia. 2016. (Exposição).. . 0.
    12. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Neuroarte: exposição interativa. 2015. (Exposição).. . 0.
    13. SCHETINGER, M. R. C.; Santos NC. Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia - Sustentabilidade. 2013. Exposição
    14. Coutinho R ; Ventura A.L. ; ULRICH, A. H. ; Tasca T ; Tasca C ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Morrone, Fernanda Bueno ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Schmatz, Roberta ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; Thomé, Gustavo ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Quarto Encontro do Clube Brasileiro de Purinas. 2013. Congresso
    15. Paes de Carvalho R ; AFONSO, L. C. ; Lenz G ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; Fernandes MJS. II Encontro do Clube Brasileiro de Purinas. 2011. Outro
    16. Santos NC ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Museu Interativo, Arte Ciência, Tecnologia e Patrimônio Cultural - Mata 200 milhões de anos. 2011. Exposição

Lista de colaborações

  • Colaborações endôgenas (9)
    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Vera Maria Melchiors Morsch (250.0)
      1. PALMA, TAÍS VIDAL ; BIANCHIN, NATHIELE BOTARI ; DE OLIVEIRA, JULIANA SORRAILA ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; DAS NEVES OLIVEIRA, MONA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; ULRICH, HENNING ; PILLAT, MICHELI MAINARDI ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO. Berberine increases the expression of cytokines and proteins linked to apoptosis in human melanoma cells. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS. v. 49, p. 2037-2046, issn: 0301-4851, 2022.
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      3. DE SOUZA CARDOSO, JULIANE ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; TEIXEIRA, FERNANDA CARDOSO ; PEREIRA SOARES, MAYARA SANDRIELLY ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; FARIAS MARTINS FILHO, ANTÔNIO ORLANDO ; DUARTE JUNIOR, HUMBERTO RIBEIRO ; RIBEIRO CORIOLANO, FELIPE HENRIQUE ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; STEFANELLO, FRANCIELI MORO ; TAVARES, REJANE GIACOMELLI. Neuroprotection elicited by resveratrol in a rat model of hypothyroidism: Possible involvement of cholinergic signaling and redox status. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY. v. 524, p. 111157, issn: 0303-7207, 2021.
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      4. REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; CASTRO, MILAGROS FANNY VERA ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI BIANCHIN ; MIRON, VANESSA VALÉRIA ; CARDOSO, ANDRÉIA ; Stefanello, Naiara ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Diabetes and hypertension: Pivotal involvement of purinergic signaling. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. v. 137, p. 111273, issn: 0753-3322, 2021.
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      5. Martins, Caroline Curry ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; SIMÕES, JÚLIA LEÃO BATISTA ; CARDOSO, ANDREIA MACHADO ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DALENOGARE, DIÉSSICA PADILHA ; DOS SANTOS, DANIELA LOPES ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera Maria. Increased oxidative stress and inflammatory markers contrasting with the activation of the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway in patients with metabolic syndrome. CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY. v. 89, p. 63-69, issn: 0009-9120, 2021.
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      6. CASTRO, MILAGROS FANNY VERA ; Stefanello, Naiara ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; DA SILVA, ANIÉLEN DUTRA ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; BORBA, LOREN ; DA CRUZ, IVANA BEATRICE MÂNICA ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Modulatory effects of caffeic acid on purinergic and cholinergic systems and oxi-inflammatory parameters of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. LIFE SCIENCES. v. 119421, p. 119421, issn: 0024-3205, 2021.
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      7. WEIS, GRAZIELLE CASTAGNA CEZIMBRA ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; MOSTARDEIRO, VITOR BASTIANELLO ; ALVES, AUDREI DE OLIVEIRA ; DA ROSA, JÉSSICA RIGHI ; PILLAT, MICHELI MAINARDI ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; DA CRUZ, IVANA BEATRICE MÂNICA ; COSTABEBER, IJONI HILDA. Chlorpyrifos pesticide promotes oxidative stress and increases inflammatory states in BV-2 microglial cells: A role in neuroinflammation. CHEMOSPHERE. v. 278, p. 130417-130420, issn: 0045-6535, 2021.
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      8. ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; CEZIMBRA WEIS, GRAZIELLE CASTAGNA ; RIGHI DA ROSA, JÉSSICA ; DA SILVA ROSA BONADIMAN, BEATRIZ ; DE OLIVEIRA ALVES, AUDREI ; CHITOLINA SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA ; RIBEIRO, EULER ESTEVES ; MELCHIORS MORSCH, VERA MARIA ; Mânica da Cruz, Ivana Beatrice. Amazon-derived nutraceuticals: promises to mitigate chronic inflammatory states and neuroinflammation. NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL. v. 148, p. 105085, issn: 0197-0186, 2021.
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      9. OLABIYI, AYODEJI AUGUSTINE ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; OBOH, GANIYU ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Cyperus esculentus L. and Tetracarpidium conophorum Müll. Arg. Supplemented Diet Improved Testosterone Levels, Modulated Ectonucleotidases and Adenosine Deaminase Activities in Platelets from L-NAME-Stressed Rats. Nutrients. v. 13, p. 3529, issn: 2072-6643, 2021.
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      10. REICHERT, KARINE P. ; PILLAT, MICHELI M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; PALMA, TAIS V. ; ASSMANN, CHARLES E. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIE M. ; ULRICH, HENNING ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; EXLEY, CHRISTOPHER ; MORSCH, VERA M.M.. Aluminum-induced purinergic system alterations in embryonic neural progenitor cells. CHEMOSPHERE. v. 251, p. 126642, issn: 0045-6535, 2020.
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      11. PALMA, TAÍS VIDAL ; LENZ, LUANA SUÉLING ; BOTTARI, NATHIELE BIANCHIN ; PEREIRA, ALINE ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; ULRICH, HENNING ; PILLAT, MICHELI MAINARDI ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO. Berberine induces apoptosis in glioblastoma multiforme U87MG cells via oxidative stress and independent of AMPK activity. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS. v. 47, p. 4393-4400, issn: 0301-4851, 2020.
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      12. CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; BUENO, ANDRESSA ; LHAMAS, CIBELE L. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, MARIANA B. ; BRUSCO, INDIARA ; OLIVEIRA, SARA M. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; SILVA, ANIÉLEN D. ; MIRON, VANESSA V. ; ALVES, MARIANA S. ; LEITEMPERGER, JOSSIELE W. ; LORO, VÂNIA L. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA M.. Impacts of dose and length of exposure to boldenone and stanazolol on enzymatic antioxidant systems, myeloperoxidase and NAGase activities, and glycogen and lactate levels in rat liver. STEROIDS. v. 161, p. 108670, issn: 0039-128X, 2020.
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      13. BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; FRACASSO, MATEUS ; DUTRA, ANIELEN ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; ULRICH, HENNING ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER. Neuroprotective role of resveratrol mediated by purinergic signalling in cerebral cortex of mice infected by Toxoplasma gondii. PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. v. 119, p. 2897-2905, issn: 0932-0113, 2020.
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      14. Becker, Lara Vargas ; DA SILVA PEREIRA SACCOL, RENATA ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; LEAL, DANIELA B.R. ; CASALI, EMERSON ANDRÉ ; LOPES, NINA GABRIELA MÜLLER ; CARDOSO, VALESCA VEIGA ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C.. Activity and expression of E-NTPDase is altered in peripheral lymphocytes of systemic lupus erythematosus patients. CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA. v. 488, p. 90-97, issn: 0009-8981, 2019.
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      16. MIRON, VANESSA VALÉRIA ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI BIANCHIN ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; Stefanello, Naiara ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; PELINSON, LUANA PAULA ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; DA SILVA, ANIELEN DUTRA ; LOPES, THAUAN FACCIN ; DA CRUZ, IVANA BEATRICE MÂNICA ; SÉVIGNY, JEAN ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado. Physical exercise prevents alterations in purinergic system and oxidative status in lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis in rats. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY. v. 120, p. 3232-3242, issn: 0730-2312, 2019.
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      17. PERIN, GÉSSICA ; JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; MIRON, VANESSA V. ; GOMES, TEANE M. A. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; DAZUK, VANESSA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Adenosine deaminase behavior in experimental infection by Brucella ovis and its participation in the modulation of the inflammatory response. COMPARATIVE CLINICAL PATHOLOGY (PRINT). v. 28, p. 173-176, issn: 1618-5641, 2019.
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      18. DE OLIVEIRA, JULIANA SORRAILA ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; DORNELLES, GUILHERME LOPES ; PALMA, TAÍS VIDAL ; SIGNOR, CRISTIANE ; DA SILVA BERNARDI, JAMILE ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; LENZ, LUANA SUÉLING ; DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR ANTUNES ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; MELCHIORS MORSCH, VERA MARIA ; RUBIN, Maribel Antonello ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO. Neuroprotective effects of berberine on recognition memory impairment, oxidative stress, and damage to the purinergic system in rats submitted to intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. v. 236, p. 641-655, issn: 0033-3158, 2019.
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      19. PERIN, GÉSSICA ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; SILVA, ANIELEN D. ; JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; GOMES, TEANE M.A. ; LOPES, THALISON F. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Cholinesterase's activities of infected mice by Brucella ovis. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 132, p. 137-140, issn: 0882-4010, 2019.
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      20. MÂNICA, ALINE ; DA SILVA ROSA BONADIMAN, BEATRIZ ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; PAIZ, ALESSANDRA ; SIEPKO, CRISTIANE ; DE SOUZA, JOÃO VICTOR GARCIA ; MORENO, MARCELO ; MORENO, ANDRÉ ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE. The signaling effects of ATP on melanoma-like skin cancer. CELLULAR SIGNALLING. v. 59, p. 122-130, issn: 0898-6568, 2019.
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      21. Becker, Lara Vargas ; PASSOS, DANIELA FERREIRA ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. ATP signaling and NTPDase in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). IMMUNOBIOLOGY. v. 224, p. 419-426, issn: 0171-2985, 2019.
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      22. RODRIGUES, MARILIA VALVASSORI ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; CARVALHO, Fabiano ; LOPES, THAUAN FACCIN ; ANTUNES, VITOR ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; PEREIRA, MARIA ESTÉR ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera M. ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO. Protection of cholinergic and antioxidant system contributes to the effect of Vitamin D ameliorating memory dysfunction in sporadic dementia of Alzheimer?s type. REDOX REPORT. v. 24, p. 34-40, issn: 1351-0002, 2019.
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      23. ZANINI, DANIELA ; MANFREDI, LEANDRO HENRIQUE ; PELINSON, LUANA PAULA ; PIMENTEL, VICTOR CAMERA ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; CARMO ARAÚJO GONÇALVES, VIVIANE DO ; SANTOS, CLÁUDIA BERTONCELLI DOS ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. ADA activity is decreased in lymphocytes from patients with advanced stage of lung cancer. MEDICAL ONCOLOGY. v. 36, p. 1-8, issn: 1357-0560, 2019.
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      24. REICHERT, KARINE P. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; PILLAT, MICHELI M. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; PALMA, TAIS V. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIE M. ; ULRICH, HENNING ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; EXLEY, CHRISTOPHER ; MORSCH, VERA M. M.. Aluminum affects neural phenotype determination of embryonic neural progenitor cells. Archives of Toxicology. v. 93, p. 2515-2524, issn: 1432-0738, 2019.
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      25. JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; PERIN, GESSICA ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; DA SILVA, TEANE M.A. ; MENDES, RICARDO E. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Changes on the activity of cholinesterase's in an immunomodulatory response of cattle infected by Listeria monocytogenes. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 114, p. 36-40, issn: 0882-4010, 2018.
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      26. AKINYEMI, AYODELE JACOB ; OBOH, GANIYU ; Thomé, Gustavo Roberto ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; LOPES, THAUAN FACCIN ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Dietary ginger and turmeric rhizomes prevent oxidative stress and restore delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in L-NAME treated rats. JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY. v. 42, p. e12472, issn: 0145-8884, 2018.
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      27. GLOMBOWSKY, PATRÍCIA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; SOLDÁ, NATAN M. ; GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. ; CAMPIGOTTO, GABRIELA ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; SOUSA, REJANE S. ; BRISOLA, MAIARA C. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; LEAL, MARTA L.R. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO. Mineralization in newborn calves contributes to health, improve the antioxidant system and reduces bacterial infections. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 114, p. 344-349, issn: 0882-4010, 2018.
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      28. GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. ; PETROLLI, TIAGO ; REIS, JOÃO H. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; BAGGIO, RAFAEL A. ; MENDES, RICARDO E. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO. Addition of yucca extract and glutamine in the diet of chicks had a protective effect against coccidiosis. COMPARATIVE CLINICAL PATHOLOGY (PRINT). v. 27, p. 205-214, issn: 1618-5641, 2018.
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      30. PEREIRA, ALINE DA SILVA ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE SOUZA ; LOPES, THAUAN FACCIN ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; PALMA, TAÍS VIDAL ; SOARES, MAYARA SANDRIELLY PEREIRA ; SPOHR, LUIZA ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Spanevello, Roselia Maria. Effect of gallic acid on purinergic signaling in lymphocytes, platelets, and serum of diabetic rats. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. v. 101, p. 30-36, issn: 0753-3322, 2018.
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      31. Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Santi, Adriana ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Martins, Caroline C. ; Zanini, Daniela ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; Thomé, Gustavo ; PALMA, TAÍS VIDAL ; COSTA, P. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism change ectoenzyme activity in rat platelets. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY. v. 119, p. 6249-6257, issn: 0730-2312, 2018.
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      32. OLABIYI, AYODEJI A. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; LOPES, THAUAN F. ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; STEFANELO, NAIARA ; Morsch, Vera M. ; AKINDAHUNSI, AFOLABI A. ; OBOH, GANIYU ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Dietary supplementation of tiger nut alters biochemical parameters relevant to erectile function in l -NAME treated rats. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. v. 109, p. 358-367, issn: 0963-9969, 2018.
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      33. OLABIYI, AYODEJI A. ; Carvalho, F.B. ; Bottari, N. ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; MOREL, ADEMIR F. ; OBOH, GANIYU ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Tiger nut and walnut extracts modulate extracellular metabolism of ATP and adenosine through the NOS / cGMP / PKG signaling pathway in kidney slices. PHYTOMEDICINE. v. 43, p. 140-149, issn: 0944-7113, 2018.
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      34. JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; PERIN, GESSICA ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; DA SILVA, TEANE M.A. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; FACCIN, THALISSON ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; GIONGO, JANICE L. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Experimental infection of cattle with Listeria monocytogenes : Participation of purinergic metabolism in disease pathogenesis. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 122, p. 25-29, issn: 0882-4010, 2018.
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      35. VOLPATO, ANDREIA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; CRECENCIO, REGIANE B. ; TOMASI, THAINÃ ; FORTUOSO, BRUNO F. ; RIBEIRO, MARLUCIANA P. ; SECCO, RODRIGO ; PEREIRA, WANDERSON A.B. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA M. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO. A prophylactic protocol to stimulate the immune response also controls infectious disease and, consequently, minimizes diarrhea in newborn heifers. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 121, p. 262-268, issn: 0882-4010, 2018.
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      36. FÁVERO, JUSCIVETE FÁTIMA ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA M. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO. Physiological changes in the adenosine deaminase activity, antioxidant and inflammatory parameters in pregnant cows and at post partum. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION. v. 102, p. 910-916, issn: 0931-2439, 2018.
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      37. TOMASI, T. ; VOLPATO, A. ; PEREIRA, W. A. B. ; DEBASTIANI, L. H. ; BOTTARI, N. B. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; LEAL, M. L. R. ; MACHADO, G. ; DA SILVA, A. S.. Metaphylactic Effect of Minerals on the Immune Response, Biochemical Variables, and Antioxidant Status of Newborn Calves. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION. v. 102, p. 819-824, issn: 0931-2439, 2018.
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      38. CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; BECKMANN, DIEGO ; SANTOS, ROSMARINI P. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Stefanello, Naiara ; ANDRADES, AMANDA ; AIELLO, GRACIANE ; RIPPLINGER, ANGEL ; LUCIO, BRUNA M. ; INEU, RAFAEL ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; MORSCH, VERA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M.. Quercetin treatment regulates the Na + ,K + -ATPase activity, peripheral cholinergic enzymes, and oxidative stress in a rat model of demyelination. NUTRITION RESEARCH. v. 55, p. 45-56, issn: 0271-5317, 2018.
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      39. REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; GUTIERRES, JESSIE MARTINS ; PELINSON, LUANA PAULA ; Stefanello, Naiara ; DALENOGARE, DIÉSSICA PADILHA ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; LOPES, THAUAN FACCIN ; Morsch, Vera Maria. Lingonberry Extract Provides Neuroprotection by Regulating the Purinergic System and Reducing Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Rats. MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH. v. 62, p. 1800050, issn: 1613-4125, 2018.
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      40. POLACHINI, CARLA ROBERTA NUNES ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera Maria. Cholinergic and purinergic systems: A key to multiple sclerosis?. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES. v. 392, p. 8-21, issn: 0022-510X, 2018.
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      41. Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; CARVALHO, FABIANO BARBOSA ; Stefanello, Naiara ; OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; PILLAT, MICHELI MAINARDI ; ULRICH, HENNING ; DUARTE, MARTA MEDEIROS FRESCURA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria. Caffeine and high intensity exercise: Impact on purinergic and cholinergic signalling in lymphocytes and on cytokine levels. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. v. 108, p. 1731-1738, issn: 0753-3322, 2018.
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      42. JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; PERIN, GESSICA ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; WAGNER, ROGER ; FAGUNDES, MARIANE B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; STEIN, CAROLINA S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; BARRETA, DANIEL A. ; DANIELI, BEATRIZ ; DEFILTRO, RENATA C. ; SCHOGOR, ANA LUIZA B. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Addition of curcumin to the diet of dairy sheep improves health, performance and milk quality. ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. v. 246, p. 144-157, issn: 0377-8401, 2018.
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      43. BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. ; CAZAROTTO, CHRYSTIAN J. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; ALVES, MARIANA S. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; LEAL, MARTA L. R. ; FERNANDES, NATIELI F. ; Moresco, Rafael N. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Diphenyl diselenide subcutaneous supplementation of dairy sheep: effects on oxidant and antioxidant status, inflammatory response and milk composition. Animal Production Science. v. 59, p. 461-470, issn: 1836-0939, 2018.
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      44. MIRON, VANESSA VALÉRIA ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; PRANKE, GABRIEL ; MÂNICA, ALINE ; DA SILVA ROSA BONADIMAN, BEATRIZ ; MANFREDI, LEANDRO HENRIQUE ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MACHADO CARDOSO, ANDRÉIA. High-intensity intermittent exercise increases adenosine hydrolysis in platelets and lymphocytes and promotes platelet aggregation in futsal athletes. PLATELETS. v. 30, p. 1-8, issn: 0953-7104, 2018.
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      45. WARKEN, AMANDA C. ; LOPES, LEANDRO S. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; GLOMBOWSKY, PATRÍCIA ; GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. DA. Mineral supplementation stimulates the immune system and antioxidant responses of dairy cows and reduces somatic cell counts in milk. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS (ONLINE). v. 90, p. 1649-1658, issn: 1678-2690, 2018.
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      46. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; MANFREDI, LEANDRO HENRIQUE ; ZANINI, DANIELA ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; CARVALHO, Fabiano ; TREMBLAY, ALAIN ; BELLÓ-KLEIN, ADRIANE ; RUBIN, Maribel Antonello ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SÉVIGNY, JEAN ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Physical exercise prevents memory impairment in an animal model of hypertension through modulation of CD39 and CD73 activities and A2A receptor expression. JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. v. 37, p. 1, issn: 0263-6352, 2018.
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      47. DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; GABRIEL, MATHEUS E. ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA A. ; GRIS, ANDERSON ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA ; Mendes, Ricardo E.. Oxidative stress and changes in adenosine deaminase activity of cattle experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Parasitology (Cambridge. Online). v. 144, p. 520-526, issn: 0031-1820, 2017.
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      48. Schmatz, Roberta ; Bittencourt M ; Patias L ; Beck M ; Alvarez G ; Zanini, Daniela ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Diehl LN ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; LEAL, Cláudio ; Duarte, Marta Medeiros Frescura ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Evaluation of the biochemical, inflammatory and oxidative profile of obese patients given clinical treatment and bariatric surgery. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 465, p. 72-79, issn: 0009-8981, 2017.
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      49. GROSSKOPF, HYOLANDA M. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; DA SILVA, ESTER S. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; ALVES, MARIANA S. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; MENDES, RICARDO E. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Cattle naturally infected by Eurytrema coelomaticum: Relation between adenosine deaminase activity and zinc levels. Research in Veterinary Science. v. 110, p. 79-84, issn: 0034-5288, 2017.
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      50. BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; DO CARMO, GUILHERME M. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; CASAGRANDE, RENATA ; GUARDA, NAIARA S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; CAMPIGOTTO, GABRIELA ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M.. Fowl typhoid in laying hens cause hepatic oxidative stress. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 103, p. 162-166, issn: 0882-4010, 2017.
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      51. FRACASSO, MATEUS ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA A. ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; HENKER, LUAN C. ; MORESCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; Mendes, Ricardo E.. Activities of ectonucleotidases and adenosine deaminase in platelets of cattle experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. EXPERIMENTAL PARASITOLOGY. v. 176, p. 16-20, issn: 0014-4894, 2017.
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      52. SCHAFER DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO ; SANTURIO, JANIO M. ; ROZA, LENILSON F. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; RADAVELLI, WILLIAN M. ; TOMASI, THAINÃ ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M.. Aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus parasiticus present in the diet of quails increase the activities of cholinesterase and adenosine deaminase. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 107, p. 309-312, issn: 0882-4010, 2017.
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      53. VIEIRA, JULIANO M. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; OLIVEIRA, LIZIELE S. ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA V. ; LEITEMPERGER, JOSSIELE ; LORO, VÂNIA ; KREWER, CRISTINA C. ; VENCATO, MARINA S. ; Spanevello, Roselia M.. Caffeine prevents changes in muscle caused by high-intensity interval training. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 89, p. 116-123, issn: 0753-3322, 2017.
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      54. GROSSKOPF, HYOLANDA M. ; GROSSKOPF, RHAYANA K. ; BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. ; LEAL, MARTA L.R. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; ALVES, MARIANA S. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Supplementation with copper edetate in control of Haemonchus contortus of sheep, and its effect on cholinesterase's and superoxide dismutase activities. Experimental Parasitology. v. 173, p. 34-41, issn: 0014-4894, 2017.
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      55. FAVERO, JUSCIVETE FÁTIMA ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; GABRIEL, MATEUS ELOIR ; HENKER, LUAN CLEBER ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA AGUSTINI ; PIVA, MANOELA MARCHEZAN ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI BIANCHIN ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA CHITOLINA ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS DELLAMÉA ; DA SILVA, ANTONIO WALDIMIR LEOPOLDINO ; Mendes, Ricardo Evandro ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER. Activity of nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase, 5?-nucleotidase, and adenosine deaminase in cattle fed on pastures treated with different nitrogen fertilizers. TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY. v. 99, p. 966-974, issn: 0277-2248, 2017.
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      56. Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Santi, Adriana ; SCHMATZ, ROBERTA ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; DIAS, GLAECIR R. MUNDSTOCK ; CALGAROTO, NICÉIA SPANHOLI ; PELINSON, LUANA PAULA ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; LORO, Vania Lucia ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Hypothyroidism Enhanced Ectonucleotidases and Acetylcholinesterase Activities in Rat Synaptosomes can be Prevented by the Naturally Occurring Polyphenol Quercetin. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY. v. 37, p. 53-63, issn: 0272-4340, 2017.
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      57. DA SILVA, ANDREIA M. P. W. ; DA SILVA, FABIO M. ; NOGARA, PABLO A. ; DUTRA, EDUARDO J. M. ; SERRES, JONAS D. S. ; SARAIVA, ROGÉRIO A. ; PICCOLI, BRUNA C. ; OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIA S. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R. C. ; MORSCH, VERA M. M. ; ROCHA, JOÃO B. T. ; BONACORSO, HELIO G. ; MARTINS, MARCOS A. P. ; ZANATTA, Nilo. Regioselective Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Molecular Docking of Dihydropyrimidin-4-ols as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. v. 1, p. 1-12, issn: 1747-0277, 2017.
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      58. DA SILVA, A.D. ; DA SILVA, A.S. ; BALDISSERA, M.D. ; SCHWERTZ, C.I. ; BOTTARI, N.B. ; CARMO, G.M. ; MACHADO, G. ; LUCCA, N.J. ; HENKER, L.C. ; PIVA, M.M. ; GIACOMIN, P. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C. ; DA ROSA, R.A. ; Mendes, R.E.. Oxidative stress in dairy cows naturally infected with the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea). JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY. v. 91, p. 462-469, issn: 0022-149X, 2017.
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      59. PERIN, GÉSSICA ; FÁVERO, JUSCIVETE F. ; SEVERO, DIEGO R.T. ; SILVA, ANIELEN D. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; ARAÚJO, HUGO L. ; LILENBAUM, WALTER ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; JORDÃO, RICARDO S. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Occurrence of oxidative stress in dairy cows seropositives for Brucella abortus. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 110, p. 196-201, issn: 0882-4010, 2017.
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      60. VIEIRA, JULIANO M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; SOARES, MAYARA S. P. ; OLIVEIRA, PATHISE S. ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; Spanevello, Roselia M.. Caffeine prevents high-intensity exercise-induced increase in enzymatic antioxidant and Na + -K + -ATPase activities and reduction of anxiolytic like-behaviour in rats. REDOX REPORT. v. x, p. 1-8, issn: 1351-0002, 2017.
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      61. GLOMBOWSKY, PATRÍCIA ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; KLAUCK, VANDERLEI ; FÁVERO, JUSCIVETE F. ; SOLDÁ, NATAN M. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; PERIN, GESSICA ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Oxidative stress in dairy cows seropositives for Neospora caninum. COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. v. 54, p. 34-37, issn: 0147-9571, 2017.
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      62. Kaizer, Rosilene R. ; Maldonado, Paula A. ; COSTA, EDUARDA ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Duarte, Marta Maria Medeiros Frescura ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa. Consumption of high fat diet may be associated with the inhibition of NTPDase, 5'-nucleotidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in the peripheral tissues. JOURNAL OF HUMAN NUTRITION & fOOD sCIENCE. v. 5, p. 1115, issn: 2333-6706, 2017.
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      63. KAIZER, ROSILENE RODRIGUES ; COSTA, EDUARDA ; DE ANDRADE, CÍNTHIA MELAZZO ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; Martins, Danieli Brolo ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effect of long-term exposure to aluminum and high-fat diet on NTPDase and 5--nucleotidase activities in lymphocytes and platelets of rats. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (PRINT). v. 27, p. 67-73, issn: 1088-1913, 2017.
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      64. KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; COSTA, EDUARDA ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effect of high fat diets on the NTPDase, 5--nucleotidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in the central nervous system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE. v. 64, p. 12-17, issn: 0736-5748, 2017.
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      65. BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; RECH, VIRGINIA C. ; NISHIHIRA, VIVIAN S. K. ; OLIVEIRA, CAMILA B. ; CARGNIN, LARA P. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; MONTEIRO, SILVIA G. ; TONIN, ALEXANDRE A. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Combination of diminazene aceturate and resveratrol reduces the toxic effects of chemotherapy in treating Trypanosoma evansi infection. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Internet). v. 25, p. 137-144, issn: 1618-565X, 2016.
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      66. TONIN, ALEXANDRE A. ; CALADO, ANDRÉA M.C. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; DALENOGARE, DIÉSSICA ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; DUARTE, THIAGO ; DUARTE, MARTA M.M.F. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R.C. ; ALVES, LEUCIO C. ; TINUCCI-COSTA, MIRELA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Novel markers of inflammatory response and hepatic dysfunction in canine leishmaniasis. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. v. 44, p. 61-64, issn: 0147-9571, 2016.
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      67. DOLESKI, PEDRO H. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; LEAL, DANIELA B. R. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; DA SILVA, ESTER S. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; GIACOMIM, PATRÍCIA ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R. C. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Seric and hepatic NTPDase and 5- nucleotidase activities of rats experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Parasitology (London. Print). v. 143, p. 551-556, issn: 0031-1820, 2016.
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      68. POLACHINI, CARLA ROBERTA NUNES ; SPANEVELLO, ROSELIA MARIA ; ZANINI, DANIELA ; BALDISSARELLI, JUCIMARA ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE BELMONTE ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA CHITOLINA ; da Cruz, Ivana Beatrice Mânica ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA. Evaluation of Delta-Aminolevulinic Dehydratase Activity, Oxidative Stress Biomarkers, and Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurotoxicity Research. v. 29, p. 230-242, issn: 1029-8428, 2016.
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      69. Martins, Caroline Curry ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Zanini, Daniela ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DALENOGARE, DIÉSSICA PADILHA ; FARINHA, JULIANO BOUFLEUR ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Regular exercise training reverses ectonucleotidase alterations and reduces hyperaggregation of platelets in metabolic syndrome patients. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 454, p. 66-71, issn: 0009-8981, 2016.
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      70. BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOCHI, GUILHERME V. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; LEAL, MARTA L.R. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R.C. ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; GHELLER, LARISSA ; MARQUES, ÉDER J. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Relation between iron metabolism and antioxidants enzymes and ?-ALA-D activity in rats experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Experimental Parasitology. v. 165, p. 58-63, issn: 0014-4894, 2016.
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      71. AKINYEMI, AYODELE ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO ; MORSCH, VERA ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE ; GOULARTE, JEFERSON ; BELLÓ-KLEIN, ADRIANE ; DUARTE, THIAGO ; DUARTE, MARTA ; BOLIGON, ALINE ; ATHAYDE, MARGARETH ; AKINDAHUNSI, AKINTUNDE ; OBOH, GANIYU ; SCHETINGER, MARIA. Effect of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes on Inflammatory Cytokines Levels and Enzyme Activities of Cholinergic and Purinergic Systems in Hypertensive Rats. Planta Medica. v. 82, p. 612-620, issn: 0032-0943, 2016.
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      72. DE OLIVEIRA MACHADO, SANDRA LORENA ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE SOUZA ; LEMOS, JÉSSICA GONÇALVES ; DUARTE, THIAGO ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; Morsch, Vera Maria. Evaluation of mediators of oxidative stress and inflammation in patients with acute appendicitis. Biomarkers (London. Print). v. 14, p. 1-8, issn: 1354-750X, 2016.
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      73. DOYLE, R. L. ; FRITZEN, A. ; Bottari, N. ; ALVES, M. S. ; SILVA, A. D. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MARTINS, J. R. ; SANTOS, J. S. ; Gustavo Machado ; Da Silva, A. Imidocarb dipropionate in the treatment of Anaplasma marginale in cattle: effects on enzymes of the antioxidant, cholinergic, and adenosinergic systems. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 97, p. 226-230, issn: 0882-4010, 2016.
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      74. LEAL, CLAUDIO A. M. ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; ADEPHEGA, S. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SILVA, José Edson Paz da ; Rezer, João Felipe Peres ; Scherekker C.M.L. ; Abdalla FH ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Platelet aggregation and serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in pregnancy associated with diabetes, hypertension and HIV. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 34, p. 343-350, issn: 0263-6484, 2016.
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      75. SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; HENKER, LUAN C. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; CARMO, GUILHERME DO ; GUARDA, NAIARA DOS S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA A. ; BASKA, PIOTR ; MATTEI, VANESSA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; MENDES, RICARDO E.. Oxidative stress associated with pathological changes in the pancreas of cattle naturally infected by Eurytrema coelomaticum. Veterinary Parasitology (Print). v. 223, p. 102-110, issn: 0304-4017, 2016.
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      76. BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; TONIN, ALEXANDRE A. ; RECH, VIRGINIA C. ; ALVES, CATIANE B. ; D´AVILA, FERNANDA ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; GUARDA, NAIARA S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; CAMILLO, GIOVANA ; VOGEL, FERNANDA F. ; LUCHESE, CRISTIANE ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; TOCHETTO, CAMILA ; FIGHERA, RAFAEL ; NISHIHIRA, VIVIAN S.K. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Synergistic effects of resveratrol (free and inclusion complex) and sulfamethoxazole-trimetropim treatment on pathology, oxidant/antioxidant status and behavior of mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 95, p. 166-174, issn: 0882-4010, 2016.
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      77. RADAVELLI, WILLIAN MAURICIO ; CAMPIGOTTO, GABRIELA ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BOCHI, GUILHERME ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; MORSCH, VERA M ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; BIANCHI, ANDERSON ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; FERREIRA, ROGÉRIO ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER. Effect of lactation induction on milk production and composition, oxidative and antioxidant status, and biochemical variables. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Print). v. 25, p. 639-648, issn: 1618-5641, 2016.
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      78. BALZAN, ALEXANDRE ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; VOLPATO, ANDREIA ; GROSSKOPF, RHAYANA ; BOITO, JHONATAN P. ; CAZAROTTO, CHRYSTIAN J. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Pre- and post-partum seric biochemical variables of Lacaune ewes naturally infected by gastrointestinal parasites. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Print). v. 1, p. 1-9, issn: 1618-5641, 2016.
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      79. MACHADO, A.C. ; BOIAGO, M.M. ; DO CARMO, G.M. ; BOTTARI, N.B. ; ARAUJO, D.N. ; GIURIATTI, J. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C. ; CASAGRANDE, R.A. ; WISSER, C.S. ; STEFANI, L.M. ; ALVES, M.S. ; DA SILVA, A.S.. Anaemia, Serum Iron Concentrations and ?-Aminolevulinate Dehydratase Activity in Laying Hens Infected Naturally by Salmonella Gallinarum. Journal of Comparative Pathology. v. 155, p. 1-4, issn: 0021-9975, 2016.
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      80. Martins, Caroline Curry ; Bagatini, Margarete D. ; CARDOSO, ANDREIA MACHADO ; Zanini, Daniela ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Dalenogare D ; Santos DL ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; Morsch, Vera M.. Exercise training positively modulates the ectonucleotidase enzymes in limphocytes of metabolic syndrome patients. International Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 37, p. 930-936, issn: 0172-4622, 2016.
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      81. DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; DO CARMO, GUILHERME M. ; ALVES, MARIANA SAUZEN ; BOSCATO, CARLA ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; Casagrande, Renata A. ; STEFANI, LENITA M.. Hepatic cholinesterase of laying hens naturally infected by Salmonella Gallinarum (fowl typhoid). Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 98, p. 93-97, issn: 0882-4010, 2016.
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      82. AKINYEMI, AYODELE JACOB ; Thomé, Gustavo Roberto ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE SOUZA ; GOULARTE, JEFERSON FERRAZ ; BELLÓ-KLEIN, ADRIANE ; OBOH, GANIYU ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Dietary Supplementation of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes Modulates Platelets Ectonucleotidase and Adenosine Deaminase Activities in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats. PTR. Phytotherapy Research. v. 30, p. 1156-1163, issn: 0951-418X, 2016.
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      83. Stefanello, Naiara ; Schmatz, Roberta ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; CARDOSO, ANDREIA MACHADO ; Passamonti S ; Spanevello, Roselia ; Thomé, Gustavo ; Oliveira GMT ; Kist LW ; Bogo MR ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa. Effects of chlorogenic acid, caffeine and coffee on components of the purinergic system of STZ-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. v. 38, p. 145-153, issn: 0955-2863, 2016.
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      84. Santos, Karen F. ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Pillat M ; Rissi VB ; ARAÚJO, MARIA DO CARMO S. ; Bertol G ; GONÇALVES, Paulo Bayard Dias ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; Morsch, Vera M.. Uncaria tomentosa extract alters the catabolism of adenine nucleotides and expression of ecto- 5?-nucleotidase/CD73 and P2X7 and A1 receptors in the MDA-MB-231 cell line. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. v. 194, p. 108-116, issn: 0378-8741, 2016.
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      85. OLIVEIRA, L. ; Thomé, Gustavo ; Lopes T ; REICHERT, K. P. ; Oliveira JS ; Pereira A ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Krewer CC ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; Spanevello, Roselia. Effects of gallic acid on Delta - Aminolevulinic Dehydratase activity and in the biochemical, histological and oxidative stress parameters in the liver and kidney of diabetic rats.. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 84, p. 1291-1299, issn: 0753-3322, 2016.
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      86. PEREIRA, RAQUEL GRANDE ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; HENKER, LUAN C. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO. Butyrylcholinesterase activity in dairy cows naturally infected by Dictyocaulus viviparous and treated with eprinomectin. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Internet). v. 26, p. 155-158, issn: 1618-5641, 2016.
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      87. Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Santi, Adriana ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Zanini, Daniela ; CARDOSO, ANDREIA MACHADO ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA ; Thomé, Gustavo ; MURUSSI, CAMILA R. ; Polachini C ; Dalenogare D ; Loro, Vania Lucia ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Quercetin changes purinergic enzyme activities and oxidative profile in platelets of rats with hypothyroidism. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 84, p. 1849-1857, issn: 0753-3322, 2016.
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      88. SALIU, JAMIYU A. ; OBOH, GANIYU ; OMOJOKUN, OLASUNKANMI S. ; ROCHA, JOÃO B.T. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R. ; GUTERRIES, JESSIE ; Stefanello, Naiara ; CARVALHO, Fabiano ; SCHMATZ, ROBERTA ; Morsch, Vera M. ; BOLIGON, ALINE. Effect of dietary supplementation of Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) leaf on high fat diet/streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats? brain and platelets. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 84, p. 1194-1201, issn: 0753-3322, 2016.
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      89. MACIEL, ROBERTO M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; OLABIYI, AYODEJI A. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Zanini, Daniela ; ROSA, MICHELLE M. ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; DANESI, CRISTIANE C. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Neuroprotective effects of quercetin on memory and anxiogenic-like behavior in diabetic rats: Role of ectonucleotidases and acetylcholinesterase activities. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. v. 84, p. 559-568, issn: 0753-3322, 2016.
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      90. FRITZEN, ALEXANDRO ; ALBANI, KASSIO D. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; ALVES, MARIANA S. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; GIURIATTI, JESSICA ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Relation between calcium levels and adenosine deaminase activity in serum in pre- and postpartum of dairy cow. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Print). v. 25, p. 1201-1205, issn: 1618-5641, 2016.
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      91. MACHADO, VANESSA SCHOPF ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; RECH, VIRGINIA C. ; IANISKI, FRANCINE R. ; SIGNOR, CRISTIANE ; RUBIN, MARIBEL A. ; WACZUK, EMILY P. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; CAMILLO, GIOVANA ; VOGEL, FERNANDA F. ; DE LA RUE, MARIO L. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; FRÜHAUF, PÂMELLA K.S. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Diphenyl diselenide supplementation in infected mice by Toxoplasma gondii: protective effect on behaviour, neuromodulation and oxidative stress caused by disease. Experimental Parasitology. v. 169, p. 51-58, issn: 0014-4894, 2016.
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      92. GROSSKOPF, R. K. ; GROSSKOPF, H. M. ; BOITO, J. P. ; BOTTARI, N. B. ; MACHADO, G. ; BIAZUS, A. H. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; TONIN, A. A. ; PAIANO, D. ; BALZAN, A. ; DA SILVA, A. S.. Natural or replacer sources of milk in lambs during feeding adaptation: influences on performance, metabolism of protein and lipid and oxidative/antioxidant status. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION. v. 101, p. 243-250, issn: 0931-2439, 2016.
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      93. CARDOSO, ANDRÉIA M. ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Bagatini, Margarete D. ; Martins, Caroline C. ; Zanini, Daniela ; Schmatz, Roberta ; JAQUES, JEANDRE A. S. ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C.. Swimming training prevents alterations in ecto-NTPDase and adenosine deaminase activities in lymphocytes from N?-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride induced hypertension rats. Journal of Hypertension. v. 33, p. 763-772, issn: 0263-6352, 2015.
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      94. Bottari, N. ; Baldissera, M. ; Tonin, A.A. ; RECH, V. C. ; NISHIHIRA, V. S. K. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Morsh, Vera ; Camillo, G. ; Vogel, F S ; Camila Tochetto ; Fighera, R. ; Gustavo Machado ; STEFANI, L. M. ; Da Silva, A. Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim associated with resveratrol for the treatment of toxoplasmosis in mice: influence on the activity of enzymes involved in brain neurotransmission Microbial Pathogenesis. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 79, p. 17-23, issn: 0882-4010, 2015.
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      95. da Silva, A.S. ; Baldissera, M. ; Pivoto, F ; Bottari, N. ; Tonin, A.A. ; Gustavo Machado ; Aires, A ; Rocha, J ; Pelinson, L.P. ; DALENOGARE, D. P. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C ; Morsh, Vera ; Leal, M. Effect of zinc supplementation on ecto-adenosine deaminase activity in lambs infected by Haemonchus contortus: highlights on acute phase of disease. Experimental Parasitology. v. 151-152, p. 34-38, issn: 0014-4894, 2015.
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      96. Calgaroto N. ; COSTA, PAULINE DA ; Cardoso, A.M. ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; VIEIRA, JULIANO M. ; DALENOGARE, D. P. ; Pelinson, L.P. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Vitamin D3 prevents the increase in ectonucleotidase activities and ameliorates lipid profile in type 1 diabetic rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 405, p. 11-21, issn: 0300-8177, 2015.
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      97. PILLAT, MICHELI M. ; CHEFFER, ARQUIMEDES ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; ULRICH, HENNING. 'Bradykinin-Induced Inhibition of Proliferation Rate During Neurosphere Differentiation: Consequence or Cause of Neuronal Enrichment?. Cytometry. Part A. v. 87, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 1552-4922, 2015.
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      98. Loro, Vania Lucia ; GLUSCZAK, LISSANDRA ; MORAES, BIBIANA S. ; LEAL, CLAUDIO A. M. ; Menezes, Charlene ; MURUSSI, CAMILA R. ; LEITEMPERGER, JOSSIELE ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Glyphosate-based herbicide affects biochemical parameters in Rhamdia quelen (Quoy. Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso). v. 13, p. 229-236, issn: 1679-6225, 2015.
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      99. Machado, V. S ; Crivellenti, L. Z ; Bottari, N. ; Tonin, A.A. ; Pelinson, L.P. ; Borin-Crivellenti, S ; Santana A. E ; Torbitz, V. D. ; MORESCO, R. N. ; Duarte, T. ; DUARTE, MARTA MARIA MEDEIROS FRESCURA ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; Jaques, J. A. Dos Santos ; Tinucci-Costa, M. ; Da Silva, A. Oxidative stress and inflammatory response biomarkers in the dogs with mammary carcinoma. Pathology, Research and Practice (Print). v. 211, p. 677-681, issn: 0344-0338, 2015.
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      100. Bottari N ; Baldiserra M ; Tonin, Alexandre A. ; Rech V ; Nishirira V ; Thomé, Gustavo ; CAMILLO, GIOVANA ; VOGEL, FERNANDA F. ; Duarte, Marta Medeiros Frescura ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Tochetto C ; Fighera R ; da Silva, Aleksandro Schafer. Effects of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim associated to resveratrol on its free form and complexed with 2-hydroxypropyl-?-cyclodextrin on cytokines levels of mice infected by Toxoplasma gondii. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 87, p. 40-44, issn: 0882-4010, 2015.
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      101. BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; DALENOGARE, DIESSICA ; BOCHI, GUILHERME V. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R.C. ; RECH, VIRGINIA C. ; JAQUES, JEANDRE A. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Activity of cholinesterases, pyruvate kinase and adenosine deaminase in rats experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica: Influences of these enzymes on inflammatory response and pathological findings. Pathology, Research and Practice (Print). v. 211, p. 871-876, issn: 0344-0338, 2015.
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      102. Musthaq N ; SCHMATZ, R ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; Lemos J ; COSTA, P. ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA V. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Stefanello, Francieli ; OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE S. ; Mulinacci N ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Protective effect of rosmarinic acid against oxidative stress biomarkers in liver and kidney of strepotozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. v. 71, p. 743-751, issn: 1138-7548, 2015.
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      103. do Carmo, G. M. ; Crivellenti, L. Z ; Bottari, N. ; Gustavo Machado ; Borin-Crivellenti, S ; MORESCO, R. N. ; Duarte, T. ; DUARTE, MARTA MARIA MEDEIROS FRESCURA ; Tinucci-Costa, M. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; M.STEFANI, L. ; Da Silva, A. Butyrylcholinesterase as a marker of inflammation and liver injury in the acute and subclinical phases of canine ehrlichiosis. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. v. 43, p. 16-21, issn: 0147-9571, 2015.
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      104. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Bagatini, Margarete ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Mânica A ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Moderate Physical Exercise and Purinergic Signaling: The Impact of Ectonucleotidases on Platelets and Lymphocytes. Single Cell Biology. v. 2015, p. 1-2, issn: 2168-9431, 2015.
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      105. BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; VARGAS-HERNÁNDEZ, GIOVANNI ; Tonin, Alexandre A. ; PELINSON, LUANA P. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; ANDRÉ, MARCOS R. ; MACHADO, ROSANGELA Z. ; TINUCCI-COSTA, MIRELA ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Effects of reduction of adenosine deaminase activity in the serum of dogs naturally infected by Ehrlichia canis and Hepatozoon canis. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Internet). v. 24, p. 1289-1292, issn: 1618-5641, 2015.
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      106. DA SILVA BIAVASCHI, MARCELO ; SCHMATZ, ROBERTA ; Gutierres, Jessié ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; JACOBI, LUCIANE ; CAMPOS, THABARA ; SCABURI, ISADORA ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ; MORSCH, VERA. Assessment of glycohemoglobin, plasma glucose curve and C-reactive protein as complementary predictors to diagnose prediabetes: a transversal study. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome. v. 7, p. A153, issn: 1758-5996, 2015.
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      107. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Martins C ; FIORIN, F. S. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Costa P ; MELLO, F. F. ; Fiorenza, A. M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile Fabbrin ; Chaves H ; SERRES, JONAS D.S. ; Royes L.F. ; Klein AB ; Morsch VM ; Schetinger, Maria R. C.. Swimming Training Prevents Alterations in Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase Activities in Hypertensive Rats. American Journal of Hypertension. v. 27, p. 522-529, issn: 0895-7061, 2014.
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      108. GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MARISCO, PATRÍCIA ; AGOSTINHO, PAULA ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; DA SILVA, CASSIA R. ; DE P. COGNATO, GIANA ; FARIAS, JULIA G. ; SIGNOR, CRISTIANE ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; BOGO, MAURICIO ; BONAN, CARLA D. ; Spanevello, Roselia. Anthocyanins restore behavioral and biochemical changes caused by streptozotocin-induced sporadic dementia of Alzheimer's type. Life Sciences (1973). v. 96, p. 7-17, issn: 0024-3205, 2014.
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      109. Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Carvalho, Fabiano Barbosa ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Agostinho P ; MARISCO, P. ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Rosa M ; Bohnert C ; Rubin, Maribel Antonello ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Farias J ; Signor C ; SPANEVELLO, ROSÉLIA M. ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo. Neuroprotective effect of anthocyanins on acetylcholinesterase activity and attenuation of scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 33, p. 88-97, issn: 0736-5748, 2014.
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      110. TONIN, ALEXANDRE A. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; SCHAFER, ANDRESSA S. ; AIRES, ADELINA R. ; OLIVEIRA, CAMILA B. ; ZANINI, DANIELA ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R.C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; MONTEIRO, SILVIA G. ; LEAL, MARTA L.R.. Influence of experimental infection by Haemonchus contortus on acetylcholinesterase activity in lymphocytes of lambs. Experimental Parasitology. v. 139, p. 19-23, issn: 0014-4894, 2014.
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      111. Polachini C ; SPANEVELLO, ROSÉLIA M. ; Zanini, Daniela ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; Martins, Caroline C. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; CARDOSO, ANDREIA M. ; Duarte, Marta Maria Medeiros Frescura ; Costa P ; Prado AL ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Morsch, Vera M.. Alterations in the cholinesterase and adenosine deaminase activities and inflammation biomarker levels in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuroscience. v. 266, p. 266-274, issn: 0306-4522, 2014.
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      112. GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA V. ; VIEIRA, JULIANO M. ; MALDONADO, PAULA ; ARAÚJO, MARIA DO CARMO S. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Stefanello, Naiara ; JAQUES, JEANDRE A. S. ; COSTA, MARCIO ; MORSCH, V. M. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; PIMENTEL, VICTOR ; LOPES, SONIA TEREZINHA A. ; Spanevello, Roselia M.. Alterations in the extracellular catabolism of nucleotides and platelet aggregation induced by high-fat diet in rats: effects of ?-tocopherol. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. v. 70, p. 487-496, issn: 1138-7548, 2014.
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      113. Tonin, Alexandre A. ; Silveira S ; Moritz C ; Casali, Emerson A. ; Camillo G ; Flores M ; Fighera R ; Thomé, Gustavo ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Rue M ; Vogel F ; LOPES, SONIA TEREZINHA A. ; da Silva, Aleksandro Schafer. Influence of infection by Toxoplasma gondii on purine levels and E-ADA activity in the brain of mice experimentally infected mice. Experimental Parasitology. v. 142, p. 51-58, issn: 0014-4894, 2014.
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      114. SALBEGO, Joseânia ; BECKER, A. G. ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; MENEZES, CHARLENE ; HELDWEIN, Clarissa Giesel ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; LORO, V. L. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; HEINZMANN, Berta Maria ; Baldisserotto, B.. The essential oil from Lippia alba induces biochemical stress in the silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) after transportation. Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso). v. 12, p. 811-818, issn: 1679-6225, 2014.
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      115. ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; CARDOSO, ANDRÉIA M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DE OLIVEIRA, JULIANE SORRAILA ; ROSA, MICHELLE M. ; GONÇALVES NUNES, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; DA CRUZ, IVANA B.M. ; BARBISAN, FERNANDA ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Quercetin protects the impairment of memory and anxiogenic-like behavior in rats exposed to cadmium: possible involvement of the acetylcholinesterase and Na+, K+ - ATPase activities. Physiology & Behavior. v. 135, p. 152-167, issn: 0031-9384, 2014.
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      116. Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GONÇALVES, JAMILE FABBRIN ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Zanini, Daniela ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE SOUZA ; da Costa, Pauline ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; LHAMAS, CIBELE LIMA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MAZZANTI, CINTHIA MELAZZO ANDRADE. Protective effect of quercetin in ecto-enzymes, cholinesterases, and myeloperoxidase activities in the lymphocytes of rats exposed to cadmium. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 396, p. 201-211, issn: 0300-8177, 2014.
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      117. Bottari N ; Baldiserra M ; Tonin, Alexandre A. ; França, R T ; Zanini, Daniela ; LEAL, M. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C. ; Morsch VM ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Guarda N ; Moresco, Rafael N. ; Aires A ; Stefani L ; da Silva, Aleksandro Schafer. Effects of iron supplementation on blood adenine deaminase activity and oxidative stress in Trypanosoma evansi infection of rats. Experimental Parasitology. v. 147, p. 1-6, issn: 0014-4894, 2014.
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      118. Stefanello, Naiara ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; ROCHA, JOÃO BATISTA TEIXEIRA ; FACCO, GRAZIELA ; Pereira, Maria Ester ; MAZZANTI, CINTHIA MELAZZO DE ANDRADE ; PASSAMONTI, SABINA ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA VALVASSORI ; CARVALHO, FABIANO BARBOSA ; ROSA, MICHELLE MELGAREJO ; GUTIERRES, JESSIE MARTINS ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effects of chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and coffee on behavioral and biochemical parameters of diabetic rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 388, p. 277-286, issn: 0300-8177, 2014.
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      119. MUSHTAQ, NADIA ; Schmatz, Roberta ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; AHMAD, MUSHTAQ ; Stefanello, Naiara ; VIEIRA, JULIANO M. ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA V. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; PELINSON, LUANA PAULA ; DALENOGARE, DIÉSSICA P. ; REICHERT, KARINE PAULA ; DUTRA, EDUARDO M. ; MULINACCI, NÁDIA ; INNOCENTI, MARZIA ; BELLUMORI, MARIA ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa. Rosmarinic acid prevents lipid peroxidation and increase in acetylcholinesterase activity in brain of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 32, p. 287-293, issn: 0263-6484, 2014.
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      120. Schmatz, Roberta ; Mann TR ; Spanevello, Rosélia Maria ; MACHADO, M. M. ; Zanini, Daniela ; Pimentel, Victor C. ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Leal, Claudio A M ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Schetinger, Maria R C ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Moderate Red Wine and Grape Juice Consumption Modulates the Hydrolysis of the Adenine Nucleotides and Decreases Platelet Aggregation in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. v. 65, p. 129-143, issn: 1085-9195, 2013.
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      121. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; FIORIN, FERNANDO DA SILVA ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Zanini, Daniela ; Fiorenza, Amanda Maino ; Stefanello, Naiara ; SERRES, JONAS DACI DA SILVA ; CARVALHO, FABIANO ; CASTRO, VERÔNICA PAIVA ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; ROYES, LUIZ FERNANDO FREIRE ; BELLÓ-KLEIN, ADRIANE ; GOULARTE, JEFERSON FERRAZ ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Physical training prevents oxidative stress in L-NAME-induced hypertension rats. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 31, p. 136-151, issn: 0263-6484, 2013.
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      122. Becker A ; PARODI, T. V. ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Morsch VM ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; BALDISEROTTO, Bernardo. Ectonucleotidases and acetylcholinesterase activities in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to different salinities. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. v. 46, p. 44-49, issn: 0305-1978, 2013.
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      123. DOS SANTOS JAQUES, JEANDRE AUGUSTO ; Becker, Lara Vargas ; Souza, Viviane do Carmo Gonçalves ; LEAL, Cláudio Alberto Martins ; BERTOLDO, TATIANA MONTAGNER DALCIN ; DE VARGAS PINHEIRO, KELLY ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa. Activities of enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 31, p. 395-399, issn: 0263-6484, 2013.
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      124. Zanini, Daniela ; SCHMATZ, R ; Pelinson LP ; Pimentel, Victor Câmera ; COSTA, P. ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Schetinger C C ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Araújo, Maria C.S. ; Oliveira, Liliane ; Chiesa, Juarez ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Ectoenzymes and cholinesterase activity and biomarkers of oxidative stress in patients with lung cancer. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 374, p. 137-148, issn: 0300-8177, 2013.
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      125. BATTISTI, Vanessa ; Maders, Liési D.K. ; Bagatini, Margarete ; BATTISTI, I. ; Bellé L. ; Santos, Karen F. ; Maldonado, Paula A. ; Thomé, Gustavo ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Ectonucleotidase pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (E-NPP) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities in prostate cancer patients: Influence of gleason score, treatment and bone metastasis. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 67, p. 203-208, issn: 0753-3322, 2013.
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      126. Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Zanini, Daniela ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Bagatini, Margarete ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Carvalho, Fabiano Barbosa ; Gomes JL ; Rubin, Maribel Antonello ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MORETTO, Maria Beatriz ; Colino-Oliveira M ; Sebastião AM ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA ALTERS NUCLEOTIDE AND NUCLEOSIDE CATABOLISM AND NA+,K+-ATPASE ACTIVITY IN THE CEREBRAL CORTEX OF NEWBORN RATS'. Neurochemical Research. v. 38, p. 886-894, issn: 0364-3190, 2013.
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      127. PIMENTEL, V. C. ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; GOMES, JÉSSICA LOPES ; Zanini, Daniela ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA HUSEIN ; COSTA, PAULINE ; Gonçalves, Jamile Fabbrin ; DUARTE, MARTA MARIA MEDEIROS FRESCURA ; Moretto, Maria Beatriz ; MORSCH, V. M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Evaluation of acetylcholinesterase and adenosine deaminase activities in brain and erythrocytes and proinflammatory cytokine levels in rats submitted to neonatal hypoxia-ischemia model. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 378, p. 247-255, issn: 0300-8177, 2013.
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      128. Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GONÇALVES, JAMILE FABBRIN ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Fiorenza, Amanda Maino ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; SILVA SERRES, JONAS DACI ; Zanini, Daniela ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Neuroprotective effect of quercetin in ectoenzymes and acetylcholinesterase activities in cerebral cortex synaptosomes of cadmium-exposed rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 381, p. 1-8, issn: 0300-8177, 2013.
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      129. PEREIRA, LUCIANE BELMONTE ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; ROSSATO, LIANA VERÔNICA ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; DRESSLER, Valderi ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; FEDERIZZI, LUIZ CARLOS ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Differential speed of activation in antioxidant system in three oat genotypes.. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. v. 128, p. 202-207, issn: 0162-0134, 2013.
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      130. TONIN, ALEXANDRE A. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE S. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; FLORES, MARIANA M. ; FIGHERA, RAFAEL A. ; TOSCAN, GUSTAVO ; VOGEL, FERNANDA F. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Neospora caninum: Activity of cholinesterases during the acute and chronic phases of an experimental infection in gerbils. Experimental Parasitology. v. 135, p. 669-674, issn: 0014-4894, 2013.
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      131. LINARES, CARLOS EDUARDO BLANCO ; GIACOMELLI, SANDRO ROGERIO ; ALTENHOFEN, DELSI ; ALVES, SYDNEY HARTZ ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Fluconazole and amphotericin-B resistance are associated with increased catalase and superoxide dismutase activity in Candida albicans and candida dubliniensis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Impresso). v. 46, p. 752-758, issn: 0037-8682, 2013.
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      132. Farias, I.L.G. ; ARAÚJO, Maria Do Carmo ; FARIAS, J. G. ; Rossato, L.V. ; Elsenbach, L.I. ; Dalmora, S.L. ; Flores, N.M.P. ; Durigon, M. ; Cruz, I.B.M. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Uncaria tomentosa for Reducing Side Effects Caused by Chemotherapy in CRC Patients: Clinical Trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print). v. 2012, p. ID 892182, issn: 1741-427X, 2012.
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      133. Rossato, L.V. ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; FARIAS, J. G. ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; Antes, F. G. ; DRESSLER, Valderi Luiz ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effects of lead on the growth, lead accumulation and physiological respondes of Pluchea sagittalis. Ecotoxicology (London). v. 21, p. 111-123, issn: 0963-9292, 2012.
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      134. Schmatz, Roberta ; Perreira, Luciane Belmonte ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Mazzanti, Cinthia ; Spanevello, Roselia ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Bagatini, Margarete ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Daci da Silva Serres, Jonas ; Zanini, Daniela ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Effects of rersveratrol on biomarkers of oxidative stress and on the activity of delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in liver and kidney of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Biochimie (Paris. Print). v. 94, p. 374-383, issn: 0300-9084, 2012.
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      135. Zanini, Daniela ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; Thomé, Gustavo Roberto ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Oliveira, Liliane ; Chiesa, Juarez ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Lung cancer alters the hydrolysis of nucleotides and nucleosides in platelets. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 66, p. 40-45, issn: 0753-3322, 2012.
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      136. Thomé, Gustavo Roberto ; Souza de Oliveira, Lizielle ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Spanevello, Rosélia Maria ; Fiorenza, Amanda Maino ; Seres, Jonas ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Pereira, Maria Ester ; Calgaroto, Nicéia Spanholi ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; do Carmo Gonçalves Souza, Viviane ; Augusto dos Santos Jaques, Jeandre ; Leal, Claudio Alberto Martins ; Corrêa da Cruz, Ritiel ; Thiesen, Flávia Valladão ; Melazzo Mazzanti, Cinthia ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Nicotine alters the ectonucleotidases activities in lymphocytes: In vitro and in vivo studies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 66, p. 206-212, issn: 0753-3322, 2012.
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      137. GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; da Silva, A.S. ; KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; Schmatz, R. ; Thomé, G. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Oral administration of N-acetylcysteine improve biochemical parameters in diabetic rats. Ciência e Natura. v. 34, p. 81-105, issn: 0100-8307, 2012.
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      138. MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; NEGRINI, Luiz Augusto ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Role of the purinergic system in patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and uterine cancer. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 66, p. 6-11, issn: 0753-3322, 2012.
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      139. Espiña, Débora Corrêa ; Carvalho, Fabiano Barbosa ; Zanini, Daniela ; Schlemmer, Josiane Bizzi ; Coracini, Juliane Dors ; Rubin, Maribel Antonello ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; Baiotto, Cléia Rosani ; Jaques, Jeandre Augusto dos Santos. A more accurate profile of Achyrocline satureioides hypocholesterolemic activity. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 30, p. 347-353, issn: 0263-6484, 2012.
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      140. Santos Araújo, Maria do Carmo ; Farias, Iria Luiza ; Gutierres, Jessie ; Dalmora, Sergio L. ; Flores, Nélia ; Farias, Julia ; Cruz, Ivana de ; Chiesa, Juarez ; MORSCH, V. M. ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa. Uncaria tomentosa¿Adjuvant Treatment for Breast Cancer: Clinical Trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print). v. 2012, p. 1-8, issn: 1741-427X, 2012.
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      141. Martins DB ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; Schmatz R ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; Schmidt, Candice ; Traesel, Carolina K. ; Stefanello N ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; Lopes STA. Subchronic administration of nandrolone decanoate in acetylcholinesterase activity in Wistar rats. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Internet). v. 21, p. 265-268, issn: 1618-565X, 2012.
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      142. GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; COSTA, P. ; Farias, J G ; Carvalho, F.B. ; da Rosa M M ; Gutierres, Jessie ; Abdalla, F.H. ; Pereira J S F ; DIAS, G. ; Barbosa N B V ; DRESSLER, Valderi Luiz ; RUBIM, Maribel Antonello ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Behavior and brain enzymatic changes after long-term intoxication with cadmium salt or contaminated potatoes. Food and Chemical Toxicology. v. 50, p. 3709-3718, issn: 0278-6915, 2012.
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      143. Souza, Viviane C.G. ; Schlemmer, Karine Bizzi ; Jaques, Jeandre Augusto dos Santos ; Noal C ; Zimmermann, Carine Eloise Prestes ; Leal, Claudio Alberto M. ; Fleck J ; Casali, Emerson A. ; Morsch VM ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; LEAL, D. B. R.. E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities are altered in lymphocytes of patients with indetertminate form of Chagas disease. Parasitology International (Print). v. 61, p. 690-696, issn: 1383-5769, 2012.
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      144. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Martins, Caroline C. ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Zanini, Daniela ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Thomé, Gustavo ; Leal, Claudio Alberto Martins ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Stefanello, Naiara ; FIORIN, F. S. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Royes L.F. ; Klein AB ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Exercise training prevents ecto-nucleotidases alterations in platelets of hypertensive rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 371, p. 147-156, issn: 0300-8177, 2012.
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      145. Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; DUARTE, MARTA M. M. F. ; Fiorenza, Amanda M. ; Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE D. ; Antes, Fabiane G. ; COSTA, PAULINE ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C.. Hematological indices and activity of NTPDase and cholinesterase enzymes in rats exposed to cadmium and treated with N-acetylcysteine. BioMetals (Oxford). v. 25, p. 1195-1206, issn: 0966-0844, 2012.
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      146. AHMED, Mushtaq ; Latif, Nadia ; Ali Khan, Rahmat ; Ahmad, Akhlaq ; Rocha, João Batista Teixeira ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Enzymatic and biochemical characterization of Bungarus sindanus snake venom acetylcholinesterase. The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases (Online). v. 18, p. 236-243, issn: 1678-9199, 2012.
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      147. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; Roth, Maria Amélia ; Martins, C.C. ; Rezer, J.F.P. ; Mello, Fábio Fernandes ; Lopes, Luis Felipe ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Acute effects of resistance exercise and intermittent intense aerobic exercise on blood cell count and oxidative stress in trained middle-aged women. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso). v. 45, p. 1172-1182, issn: 1414-431X, 2012.
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      148. Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; Gasparetto, Diogo ; Rosa, Cintia Saydelles ; Spanevello, Roselia Maria ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Oxidative stress versus antioxidant defenses in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Heart and Vessels. v. 26, p. 55-63, issn: 0910-8327, 2011.
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      149. Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Cargnelutti, Denise ; Rossato, Liana Verônica ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Calgaroto, Nicéia ; Dressler, Valderi ; Nicoloso, Fernando T. ; Federizzi, Luiz Carlos ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Differential responses of oat genotypes: oxidative stress provoked by aluminum. BioMetals (Oxford). v. 24, p. 73-83, issn: 0966-0844, 2011.
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      150. BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; Martins, C.C. ; Gasparetto, D. ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; Becker, Lara V. ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; Bellé, L. ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Dos Santos, R.B. ; Oliveira, L. ; MORSCH, V. M.. Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in patients with ischemic heart diseases. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 412, p. 159-164, issn: 0009-8981, 2011.
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      151. da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Spanevello, Rosélia ; Oliveira, Camila B. ; Costa, Marcio M. ; Jaques, Jeandre A.S. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Acetylcholinesterase activity and lipid peroxidation in the brain and spinal cord of rats infected with Trypanosoma evansi. Veterinary Parasitology (Print). v. 175, p. 237-244, issn: 0304-4017, 2011.
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      152. Leal, Daniela B.R. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Leal, Claudio A.M. ; Bertoncheli, Claudia de M. ; Morsch, Vera M.. NTPDase activity in human lymphocytes is not affected by therapeutic doses of anti-HIV drugs. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 65, p. 594-596, issn: 0753-3322, 2011.
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      153. Jaques, Jeandre Augusto dos Santos ; Rezer, João Felipe Peres ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Pimentel, Victor Câmera ; Thomé, Gustavo Roberto ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa. The effect of curcumin in the ectonucleotidases and acetylcholinesterase activities in synaptosomes from the cerebral cortex of cigarette smoke-exposed rats. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 29, p. 703-707, issn: 0263-6484, 2011.
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      154. Jaques, J. A. Dos Santos ; Rezer, J.F.P. ; Ruchel, J.B. ; Becker, Lara V. ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; Souza, V.G. ; da Luz, S.C.A. ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; LEAL, Daniela B R. Lung and blood lymphocytes NTPDase and acetylcholinesterase activity in cigarette smoke-exposed rats treated with curcumin. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition. v. 1, p. 109-115, issn: 2210-5239, 2011.
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      155. Martins, D.B. ; Lopes, S.T.A. ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; Schmatz, R. ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; Stefanello, N. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; Veiga, A.M.. Lipid peroxidation in rats treated with vincristine sulphate and nandrolone decanoate. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. v. 63, p. 107-113, issn: 0102-0935, 2011.
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      156. FARIAS, IRIA L.G. ; FARIAS, JÚLIA G. ; ROSSATO, LIANA ; ARAÚJO, MARIA C.S. ; Chiesa, Juarez ; Morsh, Vera ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Correlation between TBARS levels and glycolytic enzymes: The importance to the initial evaluation of clinical outcome of colorectal cancer patients. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 65, p. 395-400, issn: 0753-3322, 2011.
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      157. Thomé, G. ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Fiorenza, A. ; DUARTE, Marta Frescura ; da Luz, S.C.A. ; PEREIRA, Maria Ester ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M. Vitamin E Decreased the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase and Level of Lipid Peroxidation in Brain of Rats Exposed to Aged and Diluted Sidestream Smoke. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. v. 20, p. 1210-1219, issn: 1462-2203, 2011.
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      158. BATTISTI, Vanessa ; Maders, Liési D.K. ; Bagatini, Margarete D. ; Reetz, Luiz Gustavo B. ; Chiesa, Juarez ; Battisti, Iara E. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Duarte, Marta M.F. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Morsch, Vera M.. Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in prostate cancer patients: relation to Gleason score, treatment and bone metastasis. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 65, p. 516-524, issn: 0753-3322, 2011.
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      159. Jaques, Jeandre Augusto dos Santos ; Ruchel, Jader Betsch ; Schlemmer, Karine Bizzi ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Bagatini, Margarete ; Souza, Viviane do Carmo Gonçalves ; MORETTO, Maria Beatriz ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa. Effects of curcumin on the activities of the enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in platelets from cigarette smoke-exposed rats. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 29, p. 630-635, issn: 0263-6484, 2011.
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      160. Leal, Claudio A M ; Schetinger, Maria R C ; LEAL, Daniela B R ; MORSCH, Vera M ; da Silva, Aleksandro Schafer ; Rezer, João F P ; de Bairros, André Valle ; Jaques, Jeandre Augusto dos Santos. Oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses in pregnant women. Redox Report (Edinburgh). v. 16, p. 230-236, issn: 1351-0002, 2011.
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      161. Spanevello, Roselia Maria ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Bagatini, Margarete ; CORREA, Maisa ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Thomé, Gustavo ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Becker, Lara ; Bellé, Luziane ; Oliveira, Liliane ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Activities of the enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in platelets from multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of Neurology (Print). v. 257, p. 24-30, issn: 0340-5354, 2010.
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      162. SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; Schmatz, R. ; Thomé, G. ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; CORREA, Maísa ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; Stefanello, N. ; Bellé, L. ; MORETTO, M. B. ; Oliveira, L. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. The activity and expression of NTPDase is altered in lymphocytes of multiple sclerosis patients. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 411, p. 210-214, issn: 0009-8981, 2010.
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      163. Saucedo, E. M. ; Pereira, R. S. ; Barbosa, G. M. ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; LEAL, Cláudio ; Fleck, J. ; Santos, R.C.V. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; LEAL, Daniela B R. Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in lymphocytes and platelets of immunosuppressed rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 64, p. 437-440, issn: 0753-3322, 2010.
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      164. MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; NEGRINI, Luiz Augusto ; Ethur, J. S. ; Oliveira, L. ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; Becker, Lara V. ; ZANIN, Rafael F ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Nucleotide degrading enzymes in platelets from uterine cervical neoplasia patients treated with conization or radiotherapy. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 64, p. 499-504, issn: 0753-3322, 2010.
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      165. Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Fiorenza, Amanda M. ; Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Bochi, Guilherme V. ; Antes, Fabiane G. ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. N-acetylcysteine prevents memory deficits, the decrease in acetylcholinesterase activity and oxidative stress in rats exposed to cadmium. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 186, p. 53-60, issn: 0009-2797, 2010.
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      166. PEREIRA, Luciane ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; Becker, A.G. ; Faria, J. G. ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; BOHRER, Denise ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Aluminium-induced oxidative stress in cucumber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris). v. 48, p. 683-689, issn: 0981-9428, 2010.
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      167. Becker, Lara V. ; Rosa, Cintia S. ; Souza, Viviane do C.G. ; Bagatini, Margarete D. ; Casali, Emerson A. ; Leal, Claudio Alberto M. ; da Silva, João Carlos N. ; MORETTO, Maria Beatriz ; Pinheiro, Francielle de V. ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Activities of enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in platelets from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 43, p. 1096-1100, issn: 0009-9120, 2010.
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      168. KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; Gutierres, J. ; SCHAMTZ, Roberta ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da. In vitro and in vivo interactions of aluminum on NTPDase and AChE activities in lymphocytes of rats. Cellular Immunology (Print). v. 265, p. 133-138, issn: 0008-8749, 2010.
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      169. MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; CORRÊA, Maísa ; Schmatz R ; Stefanello N ; LEAL, D. B. R. ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Ramos A ; Martins T ; DANESI, C. C. ; GRAÇA, Dominguita Lühers ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Neto A.G. F. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Pre- treatment with ebselen and vitamin E modulate acetylcholinesterase activity : int eraction with demyelinating agents. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 27, p. 73-80, issn: 0736-5748, 2009.
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      170. Thomé, G.R. ; Mazzanti, C.M. ; Ahmed, M. ; Corrêa, M. ; Spanevello, R.M. ; Maldonado, P.A. ; LUCHESE, C. ; CARGNELUTTI, D. ; Morsch, V.M. ; Duarte, M.M.M.F. ; Fiorenza, A.M. ; Nogueira, C.W. ; De Bona, K.S. ; Moretto, M.B. ; Da Luz, S.C.A. ; Mazzanti, A. ; Schetinger, M. R. C. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Activity of ectonucleotidases and adenosine deaminase in rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Inhalation Toxicology. v. 21, p. 906-912, issn: 0895-8378, 2009.
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      171. Lunkes, Daniéle Sausen ; Lunkes, Gilberto Inácio ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; Morsch, André L.B. ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; Corrêa, Maísa ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Effect of different vasodilators on NTPDase activity in healthy and hypertensive patients. Thrombosis Research. v. 124, p. 268-274, issn: 0049-3848, 2009.
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      172. SCHAMTZ, Roberta ; SCHETINGER, Maria R C ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; Stefanello, N. ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; Gutierres, J. ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; Girotto, E. ; MORETTO, M. B. ; MORSCH, V. M.. Effects of resveratrol on nucleotides degrating enzymes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Life Sciences. v. 84, p. 345-350, issn: 0024-3205, 2009.
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      173. Schmatz, Roberta ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; Spanevello, Roselia ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Corrêa, Maisa ; da Rosa, Michelle Melgarejo ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Resveratrol prevents memory deficits and the increase in acetylcholinesterase activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. v. 610, p. 42-48, issn: 0031-6970, 2009.
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      174. BATTISTI, Vanessa ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Maders, Liési D.K. ; Santos, Karen F. ; Bagatini, Margarete D. ; Correa, Maísa C. ; Spanevello, Rosélia M. ; do Carmo Araújo, Maria ; Morsch, Vera M.. Changes in acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity in lymphocytes and whole blood in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 402, p. 114-118, issn: 0009-8981, 2009.
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      175. SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; Schmatz, R. ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; Stefanello, N. ; CORREA, Maísa ; KAIZER, Rosilene ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; Martins, T.B. ; Danesi, C.C. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Effect of vitamin E on ectonucleotidases activities in synaptosomes and platelets and parameters of oxidative stress in rats experimentally demyelinated. Brain Research Bulletin. v. 1-2, p. 45-51, issn: 0361-9230, 2009.
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      176. Schmatz, R. ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; Stefanello, N. ; Gutierres, J. ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Jaques, J. A. Dos Santos ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, V. M.. Ectonucleotidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in synaptosomes from the cerebral cortex of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and treated with resveratrol. Brain Research Bulletin. v. 80, p. 371-376, issn: 0361-9230, 2009.
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      177. KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; LORO, Vânia Lúcia ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C ; MORSCH, V. M. ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; Becker, A.G. ; BALDISSEROTTO, Bernardo. NTPDase and acetylcholinesterase activities in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Quoy. Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso). v. 7, p. 635-640, issn: 1679-6225, 2009.
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      178. TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; Ruppenthal, Raquel ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Presence of multiple acid phosphatases activity in seedlings of cucumbers, radish and rocket salad. Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso). v. 38, p. 650-657, issn: 0103-8478, 2008.
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      179. CORRÊA, Maísa C ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; LUNKES, Gilberto ; LUNKES, Daniele Sausen ; KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; MORSCH, V. M. ; PEREIRA, Maria Ester ; SCHETINGER, Maria R C. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) in hypertensive and ischemic patients of both acute and chronic stages. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 62, p. 317-324, issn: 0753-3322, 2008.
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      180. SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; WYSE, A. T. S. ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SCHAMTZ, Roberta ; Stefanello, N. ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effects in vitro of guanidinoacetate on adenine nucleotide hydrolysis and acetylcholinesterase activity in tissues from adult rats. Neurochemical Research. v. 33, p. 1129-1137, issn: 0364-3190, 2008.
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      181. MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; Becker, Lara V. ; Flores, C. ; MORETTO, M. B. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M.. Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase (E-NPP) and Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) activities in patients with uterine cervix neoplasia?. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 41, p. 400-406, issn: 0009-9120, 2008.
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      182. BATTISTI, Vanessa ; Maders L ; Bagatini M ; Santos K ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; Brulé A ; ARAÚJO, Maria Do Carmo ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Measurement of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 41, p. 511-518, issn: 0009-9120, 2008.
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      183. BOHRER, Denise ; Dessuy, M.B. ; KAIZER, Rosilene ; NASCIMENTO, P. C. ; SCHETINFGER, Maria Rosa ; SCHETINGER, M. R. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; de Carvalho, l. M. ; Garcia, S. C.. Tissue digestion for aluminum determination in experimental animal tissues. Analytical Biochemistry. v. 377, p. 120-127, issn: 0009-9120, 2008.
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      184. KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; BOHRER, D. N. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Effect of long-term exposure to aluminum on the acetylcholinesterase activity in the central nervous systme and erythrocytes. Neurochemical Research. v. 33, p. 2294-2301, issn: 0364-3190, 2008.
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      185. AHMED, Mushtaq ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; Hassan, W. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; LORO, Vânia Lúcia ; Thomé, G. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Comparative study of the inhibitory effect of antidepressants on cholinesterase activity in Bungarus sindanus (krait) venom, human serum and rat striatum. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry (Online). v. 23, p. 912-917, issn: 1475-6366, 2008.
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      186. Lunkes, Gilberto Inácio ; Lunkes, Daniéle Sausen ; LEAL, Daniela ; Araújo, Maria do Carmo ; Corrêa, Maísa ; Becker, Lara ; Rosa, Cintia Saydelles da ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effect of high glucose levels in human platelet NTPDase and 5⿲-nucleotidase activities. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (Print). v. 81, p. 351-357, issn: 0168-8227, 2008.
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      187. Bagatini M ; Martins C ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; Sperotto R ; Gasparetto D ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; GONZAGA, Wellington ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; Santos R ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Hydrolysis of adenine nucleotides in platelets from patients with acute myocardial infarction. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 41, p. 1181-1185, issn: 0009-9120, 2008.
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      188. MIRON, Denise dos Santos ; PRETTO, Alexandra ; CRESTANI, Márcia ; GLUSCZAK, Lissandra ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C ; LORO, Vânia Lúcia ; MORSCH, V. M.. Biochemical Effects of Clomazone Herbicide on Piava (Leporinus obtusidens).. Chemosphere (Oxford ). v. 74, p. 1-5, issn: 0045-6535, 2008.
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      189. TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; RUPPENTHAL, Raquel ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; MORSCH, V. M. ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Effects of metal elements on acid phosphatase activity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany. v. 59, p. 43-48, issn: 0098-8472, 2007.
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      190. Miron, Vinícius Ribas ; Bauermann, Liliane ; Morsch, André Luis Bittencourt ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; Corrêa, Maísa ; Silva, Adriane Cismoski ; Mazzanti, Cínthia ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Lunkes, Gilberto Ignácio ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Enhanced NTPDase and 5⿲-nucleotidase activities in diabetes mellitus and iron-overload model. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 298, p. 101-107, issn: 0300-8177, 2007.
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      191. GIODA, Carolina Rosa ; Lissner, L ; PRETTO, Alexandra ; ROCHA, J. B. T. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C ; Neto, J.R. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; LORO, Vânia Lúcia. Exposure to sublethal concentrations of Zn(II) and Cu(II) changes biochemical parameters in leporinus obtusidens. Chemosphere (Oxford ). v. 69, p. 170-175, issn: 0045-6535, 2007.
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      192. Souza, J.B. ; ROCHA, J. B. T. ; NOGUEIRA, Cristina Wayne ; Borges, V.C. ; KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; MORSCH, V. M. ; DRESSLER, Valderi Luiz ; MARTINS, A. F. ; FLORES, E. M. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (δ-ALA-D) activity in diabetes and hypothyroidism. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 40, p. 321-325, issn: 0009-9120, 2007.
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      193. SILVA, Adriane C da ; ROCHA, J. B. T. ; MORSCH, A. L. B. ; ZANIN, Rafael F ; KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; ARANTES, Luis ; Silva, L.A. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Oxidative Stress and Delta-ALA-D activity in chronic renal failure patients. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 61, p. 180-185, issn: 0753-3322, 2007.
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      194. AHMED, Mushtaq ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; MORSCH, André ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; CORREA, Maísa ; LORO, Vânia ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Malathion, carbofuran and paraquat inhibit Bungarus sindanus (krait) venom acetylcholinesterase and human serum butyrylcholinesterase in vitro. Ecotoxicology (London). v. 16, p. 363-369, issn: 0963-9292, 2007.
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      195. MAZZANTI, C. M. A.; Roselia Spanevello ; Mushtaq Ahmed ; Roberta Schmatz ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Fabiano Z. Salbego ; Dominguita L. Graça ; Eliza S.V. Sallis ; MORSH, André ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Cyclosporine A Inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 25, p. 259-264, issn: 0736-5748, 2007.
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      196. DUARTE, Marta Frescura ; LORO, Vânia Lúcia ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; LEAL, Daniela B R ; de Bem, A.F. ; Dorneles, A. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Enzymes that hydrolize adenine nucleotides of patients with hypercholesterolemia and inflammatory processes. European Journal of Biochemistry. v. 274, p. 2707-2714, issn: 0014-2956, 2007.
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      197. MAZZANTTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; ZENI, Gilson Rogério ; MORSCH, A. L. B. ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita Lüers ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Previous treatment with ebselen and vitamin E alters adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in platelets from adult rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 81, p. 1145-1159, issn: 0024-3205, 2007.
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      198. LEAL, Cláudio ; LEAL, Daniela ; BAUSCHSPIESS, Rita ; Scherekker C.M.L. ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SILVA, José Edson Paz da ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. NTPDase and 5'-nucleotidase activities in platelets of human pregnants with a normal or high risk for thrombosis. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 304, p. 325-330, issn: 0300-8177, 2007.
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      199. GLUSCZAK, Lissandra ; dos Santos Miron, Denise ; Moraes, Bibiana Silveira ; Simões, Róli rodrigues ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C ; MORSCH, V. M. ; LORO, Vânia Lúcia. Acute effects of glyphosate herbicide om metabolic and enzymatic parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. v. 146, p. 519-524, issn: 0010-406X, 2007.
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      200. KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Becker, Lara V. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. The effect of aluminium on NTPDase and 5'-Nucleotidase activities form rat synaptosomes and platelets. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 25, p. 381-386, issn: 0736-5748, 2007.
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      201. GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Becker A ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Cadmium toxicity causes oxidative stress and induces response of antioxidant system in cumcumber seedlings. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology. v. 19, p. 223-232, issn: 1677-0420, 2007.
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      202. TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; Castro GY ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Rauber R ; Strebsky E ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Bisognin D. Phisiological and oxidative stress responses of four potato clones to aluminum in nutrient solution. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology. v. 19, p. 211-222, issn: 1677-0420, 2007.
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      203. Schetinger, Maria Rosa C.; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; BONAN, Carla Denise ; Wyse, Angela T. S.. NTPDase and 5'-nucleotidase activities in physiological and disease conditions: new perspectives for human health. BioFactors (Oxford). v. 31, p. 77-98, issn: 0951-6433, 2007.
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      204. SILVA, Adriane C da ; SOUZA, João Batista D'a de ; MORSCH, V. M. ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; ZANETTI, Gilberto D ; MANFRON, Melânia P ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Inhibition of NTPDase, 5⿲-nucleotidase, Na+/K+-ATPase and acetylcholinesterase activities by subchronic treatment with Casearia sylvestris. Phytomedicine (Stuttgart). v. 13, p. 509-514, issn: 0944-7113, 2006.
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      205. LUNKES, Gilberto Inácio ; STEFANELLO, Franciele ; LUNKES, Daniele Sausen ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin. Serum cholinesterase activity in diabetes and associated pathologies. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (Print). v. 72, n. I, p. 28-32, issn: 0168-8227, 2006.
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      206. MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; NEGRINI, Luiz Augusto ; KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; Araújo, Maria do Carmo ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Oxidative status in patients submitted to conization and radiation treatments for uterine cervix neoplasia. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 366, p. 174-178, issn: 0009-8981, 2006.
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      207. LINARES, Carlos Eduardo ; GRIEBELER, Deizi ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; ALVES, Sydnei ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Catalase activity in Candida albicans exposed to antineoplastic drugs. Journal of Medical Microbiology. v. 55, p. 259-262, issn: 0022-2615, 2006.
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      208. SPANEVELLO, R. M. M. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. ; KAIZER, R. ; ZANIN, R. F. ; Zanin, R. ; CARGNELUTTI, D. ; HANNEL, L. ; CÔRREA, M. ; MAZZANTI, A. ; FESTUGATTO, R. ; GRAÇA, D. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, V. M.. Apyrase and 5⿲-nucleotidase Activities in Synaptosomes from the Cerebral Cortex of Rats Experimentally Demyelinated with Ethidium Bromide and Treated with Interferon-β. Neurochemical Research. v. 31, p. 455-462, issn: 0364-3190, 2006.
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      209. CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; TABALDI, Luciane ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; JUCOSKI, Gladis ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; LINARES, Carlos Eduardo ; DRESSLER, Valderi ; FLORES, Erico Moraes ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Mercury toxicity induces oxidative stress in growing cucumber seedlings. Chemosphere (Oxford ). v. 65, p. 999-1006, issn: 0045-6535, 2006.
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      210. MAZZANTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; OBREGON, Adriana ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; STREHER, Cristiane ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Ethidium bromide inhibits rat brain acetylcholinesterase activity in vitro. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 162, n. 2, p. 121-127, issn: 0009-2797, 2006.
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      211. MAZZANTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; GONÇALVES, Jamile ; KAIZER, Rosilene ; CORREA, Maísa ; AHMED, Mustaq ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; FESTUGATTO, Rosi ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide and treated with interferon beta. Neurochemical Research. v. 31, p. 1027-1034, issn: 0364-3190, 2006.
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      212. AHMED, Mushtaq ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; CORREA, Maísa ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; ZANIN, Rafael F ; MORSCH, André L B ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria R C. Inhibition of two different cholinesterases by tacrine. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 162, p. 165-171, issn: 0009-2797, 2006.
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      213. Leal, Daniela B.R. ; Streher, Cristiane A. ; Neu, Tiago N. ; Bittencourt, Fábio P. ; Leal, Cláudio A.M. ; da Silva, José E.P. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Characterization of NTPDase (NTPDase1; ecto-apyrase; ecto-diphosphohydrolase; CD39; EC activity in human lymphocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. G, General Subjects (Print). v. 1721, n. 1-3, p. 9-15, issn: 0304-4165, 2005.
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      214. DOCARMOARAUJO, M ; BATISTATEIXEIRAROCHA, J ; MORSCH, A ; ZANIN, R ; BAUCHSPIESS, R ; MARIAMORSCH, V ; ROSACHITOLINASCHETINGER, M ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in platelets from breast cancer patients. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease. v. 1740, n. 3, p. 421-426, issn: 0925-4439, 2005.
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      215. Silva, Adriane C. ; Morsch, André L.B. ; Zanin, Rafael F. ; Corrêa, Maísa C. ; Arantes, Luís C. ; Araujo, Maria C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in chronic renal failure: relationship between hemostatic defects and renal failure severity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease. v. 1741, n. 3, p. 282-288, issn: 0925-4439, 2005.
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      216. Kaizer, Rosilene R. ; Corrêa, Maisa C. ; Spanevello, Rosélia M. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Mazzanti, Cíntia M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Acetylcholinesterase activation and enhanced lipid peroxidation after long-term exposure to low levels of aluminium on different mouse brain regions. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. v. 99, n. 9, p. 1865-1870, issn: 0162-0134, 2005.
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      217. Missel, J.R. ; Schetinger, M.R. ; Gioda, C.R. ; Bohrer, D.N. ; Pacholski, I.L. ; Zanatta, N. ; Martins, M.A. ; Bonacorso, H. ; Morsch, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Chelating effect of novel pyrimidines in a model of aluminum intoxication. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. v. 99, n. 9, p. 1853-1857, issn: 0162-0134, 2005.
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      218. LERMEN, Carine Luísa ; VIEIRA, Vânia Lúcia Pimentel ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; LAPPE, Rosiele ; GIODA, Carolina Rosa ; CRESTANI, Márcia ; BALDISSEROTTO, Bernardo ; MORSCH, V. M.. ATP, ADP and AMP dephosphorylation in membrane fractions of Rhamdia quelen exposed to different temperatures. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. v. 31, p. 295-301, issn: 0920-1742, 2005.
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      219. LEAL, Daniela B R ; STREHER, Cristiane ; BERTONCHELI, Claudia ; CARLI, Luiz Fd ; LEAL, Claudio Am ; SILVA, Jose Ep da ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. HIV infection is associated with increased NTPDase activity that correlates with CD39 positive lymphocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research. v. 1746, n. 2, p. 129-134, issn: 0167-4889, 2005.
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      220. MAZZANTI, C. M. A. ; SCHOSSLER, Deila ; FILAPPI, Andreanne ; PRESTES, Danívia ; SILVA, Adriane ; CORREA, Maisa ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, Vera ; LUNKES, Gilberto ; GONZAGA, Wellington ; CECIM, Marcelo. Efeito do extrato da casca de Syzygium cumini sobre a atividade da acetilcolinesterase em ratos normais e diabéticos. Ciência Rural. v. 34, n. 5, p. 803-807, issn: 0103-8478, 2004.
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      221. LERMEN, Carine Luísa ; LAPPE, Rosiele ; CRESTANI, Márcia ; VIEIRA, Vânia Pimentel ; GIODA, Carolina Rosa ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; BALDISSEROTTO, Bernardo ; MORAES, Gilberto ; MORSCH, V. M.. Effect of different temperature regimes on metabolic and blood parameters of Silver Catfish Ramdia quelen. Aquaculture (Amsterdam). v. 239, n. 1-4, p. 497-507, issn: 0044-8486, 2004.
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      222. Kaizer, Rosilene R. ; da Silva, Adriane C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Corr�a, Maisa C. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C.. Diet-induced changes in ACHE activity after long-term exposure. Neurochemical Research. v. 29, n. 12, p. 2251-2255, issn: 0364-3190, 2004.
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      223. VIEIRA, Vânia Lúcia ; MORSCH, V. M. ; LERMEN, Carine Luísa ; SILVA, Adriane Cismoski da ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. ATP and ADP hydrolysis in the kidney and liver of fish, chickens and rats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (Cessou em 1999. Cont. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Biochemis. v. 139, n. 4, p. 713-720, issn: 0010-406X, 2004.
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      224. MAZZANTI, C. M. A.; CARNEIRO, Deila Rosély ; FILAPPI, Andreane ; PRESTES, Danívea ; BALZ, Daniela ; MIRON, Vinícius ; MORSH, André ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Extrato da casca de Syzygium cumini na glicemia e estresse oxidativo de ratos normais e diabéticos. Ciência Rural. v. 33, n. 1, p. 1061-1065, issn: 0103-8478, 2003.
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      225. LUNKES, Gilberto Inácio ; Lunkes, Daniela ; Stefanello, Francieli ; MORSCH, André ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in diabetes and associated pathologies. Thrombosis Research. v. 109, p. 189-194, issn: 0049-3848, 2003.
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      226. Cechin, Sirlene R. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; ZANATTA, Nilo ; Madruga, Claudia C. ; Pacholski, Iraci L. ; Flores, Darlene C. ; Bonacorso, Helio G. ; Martins, Marcos A. P. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Inhibitory Effect of Novel Pyrimidines on ATP and ADP Hydrolysis in Synaptosomes from Rat Cerebral Cortex. Chemical Research In Toxicology. v. 16, n. 11, p. 1433-1439, issn: 0893-228X, 2003.
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      227. MÜLLER, T. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MORSCH, V. M. ; NEIS, R. T.. Antidepressants inhibit human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease. v. 1587, p. 92-98, issn: 0925-4439, 2002.
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      228. PIMENTEL, V. V. ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; STEFANELLO, F. ; BALZ, D. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Heparin and chondroitin sulfate inhibit adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in liver and kidney membrane enriched fractions. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. v. 33, n. 12, p. 1193-1201, issn: 1357-2725, 2001.
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      229. Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina; VIEIRA, VÂNIA LÚCIA PIMENTEL ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; BALZ, Daniela. ATP and ADP hydrolysis in fish, chicken and rat synaptosomes. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. v. 128, n. 4, p. 731-741, issn: 1096-4959, 2001.
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      230. Schetinger, Maria R. C.; Porto, Neuza M. ; Moretto, Maria B. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; da Rocha, João Batista T. ; VIEIRA, Vânia ; Moro, Franciele ; Neis, Roseli Tatto ; Bittencourt, Sandra ; Bonacorso, Hélio G. ; ZANATTA, Nilo. New benzodiazepines alter acetylcholinesterase and ATPDASE activities. Neurochemical Research. v. 25, n. 7, p. 949-955, issn: 0364-3190, 2000.
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      231. Pimentel Vieira, Vânia Lúcia ; Rocha, João Batista Teixeira ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Rodrigues, Sirlene Roseli ; Tuerlinckz, Sandro Moreira ; BOHRER, Denise ; do Nascimento, Paulo C¿¿cero. Effect of aluminum on Delta-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase from mouse blood. Toxicology Letters. v. 117, n. 117, p. 45-52, issn: 0378-4274, 2000.
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      232. GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; DRESSLER, Valderi Luiz ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Cadmium neurotoxicity: From its analytical aspects to neuronal impairment. Advances in Neurotoxicology. 1ed. Em: Michael Aschner e Lucio Costa. (Org.). Advances in Neurotoxicology - Neurotoxicity of Metals: Old Issues and New Developments. 1ed.Amsterdâ. : Elsevier. 2021.v. 5, p. 81-113.
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      233. CARGNELLUTI, Denise ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; DRESSLER, Valderi ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Mercury Toxicity Alters the Antioxidant System Of Growing Cucumber Seedlings. Mercury Toxicity Alters the Antioxidant System Of Growing Cucumber Seedlings. 01ed.New York. Em: Ki-Hyun Kim; Richards J.C. Brown. (Org.). Mercury Toxicity Alters the Antioxidant System Of Growing Cucumber Seedlings.. 1ed.Nova York. : Nova Publishers. 2013.v. 1, p. 137-154.
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      234. AHMED, Mushtaq ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Snake venom acetylcholinesterase. Em: Stephen Mackessy. (Org.). Handbook of Reptile Venoms and Toxins. Boca Raton, FL 33487. : Taylor & Francis. 2009.v. 9, p. 207-219.
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      235. Gutierres, J. ; Carvalho, F.B. ; MARISCO, P. ; Da Silva, C.B. ; RIBEIRO, D. A. ; Schmatz, R. ; Rodrigues, M.V. ; RUBIM, Maribel Antonello ; MORSCH, V. M. ; BONAN, Carla Denise ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SCHETINFGER, Maria Rosa ; FERREIRA, Juliano ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria. Ameliorative effect of anthocyanin on Ca/Na. K- ATPase, AChE and behavior parameters in streptozotocin-induced experimental dementia of Alzheimer type. Em: XXVI International Conference on Polyphenols, 2012, Florença. Polyphenols Communications 2012. Florença: Stabilimento Grafico Rindi- Prato, v. II, p. 609-610, 2012.
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      236. SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MALDONADO, Paula Acosta ; MORSCH, V. M.. NTPDase and 5'-nucleotidase activities in physiological and disease conditions: new perspectives for human health. Em: Purines Meeting 2010, 2010, Tarragona, Espanha. Purinergic Signalling (Print). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, v. 6, p. 27-27, 2010.
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      237. GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO BARBOSA ; SPANEVELLO, ROSELIA MARIA ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; Agostinho, P ; Cunha R ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Study of purinergic system and cognitive functions interaction in sporadic dementia of Alzheimer type: molecular and enzymatic aspects. 2014. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      238. Parondi, T.V. ; Becker, A.G. ; Colpo, C. ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Fiorenza, A. ; Abdalla, F.H. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; BALDISSEROTTO, Bernardo. Atividade da acetilcolinesterase em juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen, adaptados a diferentes salinidades da água. 2010. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra
      239. Becker, A.G. ; Parondi, T.V. ; Colpo, C. ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; Fiorenza, A. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; BALDISSEROTTO, Bernardo. Atividade da NTPDase em juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelenm adaptados a diferentes salinidades da água. 2010. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra
      240. BALZ, D. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; SILVA, A. A. C. ; LAPPE, Rosiele ; MORSCH, V. M.. Efeitos do citrato de sódio sobre a degradação da acetilcolina em diferentes estruturas de cérebro de camundongos. 2001. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      241. SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C ; VIEIRA, V. ; BALZ, D. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; ROCHA, J. B. T. ; STEFANELLO, Franciele. Inibição da hidrólise de ATP e ADP pela condroitina em frações enriquecidas de membrana de fígada e rim. 2001. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      242. SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; STEFANELLO, Franciele ; MORSCH, V. M. ; LUNKES, Daniele ; LUNKES, Gilberto. Estudo das enzimas que degradam nucleotídeos da adenina em patologias associadas com diabetes. 2001. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      243. MORSCH, V. M.; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; ROCHA, J. B. T. ; MARTINS, L. A. ; LORETO, E. ; NEIS, R. T.. Efeito do tratamento subcrônico com sulfato de alumínio sobre a atividade da enzima delta aminolevulinato desidratase (ALA-D). 2001. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      244. BALZ, Daniela ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; SILVA, A. C. ; MORSCH, Vera ; VIEIRA, Vânia ; WYSE, Angela. Efeito in vitro do aminoácido arginina e de outros compostos guanidínicos sobre a atividade da NTPDase de sinaptossomas de córtex cerebral de ratos adultos. 2001. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      245. BALZ, Daniela ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; SILVA, Adriane C ; MORSCH, Vera ; VIEIRA, Vânia ; WYSE, Angela. Efeito in vitro do aminoácido arginina e de outros compostos guanidínicos sobre a hidrólise da acetilcolina em diferentes estruturas cerebrais de ratos. 2001. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      246. MORSCH, V. M.; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; RODRIGUES, S. R. ; STEFANELLO, F. ; MADRUGA, C. ; PACKOLSKI, I. ; SILVEIRA, R. F. ; ZANATTA, Nilo ; PENA, J.. Efeito do tratamento in vivo com pirimidinas inéditas sobre a atividade da ATP difosfoidrolase de fração sinaptossomal de córtex cerebral de ratos adultos. 2000. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      247. PORTO, N. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; BONACORSO, Hélio ; ZANATTA, Nilo ; MARTINS, Marcos ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MORETTO, M. B.. Ação de novos benzodiazepínicos sobre a atividade da Acetilcolinesterase em córtex cerebral de ratos adultos. 2000. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
      248. PORTO, N. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; BONACORSO, Hélio ; ZANATTA, Nilo ; MARTINS, Marcos ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MORETTO, M. B.. Ação de novos benzodiazepínicos sobre a atividade da ATP difosfoidrolase em sinaptossomas de córtex cerebral de ratos adultos. 2000. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso

    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Cinthia Melazzo de Andrade (63.0)
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      2. WEIS, GRAZIELLE CASTAGNA CEZIMBRA ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; MOSTARDEIRO, VITOR BASTIANELLO ; ALVES, AUDREI DE OLIVEIRA ; DA ROSA, JÉSSICA RIGHI ; PILLAT, MICHELI MAINARDI ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; DA CRUZ, IVANA BEATRICE MÂNICA ; COSTABEBER, IJONI HILDA. Chlorpyrifos pesticide promotes oxidative stress and increases inflammatory states in BV-2 microglial cells: A role in neuroinflammation. CHEMOSPHERE. v. 278, p. 130417-130420, issn: 0045-6535, 2021.
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      3. REICHERT, KARINE P. ; PILLAT, MICHELI M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; PALMA, TAIS V. ; ASSMANN, CHARLES E. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIE M. ; ULRICH, HENNING ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; EXLEY, CHRISTOPHER ; MORSCH, VERA M.M.. Aluminum-induced purinergic system alterations in embryonic neural progenitor cells. CHEMOSPHERE. v. 251, p. 126642, issn: 0045-6535, 2020.
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      4. PEREIRA, ALINE DA SILVA ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE SOUZA ; LOPES, THAUAN FACCIN ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; PALMA, TAÍS VIDAL ; SOARES, MAYARA SANDRIELLY PEREIRA ; SPOHR, LUIZA ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Spanevello, Roselia Maria. Effect of gallic acid on purinergic signaling in lymphocytes, platelets, and serum of diabetic rats. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. v. 101, p. 30-36, issn: 0753-3322, 2018.
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      5. CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; BECKMANN, DIEGO ; SANTOS, ROSMARINI P. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Stefanello, Naiara ; ANDRADES, AMANDA ; AIELLO, GRACIANE ; RIPPLINGER, ANGEL ; LUCIO, BRUNA M. ; INEU, RAFAEL ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; MORSCH, VERA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M.. Quercetin treatment regulates the Na + ,K + -ATPase activity, peripheral cholinergic enzymes, and oxidative stress in a rat model of demyelination. NUTRITION RESEARCH. v. 55, p. 45-56, issn: 0271-5317, 2018.
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      6. Castro, Verônica S.P. ; da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Thomé, Gustavo R. ; Wolkmer, Patrícia ; CASTRO, JORGE L.C. ; Costa, Márcio M. ; GRAÇA, DOMINGUITA L. ; Oliveira, Daniele C. ; Alves, Sydney H. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; AZEVEDO, MARIA I. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M.. Oxidative stress in rats experimentally infected by Sporothrix schenckii. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 107, p. 1-5, issn: 0882-4010, 2017.
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      7. KAIZER, ROSILENE RODRIGUES ; COSTA, EDUARDA ; DE ANDRADE, CÍNTHIA MELAZZO ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; Martins, Danieli Brolo ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effect of long-term exposure to aluminum and high-fat diet on NTPDase and 5--nucleotidase activities in lymphocytes and platelets of rats. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (PRINT). v. 27, p. 67-73, issn: 1088-1913, 2017.
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      8. CASTRO, VERONICA S.P. ; da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Costa, Márcio M. ; Paim, Francine C. ; Alves, Sydney H. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; Silva, Cássia B. ; Wolkmer, Patrícia ; CASTRO, JORGE LUIZ C. ; CECCO, BIANCA S. ; Duarte, Marta M.M.F. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; GRAÇA, DOMINGUITA L. ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M.. Cholinergic enzymes and inflammatory markers in rats infected by Sporothrix schenckii. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 97, p. 94-102, issn: 0882-4010, 2016.
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      9. MACIEL, ROBERTO M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; OLABIYI, AYODEJI A. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Zanini, Daniela ; ROSA, MICHELLE M. ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; DANESI, CRISTIANE C. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Neuroprotective effects of quercetin on memory and anxiogenic-like behavior in diabetic rats: Role of ectonucleotidases and acetylcholinesterase activities. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. v. 84, p. 559-568, issn: 0753-3322, 2016.
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      10. PILLAT, MICHELI M. ; CHEFFER, ARQUIMEDES ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA M. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; ULRICH, HENNING. 'Bradykinin-Induced Inhibition of Proliferation Rate During Neurosphere Differentiation: Consequence or Cause of Neuronal Enrichment?. Cytometry. Part A. v. 87, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 1552-4922, 2015.
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      11. GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MARISCO, PATRÍCIA ; AGOSTINHO, PAULA ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; DA SILVA, CASSIA R. ; DE P. COGNATO, GIANA ; FARIAS, JULIA G. ; SIGNOR, CRISTIANE ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; BOGO, MAURICIO ; BONAN, CARLA D. ; Spanevello, Roselia. Anthocyanins restore behavioral and biochemical changes caused by streptozotocin-induced sporadic dementia of Alzheimer's type. Life Sciences (1973). v. 96, p. 7-17, issn: 0024-3205, 2014.
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      12. Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Carvalho, Fabiano Barbosa ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Agostinho P ; MARISCO, P. ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Rosa M ; Bohnert C ; Rubin, Maribel Antonello ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Farias J ; Signor C ; SPANEVELLO, ROSÉLIA M. ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo. Neuroprotective effect of anthocyanins on acetylcholinesterase activity and attenuation of scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 33, p. 88-97, issn: 0736-5748, 2014.
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      13. GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA V. ; VIEIRA, JULIANO M. ; MALDONADO, PAULA ; ARAÚJO, MARIA DO CARMO S. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Stefanello, Naiara ; JAQUES, JEANDRE A. S. ; COSTA, MARCIO ; MORSCH, V. M. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; PIMENTEL, VICTOR ; LOPES, SONIA TEREZINHA A. ; Spanevello, Roselia M.. Alterations in the extracellular catabolism of nucleotides and platelet aggregation induced by high-fat diet in rats: effects of ?-tocopherol. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. v. 70, p. 487-496, issn: 1138-7548, 2014.
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      14. BECKMANN, DIEGO V. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; DOS SANTOS, ROSMARINI P. ; ANDRADES, AMANDA O. ; AIELLO, GRACIANE ; RIPPILINGER, ANGEL ; GRAÇA, DOMINGUITA L. ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE S. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre. Neuroprotective role of quercetin in locomotor activities and cholinergic neurotransmission in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. Life Sciences (1973). v. 103, p. 79-87, issn: 0024-3205, 2014.
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      15. ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; CARDOSO, ANDRÉIA M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DE OLIVEIRA, JULIANE SORRAILA ; ROSA, MICHELLE M. ; GONÇALVES NUNES, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; DA CRUZ, IVANA B.M. ; BARBISAN, FERNANDA ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Quercetin protects the impairment of memory and anxiogenic-like behavior in rats exposed to cadmium: possible involvement of the acetylcholinesterase and Na+, K+ - ATPase activities. Physiology & Behavior. v. 135, p. 152-167, issn: 0031-9384, 2014.
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      16. Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GONÇALVES, JAMILE FABBRIN ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Zanini, Daniela ; DE OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE SOUZA ; da Costa, Pauline ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; LHAMAS, CIBELE LIMA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MAZZANTI, CINTHIA MELAZZO ANDRADE. Protective effect of quercetin in ecto-enzymes, cholinesterases, and myeloperoxidase activities in the lymphocytes of rats exposed to cadmium. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 396, p. 201-211, issn: 0300-8177, 2014.
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      17. Stefanello, Naiara ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; ROCHA, JOÃO BATISTA TEIXEIRA ; FACCO, GRAZIELA ; Pereira, Maria Ester ; MAZZANTI, CINTHIA MELAZZO DE ANDRADE ; PASSAMONTI, SABINA ; RODRIGUES, MARÍLIA VALVASSORI ; CARVALHO, FABIANO BARBOSA ; ROSA, MICHELLE MELGAREJO ; GUTIERRES, JESSIE MARTINS ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Effects of chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and coffee on behavioral and biochemical parameters of diabetic rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 388, p. 277-286, issn: 0300-8177, 2014.
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      18. Schmatz, Roberta ; Mann TR ; Spanevello, Rosélia Maria ; MACHADO, M. M. ; Zanini, Daniela ; Pimentel, Victor C. ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Leal, Claudio A M ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Schetinger, Maria R C ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Moderate Red Wine and Grape Juice Consumption Modulates the Hydrolysis of the Adenine Nucleotides and Decreases Platelet Aggregation in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. v. 65, p. 129-143, issn: 1085-9195, 2013.
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      19. Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; FIORIN, FERNANDO DA SILVA ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Zanini, Daniela ; Fiorenza, Amanda Maino ; Stefanello, Naiara ; SERRES, JONAS DACI DA SILVA ; CARVALHO, FABIANO ; CASTRO, VERÔNICA PAIVA ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; ROYES, LUIZ FERNANDO FREIRE ; BELLÓ-KLEIN, ADRIANE ; GOULARTE, JEFERSON FERRAZ ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Physical training prevents oxidative stress in L-NAME-induced hypertension rats. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 31, p. 136-151, issn: 0263-6484, 2013.
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      20. Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Fiorenza, Amanda M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE D. ; DA ROSA, CÍNTIA S. ; BECKER, LARA V. ; da Costa, Pauline ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C.. NTPDase and 5¿-nucleotidase activities from synaptosomes and platelets of rats exposed to cadmium and treated with N-acetylcysteine. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 31, p. 69-74, issn: 0736-5748, 2013.
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      21. Wolkmer, Patrícia ; Da Silva, Cássia B. ; Paim, Francine C. ; Duarte, Marta M.M.F. ; CASTRO, VERÔNICA ; PALMA, HELOISA E. ; França, Raqueli T. ; FELIN, DIANDRA V. ; SIQUEIRA, LUCAS C. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Pre-treatment with curcumin modulates acetylcholinesterase activity and proinflammatory cytokines in rats infected with Trypanosoma evansi. Parasitology International (Print). v. 62, p. 144-149, issn: 1383-5769, 2013.
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      22. Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; Schmatz, Roberta ; GONÇALVES, JAMILE FABBRIN ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Fiorenza, Amanda Maino ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ MARTINS ; SILVA SERRES, JONAS DACI ; Zanini, Daniela ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Neuroprotective effect of quercetin in ectoenzymes and acetylcholinesterase activities in cerebral cortex synaptosomes of cadmium-exposed rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 381, p. 1-8, issn: 0300-8177, 2013.
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      23. Silva, Aleksandro S. Da ; França, Raqueli T. ; COSTA, MÁRCIO M. ; Paim, Francine C. ; Pimentel, Victor C. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Jaques, Jeandre ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Tonin, Alexandre A. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Lopes, Sonia T. A.. Adenosine Levels in Serum and Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Blood Cells of Dogs Infected by Rangelia vitalii. The Journal of Parasitology. v. 99, p. 1125-1128, issn: 0022-3395, 2013.
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      24. MACIEL, R.M. ; COSTA, M.M. ; MARTINS, D.B. ; França, R.T. ; Schmatz, R. ; GRAÇA, D.L. ; Duarte, M.M.M.F. ; DANESI, C.C. ; MAZZANTI, C.M. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C. ; PAIM, F.C. ; PALMA, H.E. ; ABDALA, F.H. ; STEFANELLO, N. ; ZIMPEL, C.K. ; FELIN, D.V. ; LOPES, S.T.A.. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of quercetin in functional and morphological alterations in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Research in Veterinary Science. v. 95, p. 389-397, issn: 0034-5288, 2013.
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      25. Schmatz, Roberta ; Perreira, Luciane Belmonte ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Mazzanti, Cinthia ; Spanevello, Roselia ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Bagatini, Margarete ; Martins, Caroline Curry ; Abdalla, Fátima Husein ; Daci da Silva Serres, Jonas ; Zanini, Daniela ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Cardoso, Andréia Machado ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Effects of rersveratrol on biomarkers of oxidative stress and on the activity of delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in liver and kidney of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Biochimie (Paris. Print). v. 94, p. 374-383, issn: 0300-9084, 2012.
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      26. Paim, Carlos Breno ; Paim, Francine C. ; da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; França, Raqueli T. ; Costa, Marcio M. ; Leal, Claudio A.M. ; Soares, João F. ; Labruna, Marcelo B. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Thrombocytopenia and platelet activity in dogs experimentally infected with Rangelia vitalii. Veterinary Parasitology (Print). v. 185, p. 131-137, issn: 0304-4017, 2012.
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      27. Thomé, Gustavo Roberto ; Souza de Oliveira, Lizielle ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Spanevello, Rosélia Maria ; Fiorenza, Amanda Maino ; Seres, Jonas ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Pereira, Maria Ester ; Calgaroto, Nicéia Spanholi ; Pimentel, Victor Camera ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa ; do Carmo Gonçalves Souza, Viviane ; Augusto dos Santos Jaques, Jeandre ; Leal, Claudio Alberto Martins ; Corrêa da Cruz, Ritiel ; Thiesen, Flávia Valladão ; Melazzo Mazzanti, Cinthia ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Nicotine alters the ectonucleotidases activities in lymphocytes: In vitro and in vivo studies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. v. 66, p. 206-212, issn: 0753-3322, 2012.
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      28. Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; KAIZER, Rosilene Rodrigues ; Schmatz, Roberta ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Rodrigues, Marí ; Jaques, Jeandre ; Carvalho, Fabiano ; Zanini, Daniela ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; Spanevello, Roselia Maria. alfa-Tocopherol regulates ectonucleotidase activities in synaptosomes from rats fed a high-fat diet. Cell Biochemistry and Function. v. 30, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0263-6484, 2012.
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      29. Martins, Danieli Brolo ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; França, Raqueli Teresinha ; Pagnoncelli, Marciélen ; Costa, Márcio Machado ; de Souza, Estevan Martins ; Gonçalves, Jamile ; Spanevello, Roselia ; Schmatz, Roberta ; da Costa, Pauline ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Beckmann, Diego Vilibaldo ; CECIM, Marcelo da Silva ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; Lopes, Sonia Terezinha dos Anjos ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. 17-ß estradiol in the acetylcholinesterase activity and lipid peroxidation in the brain and blood of ovariectomized adult and middle-aged rats. Life Sciences (1973). v. 90, p. 351-359, issn: 0024-3205, 2012.
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      30. França, Raqueli T. ; da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Costa, Marcio M. ; Paim, Francine C. ; Paim, Carlos B. ; Thomé, Gustavo R. ; Wolkmer, Patricia ; Pereira, Maria E. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Moresco, Rafael N. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Relationship between oxidative stress and clinical-pathological aspects in dogs experimentally 2 infected with Rangelia vitalii. Research in Veterinary Science. v. 93, p. 1309-1313, issn: 0034-5288, 2012.
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      31. Paim, Carlos Breno V. ; da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Paim, Francine C. ; França, Raqueli T. ; Costa, Marcio M. ; Souza, Viviane C.G. ; Pimentel, Victor C. ; Jaques, Jeandre A. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Leal, Daniela B.R. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Activities of ectonucleotidases and adenosine deaminase in platelets of dogs experimentally infected with Rangelia vitalii. Experimental Parasitology. v. 131, p. 252-257, issn: 0014-4894, 2012.
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      32. Jaques JAS ; Rezer, J.F.P. ; Carvalho FB ; Rosa M M ; Gutierres J ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Schmatz R ; Bairros A ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A. ; RUBIN, M. A. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; LEAL, D. B. R.. Curcumin protects against cigarette smoke-induced cognitive impairment and increased acetylcholinesterase activity in rats. Physiology & Behavior. v. 106, p. 664-669, issn: 0031-9384, 2012.
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      33. Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; DUARTE, MARTA M. M. F. ; Fiorenza, Amanda M. ; Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE D. ; Antes, Fabiane G. ; COSTA, PAULINE ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C.. Hematological indices and activity of NTPDase and cholinesterase enzymes in rats exposed to cadmium and treated with N-acetylcysteine. BioMetals (Oxford). v. 25, p. 1195-1206, issn: 0966-0844, 2012.
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      34. AHMED, Mushtaq ; Latif, Nadia ; Ali Khan, Rahmat ; Ahmad, Akhlaq ; Rocha, João Batista Teixeira ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Bagatini, Margarete Dulce ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Enzymatic and biochemical characterization of Bungarus sindanus snake venom acetylcholinesterase. The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases (Online). v. 18, p. 236-243, issn: 1678-9199, 2012.
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      35. Gutierres, Jessié Martins ; Carvalho, Fabiano Barbosa ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Rodrigues, Marí ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Pimentel, Victor Câmera ; Vieira, Juliano Marchi ; Rosa M M ; MARISCO, P. ; RIBEIRO, D. ; Leal, Claudio Alberto M. ; Rubin, Maribel Antonello ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Spanevello, Roselia Maria. Protective effects of anthocyanins on the ectonucleotidase activity in the impairment of memory induced by scopolamine in adult rats. Life Sciences (1973). v. 91, p. 1221-1228, issn: 0024-3205, 2012.
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      36. COSTA, MÁRCIO M. ; Silva, Aleksandro S. Da ; Paim, Francine C. ; FRANÇA, RAQUELI ; DORNELLES, GUILHERME L. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; SERRES, JONAS D.S. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; SPANEVELLO, ROSÉLIA M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MAZZANTI, CINTHIA M.A. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; Monteiro, Silvia G.. Cholinesterase as inflammatory markers in a experimental infection by trypanosoma evansi in rabbits. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso). v. 84, p. 1105-1113, issn: 0001-3765, 2012.
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      37. Wolkmer, Patrícia ; Da Silva, Cássia B. ; Paim, Francine C. ; da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Tavares, Kaio C.S. ; Lazzarotto, Cícera R. ; PALMA, HELOISA E. ; Thomé, Gustavo R. ; Miletti, Luiz C. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Biochemistry detection of acetylcholinesterase activity in Trypanosoma evansi and possible functional correlations. Experimental Parasitology. v. 132, p. 546-549, issn: 0014-4894, 2012.
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      38. Pereira, Luciane Belmonte ; A. Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Cargnelutti, Denise ; Rossato, Liana Verônica ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Calgaroto, Nicéia ; Dressler, Valderi ; Nicoloso, Fernando T. ; Federizzi, Luiz Carlos ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria R. C. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Differential responses of oat genotypes: oxidative stress provoked by aluminum. BioMetals (Oxford). v. 24, p. 73-83, issn: 0966-0844, 2011.
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      39. da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Spanevello, Rosélia ; Oliveira, Camila B. ; Costa, Marcio M. ; Jaques, Jeandre A.S. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Acetylcholinesterase activity and lipid peroxidation in the brain and spinal cord of rats infected with Trypanosoma evansi. Veterinary Parasitology (Print). v. 175, p. 237-244, issn: 0304-4017, 2011.
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      40. da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Spanevello, Rosélia ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Oliveira, Camila B. ; Costa, Marcio M. ; França, Raqueli T. ; Jaques, Jeandre A.S. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A.. Trypanosoma evansi: Immune response and acetylcholinesterase activity in lymphocytes from infected rats. Experimental Parasitology. v. 127, p. 475-480, issn: 0014-4894, 2011.
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      41. Martins, D.B. ; Lopes, S.T.A. ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; Schmatz, R. ; CORRÊA, Maísa C ; Stefanello, N. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, V. M. ; Veiga, A.M.. Lipid peroxidation in rats treated with vincristine sulphate and nandrolone decanoate. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. v. 63, p. 107-113, issn: 0102-0935, 2011.
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      42. da Silva, Aleksandro S. ; Pimentel, Victor C. ; Jaques, Jeandre A.S. ; Wolkmer, Patrícia ; Tavares, Kaio C.S. ; Lazzarotto, Cícera R. ; Miletti, Luiz C. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Lopes, Sonia T.A. ; Monteiro, Silvia G.. Biochemical detection of adenosine deaminase in Trypanosoma evansi. Experimental Parasitology. v. 128, p. 298-300, issn: 0014-4894, 2011.
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      43. Thomé, G. ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Fiorenza, A. ; DUARTE, Marta Frescura ; da Luz, S.C.A. ; PEREIRA, Maria Ester ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M. Vitamin E Decreased the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase and Level of Lipid Peroxidation in Brain of Rats Exposed to Aged and Diluted Sidestream Smoke. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. v. 20, p. 1210-1219, issn: 1462-2203, 2011.
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      44. Spanevello, Roselia Maria ; Mazzanti, Cinthia Melazzo ; Bagatini, Margarete ; CORREA, Maisa ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Thomé, Gustavo ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Becker, Lara ; Bellé, Luziane ; Oliveira, Liliane ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. Activities of the enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in platelets from multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of Neurology (Print). v. 257, p. 24-30, issn: 0340-5354, 2010.
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      45. SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; Schmatz, R. ; Thomé, G. ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; CORREA, Maísa ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; Stefanello, N. ; Bellé, L. ; MORETTO, M. B. ; Oliveira, L. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. The activity and expression of NTPDase is altered in lymphocytes of multiple sclerosis patients. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print). v. 411, p. 210-214, issn: 0009-8981, 2010.
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      46. Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Fiorenza, Amanda M. ; Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Bochi, Guilherme V. ; Antes, Fabiane G. ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; MAZZANTI, C. M. A.. N-acetylcysteine prevents memory deficits, the decrease in acetylcholinesterase activity and oxidative stress in rats exposed to cadmium. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 186, p. 53-60, issn: 0009-2797, 2010.
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      47. PEREIRA, Luciane ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; TABALDI, Luciane Almeri ; Becker, A.G. ; Faria, J. G. ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; BOHRER, Denise ; NICOLOSO, Fernando Teixeira ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa C. Aluminium-induced oxidative stress in cucumber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris). v. 48, p. 683-689, issn: 0981-9428, 2010.
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      48. MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; CORRÊA, Maísa ; Schmatz R ; Stefanello N ; LEAL, D. B. R. ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Ramos A ; Martins T ; DANESI, C. C. ; GRAÇA, Dominguita Lühers ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Neto A.G. F. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Pre- treatment with ebselen and vitamin E modulate acetylcholinesterase activity : int eraction with demyelinating agents. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 27, p. 73-80, issn: 0736-5748, 2009.
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      49. Thomé, G.R. ; Mazzanti, C.M. ; Ahmed, M. ; Corrêa, M. ; Spanevello, R.M. ; Maldonado, P.A. ; LUCHESE, C. ; CARGNELUTTI, D. ; Morsch, V.M. ; Duarte, M.M.M.F. ; Fiorenza, A.M. ; Nogueira, C.W. ; De Bona, K.S. ; Moretto, M.B. ; Da Luz, S.C.A. ; Mazzanti, A. ; Schetinger, M. R. C. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Activity of ectonucleotidases and adenosine deaminase in rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Inhalation Toxicology. v. 21, p. 906-912, issn: 0895-8378, 2009.
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      50. DIAS, Glaecir Mundstock ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; Schmatz R ; LORO, Vânia ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Hormetic acute response and chronic effect of ethanol on adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in rat platelets. Archives of Toxicology. v. 83, p. 263-269, issn: 0340-5761, 2009.
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      51. Schmatz, Roberta ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; Spanevello, Roselia ; Stefanello, Naiara ; Gutierres, Jessié ; Corrêa, Maisa ; da Rosa, Michelle Melgarejo ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Resveratrol prevents memory deficits and the increase in acetylcholinesterase activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. v. 610, p. 42-48, issn: 0031-6970, 2009.
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      52. Schmatz, R. ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; Stefanello, N. ; Gutierres, J. ; ROSA, Cíntia Saydelles da ; BAGATINI, Margarete Dulce ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; Jaques, J. A. Dos Santos ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; MORSCH, V. M.. Ectonucleotidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in synaptosomes from the cerebral cortex of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and treated with resveratrol. Brain Research Bulletin. v. 80, p. 371-376, issn: 0361-9230, 2009.
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      53. Miron, Vinícius Ribas ; Bauermann, Liliane ; Morsch, André Luis Bittencourt ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; Corrêa, Maísa ; Silva, Adriane Cismoski ; Mazzanti, Cínthia ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Lunkes, Gilberto Ignácio ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Enhanced NTPDase and 5⿲-nucleotidase activities in diabetes mellitus and iron-overload model. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. v. 298, p. 101-107, issn: 0300-8177, 2007.
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      54. AHMED, Mushtaq ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; MORSCH, André ; CARGNELUTTI, Denise ; CORREA, Maísa ; LORO, Vânia ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Malathion, carbofuran and paraquat inhibit Bungarus sindanus (krait) venom acetylcholinesterase and human serum butyrylcholinesterase in vitro. Ecotoxicology (London). v. 16, p. 363-369, issn: 0963-9292, 2007.
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      55. MAZZANTI, C. M. A.; Roselia Spanevello ; Mushtaq Ahmed ; Roberta Schmatz ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Fabiano Z. Salbego ; Dominguita L. Graça ; Eliza S.V. Sallis ; MORSH, André ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Cyclosporine A Inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 25, p. 259-264, issn: 0736-5748, 2007.
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      56. MAZZANTTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; ZENI, Gilson Rogério ; MORSCH, A. L. B. ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita Lüers ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Previous treatment with ebselen and vitamin E alters adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in platelets from adult rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 81, p. 1145-1159, issn: 0024-3205, 2007.
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      57. MAZZANTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; OBREGON, Adriana ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; STREHER, Cristiane ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Ethidium bromide inhibits rat brain acetylcholinesterase activity in vitro. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 162, n. 2, p. 121-127, issn: 0009-2797, 2006.
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      58. MAZZANTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; GONÇALVES, Jamile ; KAIZER, Rosilene ; CORREA, Maísa ; AHMED, Mustaq ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; FESTUGATTO, Rosi ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide and treated with interferon beta. Neurochemical Research. v. 31, p. 1027-1034, issn: 0364-3190, 2006.
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      59. AHMED, Mushtaq ; ROCHA, João Batista Teixeira da ; CORREA, Maísa ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M ; ZANIN, Rafael F ; MORSCH, André L B ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria R C. Inhibition of two different cholinesterases by tacrine. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 162, p. 165-171, issn: 0009-2797, 2006.
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      60. Kaizer, Rosilene R. ; Corrêa, Maisa C. ; Spanevello, Rosélia M. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Mazzanti, Cíntia M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Acetylcholinesterase activation and enhanced lipid peroxidation after long-term exposure to low levels of aluminium on different mouse brain regions. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. v. 99, n. 9, p. 1865-1870, issn: 0162-0134, 2005.
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      61. MAZZANTI, C. M. A. ; SCHOSSLER, Deila ; FILAPPI, Andreanne ; PRESTES, Danívia ; SILVA, Adriane ; CORREA, Maisa ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; MORSCH, Vera ; LUNKES, Gilberto ; GONZAGA, Wellington ; CECIM, Marcelo. Efeito do extrato da casca de Syzygium cumini sobre a atividade da acetilcolinesterase em ratos normais e diabéticos. Ciência Rural. v. 34, n. 5, p. 803-807, issn: 0103-8478, 2004.
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      62. MAZZANTI, C. M. A.; CARNEIRO, Deila Rosély ; FILAPPI, Andreane ; PRESTES, Danívea ; BALZ, Daniela ; MIRON, Vinícius ; MORSH, André ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, Vera Maria. Extrato da casca de Syzygium cumini na glicemia e estresse oxidativo de ratos normais e diabéticos. Ciência Rural. v. 33, n. 1, p. 1061-1065, issn: 0103-8478, 2003.
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      63. LUNKES, Gilberto Inácio ; Lunkes, Daniela ; Stefanello, Francieli ; MORSCH, André ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in diabetes and associated pathologies. Thrombosis Research. v. 109, p. 189-194, issn: 0049-3848, 2003.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Ricardo Evandro Mendes (18.0)
      1. DA ROSA, GILNEIA ; ALBA, DAVI FERNANDO ; SILVA, ANIELEN D. ; GRIS, ANDERSON ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; MOSTARDEIRO, VITOR B. ; LOPES, THALISON F. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; LOPES, MARCOS T. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL MANENTE ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Impact of Escherichia coli infection in broiler breeder chicks: The effect of oxidative stress on weight gain. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 139, p. 103861, issn: 0882-4010, 2020.
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      2. SOUSA, MARCELA C.S. ; GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; ALBA, DAVI F. ; LEAL, KAROLINE W. ; LOPES, THALISON F. ; DRUZIAN, LETÍCIA ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; GLORIA, EDUARDO M. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Fumonisin-(Fusarium verticillioides)-contaminated feed causes hepatic oxidative stress and negatively affects broiler performance in the early stage: Does supplementation with açai flour residues (Euterpe oleracea) minimize these problems?. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 145, p. 104237, issn: 0882-4010, 2020.
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      3. GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; GRISS, LUIZ G. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M. ; PETROLLI, TIAGO G. ; GLOMBOWSKY, PATRICIA ; BISSACOTTI, BIANCA F. ; COPETTI, PRISCILA M. ; DA SILVA, ANIÉLEN D. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R. ; SARETA, LAÉRCIO ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; MESADRI, JULIANA ; WAGNER, ROGER ; GUNDEL, SAMANTA ; OURIQUE, ALINE F. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Effects of curcumin and yucca extract addition in feed of broilers on microorganism control (anticoccidial and antibacterial), health, performance and meat quality. RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. v. 132, p. 156-166, issn: 0034-5288, 2020.
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      4. GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; GRISS, LUIZ GUSTAVO ; FORTUOSO, BRUNO F. ; SILVA, ANIELEN D. ; FRACASSO, MATEUS ; LOPES, THALISSON F. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA S. ; GUNDEL, SAMANTA ; OURIQUE, ALINE F. ; CARNEIRO, CHRISTOFE ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Feed contaminated by fumonisin (Fusarium spp.) in chicks has a negative influence on oxidative stress and performance, and the inclusion of curcumin-loaded nanocapsules minimizes these effects. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 149, p. 104496, issn: 0882-4010, 2020.
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      5. GRISS, LUIZ GUSTAVO ; GALLI, GABRIELA M. ; FRACASSO, MATEUS ; SILVA, ANIELEN D. ; FORTUOSO, BRUNO ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MORCH, VERA M. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M. ; GRIS, ANDERSON ; MENDES, RICARDO E. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Oxidative stress linked to changes of cholinesterase and adenosine deaminase activities in experimentally infected chicken chicks with Eimeria spp. PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. v. 71, p. 11-17, issn: 1383-5769, 2019.
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      6. JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; PERIN, GESSICA ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; DA SILVA, TEANE M.A. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; FACCIN, THALISSON ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; GIONGO, JANICE L. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Experimental infection of cattle with Listeria monocytogenes : Participation of purinergic metabolism in disease pathogenesis. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 122, p. 25-29, issn: 0882-4010, 2018.
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      7. JAGUEZESKI, ANTONISE M. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; GOMES, TEANE M.A. ; MENDES, RICARDO E. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; GIONGO, JANICE L. ; VAUCHER, RODRIGO A. ; da Silva, Aleksandro Schafer. Listeria monocytogenes impairs enzymes of the phosphotransfer network and alters antioxidant/oxidant status in cattle brain structures. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. v. 124, p. 284-290, issn: 0882-4010, 2018.
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      8. DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; GABRIEL, MATHEUS E. ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA A. ; GRIS, ANDERSON ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA ; Mendes, Ricardo E.. Oxidative stress and changes in adenosine deaminase activity of cattle experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Parasitology (Cambridge. Online). v. 144, p. 520-526, issn: 0031-1820, 2017.
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      9. FRACASSO, MATEUS ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA A. ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; RHODEN, LEANDRO A. ; HENKER, LUAN C. ; MORESCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; Mendes, Ricardo E.. Activities of ectonucleotidases and adenosine deaminase in platelets of cattle experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. EXPERIMENTAL PARASITOLOGY. v. 176, p. 16-20, issn: 0014-4894, 2017.
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      10. FAVERO, JUSCIVETE FÁTIMA ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; GABRIEL, MATEUS ELOIR ; HENKER, LUAN CLEBER ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA AGUSTINI ; PIVA, MANOELA MARCHEZAN ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI BIANCHIN ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA CHITOLINA ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS DELLAMÉA ; DA SILVA, ANTONIO WALDIMIR LEOPOLDINO ; Mendes, Ricardo Evandro ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER. Activity of nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase, 5?-nucleotidase, and adenosine deaminase in cattle fed on pastures treated with different nitrogen fertilizers. TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY. v. 99, p. 966-974, issn: 0277-2248, 2017.
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      11. DA SILVA, A.D. ; DA SILVA, A.S. ; BALDISSERA, M.D. ; SCHWERTZ, C.I. ; BOTTARI, N.B. ; CARMO, G.M. ; MACHADO, G. ; LUCCA, N.J. ; HENKER, L.C. ; PIVA, M.M. ; GIACOMIN, P. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C. ; DA ROSA, R.A. ; Mendes, R.E.. Oxidative stress in dairy cows naturally infected with the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea). JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY. v. 91, p. 462-469, issn: 0022-149X, 2017.
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      12. SILVA, ANIÉLEN D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; DO CARMO, GUILHERME M. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; SOUZA, CARINE F. ; MACHADO, VANESSA S. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MENDES, RICARDO E. ; Monteiro, Silvia G. ; Da Silva, Aleksandro S.. Chagas disease: modulation of the inflammatory response by acetylcholinesterase in hematological cells and brain tissue. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY. v. 438, p. 59-65, issn: 0300-8177, 2017.
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      13. DOLESKI, PEDRO H. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; LEAL, DANIELA B. R. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; PIVA, MANOELA M. ; DA SILVA, ESTER S. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; GIACOMIM, PATRÍCIA ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R. C. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Seric and hepatic NTPDase and 5- nucleotidase activities of rats experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Parasitology (London. Print). v. 143, p. 551-556, issn: 0031-1820, 2016.
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      14. BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOCHI, GUILHERME V. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; LEAL, MARTA L.R. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R.C. ; CHRIST, RICARDO ; GHELLER, LARISSA ; MARQUES, ÉDER J. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Relation between iron metabolism and antioxidants enzymes and ?-ALA-D activity in rats experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Experimental Parasitology. v. 165, p. 58-63, issn: 0014-4894, 2016.
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      15. SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; GABRIEL, MATEUS E. ; HENKER, LUAN C. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; CARMO, GUILHERME DO ; GUARDA, NAIARA DOS S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; STEDILLE, FERNANDA A. ; BASKA, PIOTR ; MATTEI, VANESSA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; MENDES, RICARDO E.. Oxidative stress associated with pathological changes in the pancreas of cattle naturally infected by Eurytrema coelomaticum. Veterinary Parasitology (Print). v. 223, p. 102-110, issn: 0304-4017, 2016.
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      16. PEREIRA, RAQUEL GRANDE ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; HENKER, LUAN C. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; MACHADO, GUSTAVO. Butyrylcholinesterase activity in dairy cows naturally infected by Dictyocaulus viviparous and treated with eprinomectin. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Internet). v. 26, p. 155-158, issn: 1618-5641, 2016.
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      17. MACHADO, VANESSA SCHOPF ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; RECH, VIRGINIA C. ; IANISKI, FRANCINE R. ; SIGNOR, CRISTIANE ; RUBIN, MARIBEL A. ; WACZUK, EMILY P. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; CAMILLO, GIOVANA ; VOGEL, FERNANDA F. ; DE LA RUE, MARIO L. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; FRÜHAUF, PÂMELLA K.S. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Diphenyl diselenide supplementation in infected mice by Toxoplasma gondii: protective effect on behaviour, neuromodulation and oxidative stress caused by disease. Experimental Parasitology. v. 169, p. 51-58, issn: 0014-4894, 2016.
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      18. BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; Mendes, Ricardo E. ; SCHWERTZ, CLAITON I. ; LUCCA, NEUBER J. ; DALENOGARE, DIESSICA ; BOCHI, GUILHERME V. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA R.C. ; RECH, VIRGINIA C. ; JAQUES, JEANDRE A. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S.. Activity of cholinesterases, pyruvate kinase and adenosine deaminase in rats experimentally infected by Fasciola hepatica: Influences of these enzymes on inflammatory response and pathological findings. Pathology, Research and Practice (Print). v. 211, p. 871-876, issn: 0344-0338, 2015.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Ivana Beatrice Mânica Da Cruz (13.0)
        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
      2. CASTRO, MILAGROS FANNY VERA ; Stefanello, Naiara ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; DA SILVA, ANIÉLEN DUTRA ; DA COSTA, PAULINE ; BORBA, LOREN ; DA CRUZ, IVANA BEATRICE MÂNICA ; Morsch, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Modulatory effects of caffeic acid on purinergic and cholinergic systems and oxi-inflammatory parameters of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. LIFE SCIENCES. v. 119421, p. 119421, issn: 0024-3205, 2021.
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      3. WEIS, GRAZIELLE CASTAGNA CEZIMBRA ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; MOSTARDEIRO, VITOR BASTIANELLO ; ALVES, AUDREI DE OLIVEIRA ; DA ROSA, JÉSSICA RIGHI ; PILLAT, MICHELI MAINARDI ; DE ANDRADE, CINTHIA MELAZZO ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA MELCHIORS ; DA CRUZ, IVANA BEATRICE MÂNICA ; COSTABEBER, IJONI HILDA. Chlorpyrifos pesticide promotes oxidative stress and increases inflammatory states in BV-2 microglial cells: A role in neuroinflammation. CHEMOSPHERE. v. 278, p. 130417-130420, issn: 0045-6535, 2021.
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      4. ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; CEZIMBRA WEIS, GRAZIELLE CASTAGNA ; RIGHI DA ROSA, JÉSSICA ; DA SILVA ROSA BONADIMAN, BEATRIZ ; DE OLIVEIRA ALVES, AUDREI ; CHITOLINA SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA ; RIBEIRO, EULER ESTEVES ; MELCHIORS MORSCH, VERA MARIA ; Mânica da Cruz, Ivana Beatrice. Amazon-derived nutraceuticals: promises to mitigate chronic inflammatory states and neuroinflammation. NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL. v. 148, p. 105085, issn: 0197-0186, 2021.
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        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
      6. BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; PILLAT, MICHELI M. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; REICHERT, KARINE P. ; MACHADO, VANESSA ; ASSMANN, CHARLES E. ; ULRICH, HENNING ; DUTRA, ANIELEN ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; VIDAL, TAÍS ; DA CRUZ, IVANA B. M. ; MELAZZO, CINTHIA ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO SCHAFER. Resveratrol-mediated reversal of changes in purinergic signaling and immune response induced by Toxoplasma gondii infection of neural progenitor cells. Purinergic Signalling. v. 15, p. 77-84, issn: 1573-9538, 2018.
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        [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
      8. POLACHINI, CARLA ROBERTA NUNES ; SPANEVELLO, ROSELIA MARIA ; ZANINI, DANIELA ; BALDISSARELLI, JUCIMARA ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE BELMONTE ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA CHITOLINA ; da Cruz, Ivana Beatrice Mânica ; ASSMANN, CHARLES ELIAS ; BAGATINI, MARGARETE DULCE ; MORSCH, VERA MARIA. Evaluation of Delta-Aminolevulinic Dehydratase Activity, Oxidative Stress Biomarkers, and Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurotoxicity Research. v. 29, p. 230-242, issn: 1029-8428, 2016.
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      9. Ruchel, Jader Betsch ; Rezer, João Felipe Peres ; Thorstenberg M ; SANTOS, C. B. ; CABRAL, F. ; Lopes, Sonia T. A. ; MACHADO, Angelica ; Da Cruz, Ivana B.M. ; Chitolina Schetinger, Maria Rosa ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Leal, Daniela Bitencourt Rosa. Hypercholesterolemia and Ecto-enzymes of Purinergic System: Effects of Paullinia cupana. PTR. Phytotherapy Research. v. 30, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0951-418X, 2015.
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      10. ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; Schmatz, Roberta ; CARDOSO, ANDRÉIA M. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; DE OLIVEIRA, JULIANE SORRAILA ; ROSA, MICHELLE M. ; GONÇALVES NUNES, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Rubin, Maribel A. ; DA CRUZ, IVANA B.M. ; BARBISAN, FERNANDA ; Dressler, Valderi L. ; PEREIRA, LUCIANE B. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; Gonçalves, Jamile F. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M.. Quercetin protects the impairment of memory and anxiogenic-like behavior in rats exposed to cadmium: possible involvement of the acetylcholinesterase and Na+, K+ - ATPase activities. Physiology & Behavior. v. 135, p. 152-167, issn: 0031-9384, 2014.
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      11. Farias, I.L.G. ; ARAÚJO, Maria Do Carmo ; FARIAS, J. G. ; Rossato, L.V. ; Elsenbach, L.I. ; Dalmora, S.L. ; Flores, N.M.P. ; Durigon, M. ; Cruz, I.B.M. ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Uncaria tomentosa for Reducing Side Effects Caused by Chemotherapy in CRC Patients: Clinical Trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print). v. 2012, p. ID 892182, issn: 1741-427X, 2012.
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      12. Duarte, Marta M.M.F. ; Moresco, Rafael N. ; Duarte, Thiago ; Santi, Adriana ; Bagatini, Margarete D. ; Da Cruz, Ivana B.M. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C. ; Loro, Vânia L.. Oxidative stress in hypercholesterolemia and its association with Ala16Val superoxide dismutase gene polymorphism. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 43, p. 1033-1042, issn: 0009-9120, 2010.
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      13. Duarte, Marta M.M.F. ; Rocha, João B.T. ; Moresco, Rafael N. ; Duarte, Thiago ; Da Cruz, Ivana B.M. ; Loro, Vânia L. ; Schetinger, Maria R.C.. Association between ischemia-modified albumin, lipids and inflammation biomarkers in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Clinical Biochemistry. v. 42, p. 666-671, issn: 0009-9120, 2009.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Alexandre Mazzanti (9.0)
      1. CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; BECKMANN, DIEGO ; SANTOS, ROSMARINI P. ; THOMÉ, GUSTAVO R. ; Baldissarelli, Jucimara ; Stefanello, Naiara ; ANDRADES, AMANDA ; AIELLO, GRACIANE ; RIPPLINGER, ANGEL ; LUCIO, BRUNA M. ; INEU, RAFAEL ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; MORSCH, VERA ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa ; ANDRADE, CINTHIA M.. Quercetin treatment regulates the Na + ,K + -ATPase activity, peripheral cholinergic enzymes, and oxidative stress in a rat model of demyelination. NUTRITION RESEARCH. v. 55, p. 45-56, issn: 0271-5317, 2018.
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      2. BECKMANN, DIEGO V. ; CARVALHO, FABIANO B. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; DOS SANTOS, ROSMARINI P. ; ANDRADES, AMANDA O. ; AIELLO, GRACIANE ; RIPPILINGER, ANGEL ; GRAÇA, DOMINGUITA L. ; ABDALLA, FÁTIMA H. ; OLIVEIRA, LIZIELLE S. ; GUTIERRES, JESSIÉ M. ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre. Neuroprotective role of quercetin in locomotor activities and cholinergic neurotransmission in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. Life Sciences (1973). v. 103, p. 79-87, issn: 0024-3205, 2014.
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      3. Thomé, G. ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Fiorenza, A. ; DUARTE, Marta Frescura ; da Luz, S.C.A. ; PEREIRA, Maria Ester ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina ; MAZZANTI, Cínthia M. Vitamin E Decreased the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase and Level of Lipid Peroxidation in Brain of Rats Exposed to Aged and Diluted Sidestream Smoke. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. v. 20, p. 1210-1219, issn: 1462-2203, 2011.
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      4. MAZZANTI, Cinthia Melazzo ; SPANEVELLO, Rosélia Maria ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; PEREIRA, Luciane Belmonte ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; CORRÊA, Maísa ; Schmatz R ; Stefanello N ; LEAL, D. B. R. ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Ramos A ; Martins T ; DANESI, C. C. ; GRAÇA, Dominguita Lühers ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; Neto A.G. F. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. Pre- treatment with ebselen and vitamin E modulate acetylcholinesterase activity : int eraction with demyelinating agents. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 27, p. 73-80, issn: 0736-5748, 2009.
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      5. Spanevello, Roselia M. ; Mazzanti, Cinthia M. ; Maldonado, Paula A. ; ZANIN, Rafael ; Morsch, André ; HANNEL, Laura ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Festugatto, Rafael ; Graça, Dominguita ; Schmatz, Roberta ; Loro, Vânia Lúcia ; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C. ; Morsch, Vera M. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C.. ACTIVITIES OF ENZYMES THAT HYDROLIZE ADENINE NUCLEOTIDES IN PLATELETS FROM RATS EXPERIMENTALLY DEMYELINATED WITH ETHIDIUM BROMIDE AND TREATED WITH INTERFERON-BETA. Life Sciences (1973). v. 80, p. 1109-1114, issn: 0024-3205, 2007.
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      6. MAZZANTI, C. M. A.; Roselia Spanevello ; Mushtaq Ahmed ; Roberta Schmatz ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; Fabiano Z. Salbego ; Dominguita L. Graça ; Eliza S.V. Sallis ; MORSH, André ; MORSCH, Vera Maria ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Cyclosporine A Inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 25, p. 259-264, issn: 0736-5748, 2007.
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      7. MAZZANTTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; ZENI, Gilson Rogério ; MORSCH, A. L. B. ; ZANIN, Rafael Fernandes ; BATTISTI, Vanessa ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; GONÇALVES, Jamile Fabbrin ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita Lüers ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa Chitolina. Previous treatment with ebselen and vitamin E alters adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in platelets from adult rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. v. 81, p. 1145-1159, issn: 0024-3205, 2007.
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      8. MAZZANTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia Maria ; OBREGON, Adriana ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; STREHER, Cristiane ; AHMED, Mushtaq ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Ethidium bromide inhibits rat brain acetylcholinesterase activity in vitro. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print). v. 162, n. 2, p. 121-127, issn: 0009-2797, 2006.
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      9. MAZZANTI, Cinthia ; SPANEVELLO, Roselia ; PEREIRA, Luciane ; GONÇALVES, Jamile ; KAIZER, Rosilene ; CORREA, Maísa ; AHMED, Mustaq ; MAZZANTI, Alexandre ; FESTUGATTO, Rosi ; GRAÇA, Dominguita ; MORSCH, V. M. ; SCHETINGER, Maria Rosa. Acetylcholinesterase activity in rats experimentally demyelinated with ethidium bromide and treated with interferon beta. Neurochemical Research. v. 31, p. 1027-1034, issn: 0364-3190, 2006.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Renata Assis Casagrande (3.0)
      1. BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. ; DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; DO CARMO, GUILHERME M. ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; CASAGRANDE, RENATA ; GUARDA, NAIARA S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; CAMPIGOTTO, GABRIELA ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M.. Fowl typhoid in laying hens cause hepatic oxidative stress. Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 103, p. 162-166, issn: 0882-4010, 2017.
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      2. MACHADO, A.C. ; BOIAGO, M.M. ; DO CARMO, G.M. ; BOTTARI, N.B. ; ARAUJO, D.N. ; GIURIATTI, J. ; MORSCH, V.M. ; SCHETINGER, M.R.C. ; CASAGRANDE, R.A. ; WISSER, C.S. ; STEFANI, L.M. ; ALVES, M.S. ; DA SILVA, A.S.. Anaemia, Serum Iron Concentrations and ?-Aminolevulinate Dehydratase Activity in Laying Hens Infected Naturally by Salmonella Gallinarum. Journal of Comparative Pathology. v. 155, p. 1-4, issn: 0021-9975, 2016.
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      3. DA SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. ; BOIAGO, MARCEL M. ; BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; DO CARMO, GUILHERME M. ; ALVES, MARIANA SAUZEN ; BOSCATO, CARLA ; MORSCH, VERA M. ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; Casagrande, Renata A. ; STEFANI, LENITA M.. Hepatic cholinesterase of laying hens naturally infected by Salmonella Gallinarum (fowl typhoid). Microbial Pathogenesis. v. 98, p. 93-97, issn: 0882-4010, 2016.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ João Sabino Lahorgue da Cunha Filho (2.0)
      1. WYSE, A. T. S. ; CUNHA-FILHO, J. S. L. ; SARKIS, J. J. F. ; TEIXEIRA, M. V. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; WAJNER, M. ; WANNMACHER, C. M. D.. ATP-Diphosphohydrolase Activity in Synaptosomes from Cerebral Cortex of Rats Submitted to Chemically Induced Phenylketonuria.. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso). v. 28, p. 643-649, issn: 0100-879X, 1995.
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      2. WYSE, A. T. S. ; SARKIS, J. J. F. ; CUNHA-FILHO, J. S. L. ; TEIXEIRA, M. V. ; SCHETINGER, M. R. S. ; WAJNER, M. V. ; WANNMACHER, C. M. D.. Effect of phenylalanine and its metabolites on ATP-diphosphohydrolase activity in synaptosomes from rats cerebral cortex. Neurochemical Research. v. 19, n. 9, p. 1175-1180, issn: 0364-3190, 1994.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Felipe Dal Pizzol (2.0)
      1. VALVASSORI, S. ; FORTUNATO, J. J. ; gomes k ; Rezin G ; MARTINS, M. ; gavioli e ; schtinger mr ; DAL-PIZZOL, F ; QUEVEDO, J.. Acute and Subacute Exposure to Malathion Impairs Aversive but not Non-Associative Memory in Rats. Neurotoxicity Research. v. 12, p. 71-80, issn: 1029-8428, 2007.
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      2. RAMOS, Zoraide ; FORTUNATO, Jucélia ; AGOSTINHO, Fabiano ; MARTINS, Márcio ; CORRÊA, Maísa ; SCHETINGER, M. R. C. ; DALPIZZOL, Felipe ; QUEVEDO, João. Influence of malathion on acetylcholinesterase activity in rats submitted to a forced swimming test. Neurotoxicity Research. v. 9, p. 285-290, issn: 1029-8428, 2006.
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    • Maria Rosa Chitolina ⇔ Léder Leal Xavier (1.0)
      1. RODRIGUES, FERNANDA S. ; SOUZA, MAUREN A. ; MAGNI, DANIELI V. ; FERREIRA, ANA PAULA O. ; MOTA, BIBIANA C. ; CARDOSO, ANDREIA M. ; PAIM, MARIANA ; Xavier, Léder L. ; FERREIRA, JULIANO ; SCHETINGER, MARIA ROSA C. ; DA COSTA, JADERSON C. ; ROYES, LUIZ FERNANDO F. ; FIGHERA, MICHELE R.. N-Acetylcysteine Prevents Spatial Memory Impairment Induced by Chronic Early Postnatal Glutaric Acid and Lipopolysaccharide in Rat Pups. Plos One. v. 8, p. e78332, issn: 1932-6203, 2013.
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