
The group develops methods, practices, models, IT artifacts, structured knowledge, and software systems that provide two types of contributions: 1) architecting, modelling, and developing software systems; and 2) in understanding, examining, and studying the role of software systems in leading to society & business transformation.

For achieving its objectives, the group carries out interdisciplinary research in the nexus of complex system engineering, applied software system, and society & business transformation.

The research topics are further described as follows.

Complex System Engineering (CSE)

CSE is focused on investigating analyzing, architecting, and evaluating sociotechnical systems. Ongoing research works are focused on analyzing emergent behaviour of system-of-systems; identifying the release candidate in DevOps; and allowing the modernization of software systems.

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Applied Software System (ASS)

ASS comprises research works that develop and employ software system to address real-world challenges. In this line, ongoing research works aim at developing Twitter visualization tool, as well as a software component for assessing the quality of geospatioal data.

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Society & Business Transformation (SBT)

SBT develops research works for studying and theorizing on the role of systems in society and business transformation. Ongoing works are focused on examining the organizational tensions that emerge from digital transformation.

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