Our research group bank on nature-inspired design as a premise for form, function and efficiency to be conceived as a whole. The research is carried out on the intersections between the sciences: material responsiveness, digital fabrication, biological systems and complex geometries, for minor and major projects. The design approach encourages the use of multidisciplinary skills to provide high degrees of customization and versatility in products and services. It seeks to establish new ways of representing and prototyping kinetic solutions that react to environmental stimuli via passive energy, i.e., 4D printing. The aim of our group is to mediate interactions between objects, living beings and natural or built environments, instigating the proposition of new parameters for redefining naturalness and artificiality in the 21st century and beyond. The interdisciplinary team in our group thinks outside the box and is motivated to promote disruptive innovation.

Metabolic Architecture
These are immersive installations with sensors, which react, learn and evolve with the movements of people who pass by them, and can be powered by protocells. This concept can be translated as ``metabolic architectures`` that is based on machine learning, in which artificial structures are no longer seen as inanimate and fixed objects, but living and breathing entities, capable of regeneration and growth. Concepts in opposition: naturalness x artificiality.

It aims at structural optimization via generative design for hydro and aerodynamic performance. It seeks technological innovation based on solutions observed in structures of living beings or biological systems sensitive to environmental stimuli and proposes possibilities for morphological changes with functionalities responsive to design challenges. Examples: kinetics of animals such as chiropterans and cnidarians, whose structures have changed dynamically in response to environmental changes and systemic contacts.

It is a process commonly found in nature in which the disordered parts through local interaction form an ordered structure. This phenomenon is independent of scale and can be used for self-construction and manufacturing systems, in which programmable materials respond precisely to environmental changes in temperature, humidity or level of agitation of their particles.

Additive Manufacturing
When 3D design data is used to build a component, depositing material in layers, it is commonly called 3D printing. For variety of such morphodynamic changes, joints and / or micro-actuators are also incorporated the name 4D printing. In the 4D printing, composites or multimaterials are used so that the prototype responds to stimuli by changes in humidity or temperature, that is, via passive energy. Research on green chemical materials for additive manufacturing is encouraged.
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Digital Fabrication
Also known as rapid prototyping, digital fabrication consists of producing, using computerized machines such as 3D printers, laser cutting, CNC milling ...
Learn more aboutOrigamis
Origamis, the ancient Japanese art of creating representations with the geometric folds of a piece of paper, has wide application in ...
Learn more about4D printing
4D Printing is a digital manufacturing technology that produces objects in the same three-dimensional space as the 3D Printer, the difference ...
Learn more aboutStructural Design
Structural design is the essential step in structural design in order to build an efficient structural system to provide strength and ...
Learn more aboutBiomimicry and biological systems
Biomimetics is understood as an approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by imitating the strategies and standards ...
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Principal Investigator

Profª Silvia Titotto 🇧🇷
Silvia Titotto is the founder and principal investigator of the 4D Printing and Biomimetics-4DB research group. She holds a Ph.D. from Politecnico di Torino in technological innovation and a Ph.D. from the University of São Paulo in design and architecture. She is a tenured associate professor at the Federal University of ABC and holds a permanent professorship at the Graduate Program in engineering and management of innovation. She was a visiting professor at the University of Bologna, Technical University of Silesia, Technical University of Riga, and University of Freiburg. Her research interests are biomimetics, additive manufacturing, and programmable materials.
Profª Silvia Titotto 🇧🇷PPG-INV (Innovation Engineering / Biomimetics / Design)
Prof. Magno Meza 🇵🇪PPG-MEC (Mechanical Engineering)
Profª Mathilde Champeau 🇫🇷PPG-NMA (Materials Engineering / Nanotechnology)
Prof. Gustavo Dias 🇧🇷PPG-EvoDiv (Marine Biology)

Profª Silvia Titotto 🇧🇷
Silvia Titotto is the founder and principal investigator of the 4D Printing and Biomimetics-4DB research group. She holds a Ph.D. from Politecnico di Torino in technological innovation and a Ph.D. from the University of São Paulo in design and architecture. She is a tenured associate professor at the Federal University of ABC and holds a permanent professorship at the Graduate Program in engineering and management of innovation. She was a visiting professor at the University of Bologna, Technical University of Silesia, Technical University of Riga, and University of Freiburg. Her research interests are biomimetics, additive manufacturing, and programmable materials.

Prof. Magno Meza 🇵🇪
Magno Enrique Mendoza Meza
Graduated in Electronic Engineering at the Department of Electrical-Electronic Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú (1997), Master in Electrical Engineering at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1999) UFRJ / COPPE, PhD in Electrical Engineering at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2004) UFRJ / COPPE, he was an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of ABC from 2009 to 2017 and is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of ABC since 2017. He has experience in the area of Theory of Control of Linear and Non-Linear Systems, acting mainly on the following topics: systems and control theory, interactive tools for teaching control theory.
Source: http: //lattes.cnpq.br/5702075544399664
Updated: 28/07/2020

Profª Mathilde Champeau 🇫🇷
Mathilde Julienne Gisèle Champeau Ferreira
Master in Materials Engineering (École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques ENSIACET, Toulouse, France, 2010);
PhD in Polymer Science (cotutelles between the University of Bordeaux, France and the University of Liège, Belgium, 2014); PhD at the Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas (2016).
Assistant professor at the Federal University of ABC, working at the Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences and member of the graduate program in Materials Science & Engineering (PPG-CEM).
His main research area concerns the modification of polymers using supercritical carbon dioxide, polymeric drug delivery systems, 3D / 4D printing of functional hydrogels and elastomers.
She currently supervises 3 masters and 3 graduate students (Scientific Initiation) and 3 end-of-course projects. My research group website: https://sites.google.com/view/mathildechampeaugroup
Source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3984598241182851
Updated: 28/07/2020

Prof. Gustavo Dias 🇧🇷
Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Campinas (2001), master’s (2003) and doctorate (2008), both in Ecology from the State University of Campinas and post-doctorate at the University of Queensland, Australia.
Currently Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of ABC, UFABC. He has experience in the area of zoology, especially in the taxonomy of ascidians, and in consolidated substrate ecology with an emphasis on clonal organisms.
Main interests:
1) Reproductive strategies of clonal organisms;
2) Biotic interactions (competition, predation and parasitism) as modulators of reproductive investment and the structuring of marine communities;
3) How anthropogenic changes on the coast affect the organization of the benthic community of consolidated substrate.
source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2981371189400999

Jordana Zola 🇧🇷
Master Students
Beatriz Arsuffi 🇧🇷Masters PPG-INV - UFABC
Jéssica Costa 🇧🇷Masters MAI - UFABC (CNPq & Indústria)
Ricardo Palmieri 🇧🇷Masters PPG-INV - UFABC
Leandro Vinicius Dias Castro 🇧🇷Masters PPG-INV - UFABC

Beatriz Arsuffi 🇧🇷
Beatriz Sakamoto Arsuffi
Currently an undergraduate student of both Science and Technology and Materials Engineering at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). She is a researcher at the 4D Printing and Biomimetics Research Group (4DB) at UFABC, in which she is focused on the modelling of bioinspired hydrogel nanocomposites. She also did previous research in the field of polymer blends in the Technological Development and Innovation, with PIBITI-CNPq fellowship, (2019-2020). She is a volunteer at Seiva Jr., a junior company focused on sustainability and environmental consulting, where she works in Project Management. She participated in the Academic Monitoring Program at UFABC, as a scholarship monitor in the disciplines of Quantum Physics (2019) and Structure of Matter (2020). She is interested in the areas of polymeric materials, sustainable polymers, biomimetics, bioinspired materials and materials for 4D printing.
Source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0771887326585685

Jéssica Costa 🇧🇷
Jessica Priscila de Sousa Costa
Source: http://pesquisa.ufabc.edu.br/4db/
Updated: 10/08/2020

Ricardo Palmieri 🇧🇷

Leandro Vinicius Dias Castro 🇧🇷
Graduated in Fashion – Faculdades Santa Marcelina (PROUNI 2015). She has experience in the field of Arts, with an emphasis on Arts, Design and Technology. Currently a student of the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Technology at the Federal University of ABC. He has experience in projects in Fashion, Culture and Art, also acting in autonomous experiences in different artistic languages. Conducted scientific initiation “The body of clothes: reflections on fashion and ways of life in aesthetic modernity, under the guidance of Aléxia Cruz Bretas and support from PROPES-UFABC. He presents authorial projects on platforms such as Brasil Eco Fashion Week and is currently resident stylist at Casa Creators, Brazilian authorial fashion circuit.
Undergraduate Students
Willian Padua 🇧🇷IC UFABC - FAPESP Fellowship / BEPE FAPESP at ETHZ
Anna Cecília Pereira 🇧🇷IC UFABC - FAPESP Fellowship / BEPE FAPESP at McMaster University (Canada)
Mylena Hirota 🇧🇷FAPESP Fellowship (UNESP-UFABC) / BEPE FAPESP - Nagoya University (Japan)

Anna Cecília Pereira 🇧🇷

Mylena Hirota 🇧🇷
Undergraduate student of Civil Engineering at Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP – (Guaratinguetá, SP) since 2017. Academically classified in 2nd place in her entrance class. She is currently seeking to enhance her qualifications and experience in research, particularly in the field of civil construction, cement and concrete manufacturing, and sustainability. At the moment, she is a FAPESP scholarship holder and researcher at the Federal University of ABC – UFABC
Alcilene Morais 🇧🇷Collaborator
Plínio Zanini 🇧🇷Researcher - UFABC
Paulo Valladares Soares 🇧🇷Professor Doctor - UNESP-FEG
Paulo Amaral 🇧🇷Assistant Professor - Insper (Molecular Genetics)
Lívia Alves 🇧🇷Postdoc- UFABC

Alcilene Morais 🇧🇷
Maria Alcilene Morais
PhD student in Development and Environment (PRODEMA / UFC), Master in Soil and Water Management by the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid; Graduated in Environmental Management from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte; Degree in Geography from the International University Center; Specialist in Geography and Environmental Management. acting mainly on the following topics: Water resources, solid waste management plan-PGRS, Management of protected areas, soil, wastewater, Environmental impact assessment, environmental sanitation, scientific work methodology and EMS, Biomimetics, IQA in hydrographic basins.
Source: http: //lattes.cnpq.br/0542826993625621
Updated: 01/09/2020

Plínio Zanini 🇧🇷
Plínio Rodrigues de Oliveira Zanini
Doctor from the University of Bristol, he researched the application of dielectric elastomers as generators of electrical energy. He studied Mechanical Engineering at the São Carlos School of Engineering – USP and worked as a Product Analyst at MSX International do Brasil Ltda, working in the Tatuí Test Field by Ford Motor Company, in the area of Performance and Fuel Economy. He completed his Course Completion Work in the modeling of electroactive polymers (dielectric elastomers) as actuators. He attended the third year of MEng Automotive Engineering at the University of Bath – UK, developing projects in the area of engine downsizing and also in the development of a mechanical milking prototype with embedded sensors. He undertook scientific initiation during graduation studying processes for industrial production of second generation ethanol. He participated in the EESC-USP Mileage Team, destined to the development of high efficiency vehicle prototypes, being captain of the team for two years.
Source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8681290669407189
Updated: 28/07/2020

Paulo Valladares Soares 🇧🇷
Professor of the Graduate Program in Production Engineering – Professional Master’s Degree UNESP-FEG. Doctor (2005) and Master (1990) in Geosciences from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), graduated in Geology from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1980). Until November 2007, he worked as an environmental resource analyst at the Foundation for Forestry Production and Conservation of the State of São Paulo. He has experience in Geosciences, with an emphasis on Environmental Geology, working mainly on the following topics: geotechnical map, mining, environmental education and environmental planning. Since December 2007 he has been dedicated, together with other institutions, to the conception, rationale and structuring of the Associação Corredor Ecológico do Vale do Paraíba; in 2010 he assumed the Executive Secretariat of the Association. Since April 2014, he has been an assistant professor at the São Paulo State University “Julio Mesquita Filho”, Faculty of Engineering, Guaratinguetá Campus.

Paulo Amaral 🇧🇷
Assistant Professor at Insper, teaching and researching Bioengineering. He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Brasília (2003), a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of São Paulo (2006) and a PhD in Molecular Genetics from the University of Queensland, Australia (2011). He was a University of Cambridge Research Fellow at the CRUK/Wellcome Trust Gurdon Institute and the Milner Therapeutics Institute, supported by the Royal Society and British Academy Newton International Fellowship, Corpus Christi College Research Fellowship and Borysiewicz Biomedical Sciences Fellowship. He has also worked in the Industry for Pentail Enzymes (now JĀNA BIO LTD), as a co-founder, and STORM Therapeutics Limited, as a researcher and consultant. Also as a visiting professor at several universities, including Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (Unicampus) and Humanitas University Medical School in Milan, Italy, as well as Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University, Sweden. His research has covered several mechanisms involved in the control of genome activity during embryonic development, in stem cells and in diseases, with a special focus on regulatory networks involving non-protein coding RNAs (noncoding RNAs) and their covalent modifications (RNA modifications ). Current research emphasis at Insper on the intersection of molecular biology with bioengineering and the development of techniques and analytical tools for the study of biomolecules.

Lívia Alves 🇧🇷
Lívia Alves
Updated in: 11/09/2020
Source: http://pesquisa.ufabc.edu.br/4db/
International Collaborators
Prof. Juan Carlos Arteaga 🇲🇽Professor and Researcher - - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Prof. Marcin Górski 🇵🇱Professor and Researcher - Silesian University of Technology
Prof. Modris Dobelis 🇬🇧Professor and Researcher - Riga Technical University
Prof. Satwant Rihal 🇺🇸Professor and Researcher - California Polytechnic State University
Profª Annarita Ferrante 🇮🇹Professor and Researcher - Bologna University
Prof. Shashank Shekhar 🇺🇸Professor and Researcher - Brandeis University
Prof. Chris EberlProfessor and Researcher - Fraunhofer Institute
Drª. Shadi Ostovari 🇬🇧Professor and Researcher - University Of Greenwich
Dr. Richard McIntosh 🇬🇧Researcher
Dr. Eujin Pei 🇬🇧Professor and Researcher - Brunel University
Esteban Garcia 🇲🇽Postdoc - UFABC

Prof. Juan Carlos Arteaga 🇲🇽
Juan Carlos Arteaga Arcos
He’s a PhD in Advanced Technology from Instituto Politecnico Nacional (2009).
He is currently Professor and Researcher – Exclusive Dedication at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 03/09/2020

Prof. Marcin Górski 🇵🇱
Prof. Marcin Górski
He’s a PhD in Structural Engineering – Silesian University of Technology (2005). He is currently Director of Project Management Center – Silesian University of Technology
Silesian University of Technology
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marcin_Gorski
Updated : 03/09/2020

Prof. Modris Dobelis 🇬🇧
Prof. Modris Dobelis
Teaching fundamentals of graphic communication engineering using contemporary CAD techniques. Teaching and research on the introduction of PLM and BIM concepts in the early stages of education.
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 03/09/2020
Riga Technical University

Prof. Satwant Rihal 🇺🇸
Satwant Rihal
Professor Emeritus, Architectural Engineering,
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/2053823803_Satwant_Rihal
Updated : 03/09/2020
Profile on English

Profª Annarita Ferrante 🇮🇹
Annarita Ferrante
She’s a doctor in Urban studies and Architecture – Università di Bologna (1996) and is a professor – Università di Bologna. Has experience in Architecture and Urbanism, with emphasis on Green Energy. Has a Research Gate score of 16.63. She is coordinator of International Projects financed by the European Union related to energy sustainability.
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 03/09/2020
Profile on English

Prof. Shashank Shekhar 🇺🇸
Prof. Shashank Shekhar
He’s a PhD in Nanobiophysics from the University of Twente (2012).
He’s currently a Post-doc at Brandeis University and has experience in the area of Biophysics, with an emphasis on Biomimetics.
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 03/09/2020
Profile on English

Prof. Chris Eberl
Prof. Dr. Chris Eberl, Deputy Director – Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 03/09/2020
Profile on English

Drª. Shadi Ostovari 🇬🇧
Shadi Ostovari-Dailamani
She’s a PhD in Structural and Earthquake Engineering – University College London (2010). She’s currently senior lecturer in structural engineering – University Of Greenwich.
Collaborator of the research group 4D Printing and Biomimetics at the Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 04/09/2020
Profile on English

Dr. Richard McIntosh 🇬🇧
Dr. Richard McIntosh
He’s a PhD in Mechanical Engineering – University of Manchester (1996). Has experience in Mechanical Engineering, with emphasis on Mechanical Engineering and Technological Innovation.
Collaborating researcher at the 4D Printing and Biomimetics Research Group at Federal University of ABC.
Updated : 04/09/2020
Profile on English

Dr. Eujin Pei 🇬🇧
Eujin Pei
n 2020, Eujin was appointed as a Co-Opted Council Member of the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED). He is a Member of the Institution of Engineering Designers (MIED) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is a Member of the Design Research Society (DRS) and Co-Founder of the Inclusive Design Special Interest Group. At Brunel University London, Eujin is a Committee Member for the Innovation Hub which spearheads new initiatives for student entrepreneurs. He has a track record of generating new knowledge and finding solutions for significant impact in the industry. He is active in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) and worked with BAE Systems Applied Intelligence Ltd. on several industry projects. In 2016, he was nominated for the BAE Systems Chairman’s Award that acknowledged the efforts and achievements of company partners who delivered performance and furthered the company’s values. Through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, he has collaborated with SMEs, such as L’Earth Ltd. to conceptualise, develop and retail new 3D Printing bio-materials, in which the product and packaging were recognised with an International WorldStar Award in 2014 for Design excellence. He continues to advise SMEs including Quinteassential Ltd. and Watson EP Ltd. for New Product Development projects. Between 2013-2014, he collaborated and delivered projects for the Leicester Arts and Museum Service where important historical artefacts from the Anglo-Saxon and Roman period were completely digitised and faithfully reproduced using 3D Printing. He worked with the Leicester Transport Heritage Trust to undertake projects such as to completely reverse engineer a historically important Tramcar that was accurately scaled down and 3D Printed. In 2015, he was invited to lead a Masterclass at the Royal College of Art (RCA) for the Include2015 conference on the use of 3D Printing that could support Design practice.
Brunel University
Updated : 03/09/2020

Esteban Garcia 🇲🇽
Esteban de Jesus Jimenez Garcia
He’s a master’s degree in Design – Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (2016). He is currently a member of the research group Impression 4D and Bioimetics, of the CNPq directory, at Universidade Federal do ABC. Has experience in the area of Civil Engineering, with emphasis on Biomimetics, in particular, ceramic materials.
Source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2347914046040581
Former Members
- Robson Costa Santiago – UFABC;
- Maria Isabel Dias de Oliveira – UFABC;
- Walter Matheus Damaceno – UFABC;
- Dimas Moimas Filho – UFABC;
- Gabrielle Arruda C. da Silva – UFABC;
- Kauã Gabriel Oliveira da Silva – UFABC;
- Rafaella Iskin de Almeida Carneiro – UFABC;
- Ana Caroline Muta dos Santos – UFABC;
- Douglas Vitor de Jesus – UFABC;
- Maysa Litzius Falchero – UFABC;
- Mariah Bocaletto – UFABC

Como comidas e roupas mutantes vão invadir sua vida.
A ``quarta dimensão``, na impressão 4D, é resultado de um estímulo externo que, em um intervalo de tempo, pode transformar esse objeto em uma nova estrutura. Ou seja, cada camada desses objetos é construída com o objetivo de permitir a dobra, flexão ou transformação do material em um outro formato.

There are new possibilities for self-assembly, replication, repair in our physical structures, our buildings, machines… Imagine if our buildings, our bridges, machines, all of our bricks could actually compute.

Why is geometry often described as ‘cold’ and ‘dry?’ One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, or a tree. Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line… Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.

Buildings are ‘humane’ only when they promote peaceful human co-existence.